
nocster/ - anyone else having problems?

Posted by rkhanso, 02-04-2003, 01:38 PM
I lost contact to my account earlier today - now get the generic Apache setup page when going to my customers' web sites. It's only happening at the old nocster server at, not the new one at Also, when I check some email accounts using Outlook Express, the passwords have changed to 2 of my websites - all accounts on those 2 websites. Others are OK. It appears they have server trouble. Anyone else notice? Roger

Posted by rkhanso, 02-04-2003, 02:03 PM
Or is everyone too busy to reply because their on the phone with Burst?

Posted by twh, 02-04-2003, 02:12 PM
Yes. My passwords is not working today. I have a reseller account at / My whm ( - brick2 server) is not working today. My customers' domains which are on are not working. All domains forwarding to WHY?

Posted by rkhanso, 02-04-2003, 02:16 PM
I'm trying to figure out why. They said Sprint did some emergency maintenance this morning. Thay may have accounted for the lost contact, but now they have another problem. I have 2 personal accounts that the passwords have been changed somehow - both /cpanel and Email passwords. Luckily, I can get into both WHM's at the old server and also the new server. Also - their trouble ticketing system doesn't work - I called them. I suggest you do the same. 1-877 burstnet (whatever that figures out to be) and let them know. It didn't seem like they knew there was a bigger problem going on when I called them. Roger

Posted by rkhanso, 02-04-2003, 02:47 PM
Whatever it was, it's working now. I wonder if we'll ever know what happened? Why would our passwords not work? Roger

Posted by bhaputi, 02-04-2003, 06:04 PM
You will know what happened if you follow the support options laid out for you. If you are a nocster customer, you need to open a ticket at WHT is a great place for info, but it is not a Burst/Nocster support forum.

Posted by twh, 02-04-2003, 07:38 PM
My all accounts working now. Thank you and excuse me. Your service is the best in the world. The Reliable, Fast and Friedly Expert service.

Posted by rkhanso, 02-05-2003, 03:00 PM
Burstdan. I followed the instructions and did use the trouble ticket thingy on the website. as I mentioned in an earlier post - this affected my email (and my customers' as well) and we were not able to get email. I did not get an automated response from the ticketing system after entering 3 tickets. After the problem was fixed, I did get 3 replies from your ticketing system - but it was a little late at that time. Roger

Posted by rkhanso, 02-05-2003, 03:02 PM
I also did not mean to use this forum as nocster support. I know there's many others here that use nocster and my original question was are others having problems or know what was going on - not slamming nocster as for the most part, I'm happy with the product - it's the ticketing system support I haven't had much affection for.

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