
Reseller Hosting Questions

Posted by vision2003, 02-03-2003, 03:25 PM
Hi, Please add questions to my list on what you think I should be asking when looking for a new reseller.. Here are some of my questions: 1. What web stats software do you get and what are all its features? 2. Is there a phone no for support in the USA (esp for emergencies like server crashes) - if not how do you handle support issues and how long does it take? 3. What is your guaranteed uptime? 4. Are servers based in the USA and what speeds are they? 5. How many reseller accounts do you host on one server or per plan? - realizing that the more you have the slower the server. 6. What's the procedure for setting up new accounts ie do you set up new accounts or do I and how fast can it be done? 7. What scripts are already installed? ie formmail etc 8. If I need help as a reseller, for a script to be installed ie mysql database, form etc is this available? 9. If I were to switch from my current reseller to yours, what's the procedure, can I get help on this? Do I have to contact each client and ask them to change DNS info, contact their webmaster to reupload files to new host? 10. Security - how long have you been in business, how many resellers do you currently have and what are your future plans for growth? 11. Price of dedicated servers? 12. Where can I find testimonies from happy resellers? 13. Do you have a how-to manual? Thanks, Herman

Posted by 3listen, 02-03-2003, 03:40 PM
Just a friendly help... Question 10 and 11 are useless... because If I was running a business..i will tell you I worked how long but usually not a real number of years...and they wont tell you the price of the dedicated server! and how many people are hosted too! Those are a bit too privacy! Question 1 can be answered easily: All depends of the Control Panel you are gonna be using Question 2 and 3 IS A GOOD AND RECOMMENDED QUESTIONS TO ASK!! if they said 100% uptime..then u can answer them *bullxxxx* Question 5: I dont think they will actually tell you the exact amount of users! coz of Privacy Policy! Question 6 - 9: is okay to be asked! Question 12: is okay too Question 13: There will be a manual in the Control Panel...ur client will find out! ================== But you can ask them the following question if their site did not mention. 1. Will the price of the plan be locked for life? (so price wont change if they increase the price) 2. Do I have to prepaid yearly (Contract) 3. Are we allowed to have a php forum installed? (because it uses high% CPU) 4. How Many Domains can I be hosted? 5. Is there a Money back gurantee? How Long? Any Condition apply? 6. If the server downtime more than 1 hour..will there be any refund? =================== You can do the following..without asking Ping their server every hour....for 2 days, and see if their server running smoothly and is it up every hour! When u are getting a reseller...ofcourse u want to find a server that provides good services and then good support! SERVICE is the first u check on the service first!~ and pop into WHT..and do a search on the server you are getting...see if there are any negative comments! If anymore enquries..just write a message and ask..many WHT ppl will help you out! CheerS~

Posted by vision2003, 02-03-2003, 03:45 PM
Thanks for your feedback! Currently looking at and Any feedback on these?

Posted by 3listen, 02-03-2003, 03:53 PM
Hello again, Just go and click *seach* and find MCHost and find some feedback from there and then search for voxtreme... you will finds heaps of info from there! Recently...dont know if it was true..MCHOST having a downfall..I heard more negative news from WHT! Voxtreme..some up some down!~ So the *search* is very important key in WHT Hope you can find a stable and reliable reseller program!~ Cheers~

Posted by xirus, 02-03-2003, 04:00 PM
ask your new provider to give you a ip address to ping where you will be located so you can check the speeds etc,i am with MChost for over a year and they had their shares of ups and downs theyre stil the best value provider around IMO

Posted by TheTech, 02-03-2003, 05:49 PM
I wouldn't ask for future plans, that's like asking a supermarket what their future marketing ideas are. I know I wouldn't like to tell that kind of stuff. It's good to ask the web host how much experience their technicians have, and seeing how efficiently they respond is a good thing to look for if you're a reseller. I remember when I was a reseller with Cyberwings, 2 to 3 day response times isn't acceptable. So, ask for a guaranteed response time.

Posted by vision2003, 02-03-2003, 11:31 PM
Just discovered - looks good voxtreme - also looks good - reply was immediate, however seems many folks moved from there to above 2. Any comments on helping sort out which is best? Thanks, Herman

Posted by RossMAN, 02-03-2003, 11:58 PM
I would take a serious look at either Voxtreme or HTTPme.COM if you want a reliable quality webhost reseller. That's just my own personal opinion.

Posted by Infinite Tim, 02-04-2003, 12:59 AM
I've been with MCHost for about a year now, but communication has been horrible lately - hell, a lot of people are having trouble even getting access to their new billing and trouble-ticket system. On top of that, a lot of us were double-billed this month and got the run-around when it came to refunds. Basically, I think MCHost just got too big too fast, and now I'm in the process of switching to Dathorn. They're quite a bit smaller (and cheaper) but the servers seem more reliable (less downtime) and support communication through tickets, the forum, and even AIM has been excellent so far. Hell, I can't figure out when Andrew sleeps. Anyway, I'd stay away from MCHost and look for a smaller provider that can give you a little more attention when you have a problem.

Posted by Southernman, 02-05-2003, 03:44 AM
I am sooo pleased to hear you say this!

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