
Ways to have a subfolder for a domain deliver content from another account's folder?

Posted by Kadence, 08-20-2009, 01:12 PM
What's the best way to have the content of the path of one account be delivered by a script on another account? For instance for to deliver content from /home/otherdir/public_html/other.php rather than from /home/example/public_html/sub1/. I've tried a simple include for a file rather than a folder (/sub1.php instead of /sub1), where for instance /home/example/public_html/sub1.php contains "include('/home/otherdir/public_html/other.php"), which works except for include path problems. If the other.php has it's own include there's an issue depending on how the include is handled - if other.php has "include('other2.php')" there's no issue, but if it uses the dot prefix "include('./other2.php')" I get failed to open stream: No such file or directory errors. Some scripts like Wordpress handle their includes with the dot prefix. I tried changing the include path in the example php script to one where the dot is explicitly specified But that didn't help. I don't know if my straight include method is the right way to do this anyway. So what's the best approach for this type of thing?

Posted by mugo, 08-20-2009, 03:54 PM
Try setting an Alias in your httpd.conf. Look at "cgi-bin" for an example.

Posted by Kadence, 08-20-2009, 08:45 PM
Thanks I seem to be having issues with rewrite rules though. If I an Alias to httpd.conf for the account 'example' That works, but if I place the following in the .htaccess for the example account It just seems to ignore that rule - the rule doesn't get activated. If I use the same rule but without the "sub1/", then it works, so there's some conflict with the usage of alias. What's the proper way to add a rewrite rule when using an Alias?

Posted by Kadence, 08-23-2009, 10:41 PM
Does anyone know the correct way to integrate rewrite rules with Aliases?

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