
Spam Killers

Posted by dsainternet, 08-22-2002, 02:14 PM
Like many of you, I'm sure, I get tons of spam every day in my inbox. Has anyone found a good method for cutting some of this crap out? What's really annoying is that it's usually the same messages. Any ideas? Suggestions?

Posted by BeDifferentSolutions, 08-22-2002, 02:38 PM
Are you looking at the client level or server/network level?

Posted by dsainternet, 08-22-2002, 03:20 PM
Primarily client...

Posted by cyberdao, 08-23-2002, 02:21 AM
Did you try mailwasher at ? It looks very simple, but does a great job! You can even bounce mails back or auto-delete them, have a friends and a spammer list. Simple, but efficient.

Posted by mk123, 08-23-2002, 01:42 PM
maiwasher is good, but seems takes long time in reading the headers. If u have 100 over emails and dialup... then gonna good slow. any other suggestions?

Posted by MCHost-Marc, 08-23-2002, 02:06 PM
Does you provider have Spam Assassin installed on the server? It works great

Posted by mk123, 08-23-2002, 02:22 PM
yeah its installed on one server as it comes with Cpanel... but of of our customer installed it and faced some problems of not getting email so i didn't venture out. But one of my Win@K account don't have any SPAM killer etc... so looking for some external agency

Posted by Jburnley, 08-23-2002, 04:23 PM
CPANEL has it installed but it has not seemed to work for us even when activated. Does anyone know of a Spam Killer that works on a network and not a client basis?

Posted by AlaskanWolf, 08-23-2002, 06:55 PM
spam assassin really does nothing more then consume huge resources anyone else have anything that is server side and works well with ensim?

Posted by BeDifferentSolutions, 08-23-2002, 07:21 PM After a few weeks of testing, we just did full intigration with all our shared Ensim boxes. Since we intigated it, we have seen hundreds of bounced e-mails a day on each server. Even customers have noticed a decrease in Spam. It is also not to intrusive against legit IPs. Not like Spam Cop or other RBLs. We have started to notice that the ones that get through and are not on ORDB, are on OsiruSoft's Database. We may start to test that one too to further decrease the amount of Sapm hitting our boxes. The big issue is not blocking legit IPs. I hate some of those vigilante DBs out there that do not work with people who are on their list - guilt by association. ORDB seems to be fair and you can easily be removed as we have seen.

Posted by WHRKit, 08-23-2002, 10:18 PM
I use this Outlook plugin to catch spam and it does a great job.

Posted by ho247, 08-24-2002, 05:54 AM
I wouldn't SpamAssassin that's included in CPanel since I'e heard that it deletes important e-mails aswell as real spam. Also, since it's at server level, it's hard for you to check the spam that it deletes, to see if it really is spam or just a new contact e-mail address that's sent you an e-mail. So I recommend getting a product that works a the client level. I've tested three products and the third product is simply amazing as it really works in determining spam from all the emails that you get. First let me tell you about what I have... I'm using MS Outlook 2000 and receive about 100 spam e-mails a day. I used to go through each one and then add it to the spam e-mail block list, which din't work very well since I just get new spam each day from different email addresses. The 3 products that I tried are McAfee SpamKiller, LanSuite 2002 and Postal Inspector... I've done my best to write a small review on each one: McAfee SpamKiller Price: $29.95 I added this at the client level with Outlook 2000 and tested it for a few days, it didn't work too well as the spam e-mails were getting through, it did block a few though (lol). The interface wasn't that good, the way it was setup was confusing to use as it checks your POP email accounts and deletes all emails that it thinks is spam, then you can use Outlook to check the POP account again to get the important e-mails. So if Outlook checked before SpamKiller, you'll just get the spam emails. Out of 10, I would give this 4. LanSuite 2002 Price: Free (5 User Version) This was added at a sort of server level, as I set up a local web/email server so that LanSuite would collect all the emails for me and remove any spam emails with the in-built spam filter, and then I would set Outlook 2000 to collect my email from the local email server. Now the problem with this product is that it's got some bugs in it, such as emails being sent twice or sometimes getting a timeout connection... but even worse, the spam filtering didn't even work (well I couldn't get it to work here), it just let ALL emails through. Rating? Well... out of 10... 1, because I liked the way it collected the email so it stores it locally. At the end I decided to get rid of this software since it wasn't reliable. Postal Inspector Price: $19.95 (with $10 coupon on website) This is the software that I'm using now and have used for the past few weeks. All I can say is that I'm VERY impressed by how accurate it is. It removes virtually ALL spam e-mails so it's saved me lots of time. Out of the 100 spam emails that I receive, it sometimes might not recognise one or two emails as spam, but that's fine... as you can just click on button and it's defined as spam . This product nicely integrates into Outlook 2000/2002, with added menus and also it starts up when you open Outlook and exits when you close Outlook. The topic of this thread is to recommend a spam filtering software, so I would highly recommend Postal Inspector by GIANTcompany... and for the rating, I give it 11 out of 10 (it really is that good) . Oh, every few days I also take a look at the quarantine folders that Postal Inspector puts the spam emails in, since I like to make sure that no important emails are deleted (then I just delete them manually in one go). Alan

Posted by Diana777, 08-24-2002, 06:45 AM
I tried Postal Inspector as well... the problem I had with it is that it was just as much work monitoring its results as it is to just delete the spam in the first place.... But the software itself is designed well enough, and shows enough potential, that I wrote the creator, Andrew, and told him I was going to discontinue using his product, but he could keep the $19.95 for further research (i.e., forget the refund guarantee). I am presently using Mailwasher... I like the fact that it runs as a mailchecker without having to open Outlook Express... It collects all the mail, lets me preview it and mark the spam for "bounce" and/or "delete".... Also, it's free... DD

Posted by ho247, 08-24-2002, 06:50 AM
I've got to the point that I trust Postal Inspector a lot now... so it takes only a few seconds every few days to skim through the subject lines and from fields of the quarantined emails. Overall, it's probably saved me a few hours each week. Alan

Posted by Diana777, 08-24-2002, 07:03 AM
That's cool... I've been using Mailwasher for about seven hours straight now... this is Saturday morning where I am... weekends, especially overnight, are "prime time" for spammers... for the last couple of hours, the spam on my computer has already begun to drop off... Mailwasher only has to bounce once, it seems... I had problems with Postal Inspector "bounces" taking hold, even though I liked the fact the feature was accessible through the toolbar... You might as well try it, so you can include it in your next excellent reviews... I totally agree with you about McAfee's Spamkiller... overhyped at their site... DD

Posted by ho247, 08-24-2002, 07:12 AM
I've just taken a look at Mailwasher and looked at the screenshots... it seems that you can review which emails are possible spam etc. Postal Inspector has nearly got to the point were I don't even worry about spam anymore, I just let it do its job . I'm definitely happy with it and you seem to be happy with Mailwasher, so I guess the two recommended products here are these two that dsainternet should test. I might try it when I get time, but I just don't want to mess with the great setup I've got here now . Good to see that we agree on one thing, lol. Alan

Posted by cyberdao, 08-24-2002, 06:18 PM
ho247 and diana777, I agree with you that McAfee's Spamkiller does not work that good, I could not bounce message, also the McAfee support generally sucks. I am currently using Mailwasher and like it because of its simplicity and effectiveness. But the Postal Inspector looks good, too. I like the fact that it integrates with Outlook directly. I will give it a try, too. Thanks for the link!

Posted by dsainternet, 08-24-2002, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the input, I guess I'll start with Postal Inspector and MailWasher and see what happens!

Posted by cactus, 08-28-2002, 07:01 AM
Hi, You didn't mentioned what email client you are using. Anyways, if you are using Outlook Express, just go to "Tools -> Message Rules -> Block Senders List" enter the domain name or IP to block it and they won't bother you ever again. It will bounce those emails back to them. Regards

Posted by mk123, 08-28-2002, 07:24 AM
but the problem is u have to download things first in Outlook to know. After u come to know then u block. And if the SPAM contains any virri or hacking thing then ur for a toss. As in any case Outlook especially is so prone to virus, hacking etc. IMO

Posted by ho247, 08-28-2002, 07:49 AM
That's why I've got Norton Internet Security 2002 installed too, which checks for viruses as Outlook downloads them off the mail server, works great. Alan

Posted by cactus, 08-28-2002, 10:06 AM
You are correct ho247 an alternative is to install ZoneAlarm which protects your pc including your email. Url: Oh, I forgot, if you don't want to buy the pro version, download the free version which should be sufficient enough to protect your pc/email. Regards Last edited by cactus; 08-28-2002 at 10:15 AM.

Posted by mk123, 08-28-2002, 04:21 PM
In my opinion Zonealarm also has limitations, as u allow zonealarm for Outlook, and the hacker code also takes control of Outlook and use it as carrier to spread out. Though i also use free zonealarm for long time but NOT Outlook! Yeah my Norton Antivirus also takes good care... anyway i think we're drifting little bit away by this alarmzone and Nortom

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