
$50 Commission from Infinology from CJ

Posted by caseman, 07-08-2002, 03:14 PM
I was taking a look at CJ and I saw that Infinology was giving $50 for each account sold.. isn't this the highest.. i mean higher than ipowerweb's $40?

Posted by Synwave, 07-08-2002, 03:20 PM
What size and what is the cost of the package you have to sell for them?

Posted by caseman, 07-08-2002, 03:31 PM
it seems to work for practically anything on the website when i tried it. and it's $50 just the first account

Posted by josephmonuit, 07-10-2002, 04:45 AM
Who cares? $50 setup fee. WHT says they suck (hard). Why promote them.

Posted by caseman, 07-10-2002, 05:15 AM
they sell well for me though.

Posted by josephmonuit, 07-10-2002, 09:09 PM
k. guess u like to f*k your visitors... or have u had good experience with infinology?

Posted by caseman, 07-10-2002, 10:37 PM
their control panel is the best I've used

Posted by porcupine, 07-10-2002, 11:35 PM
good control panels are one thing, but only usefull if they can be accessed

Posted by flashgear, 07-16-2002, 05:35 PM
I have been trying to mail them regarding Hosting plans ... that too Dedicated Servers or VPS , and they aren't just answering

Posted by ATST, 07-16-2002, 07:00 PM
flashgear, there is your answer then.

Posted by flashgear, 07-17-2002, 04:19 AM
eh ??

Posted by ATST, 07-17-2002, 01:33 PM
No answer = NO I mean how can they sell you something if they do not answer you?

Posted by AstroPhysics, 07-19-2002, 04:50 AM
Infinology's plan is starting to get popular. They are the hot deal of the day on and although they are new their Network payout to affiliates on CJ is rather high for a new guy. Earthlink which also offers $50 commission isn't getting anything for their Network earnings. I guess its because their hosting is so expensive. Is anyone selling Ipowerweb's product? They give out $40, is there hosting even selliing? I guess my question is, is anyone making money of Ipowerweb's hosting package?

Posted by caseman, 07-23-2002, 01:40 AM
Infinology's affiliate actually done pretty well for me.. I don't know if it's the 5 year cookie duration but that seems pretty good for me.. I like to make money off my clients for up to 5 years

Posted by OzyWebHost, 07-23-2002, 04:55 AM
I've sent ipowerweb some clients in the past and they report they are happy - and I got my $160 drinking silver. They've had a big change in operations with an energetic guy controlling affiliates but I've got to admit to being concerned over the spamming issue. It was an affiliate but I still haven't heard of them stopping it.

Posted by universal2001, 07-23-2002, 05:43 AM
LOL has anyone seen their SPECIAL promo? 50GB traffic, 5000mb space for $6.95/mo What a load of BS!

Posted by caseman, 07-23-2002, 05:05 PM
do you mean Infinology or ipowerweb OzyWebHost?

Posted by OzyWebHost, 07-23-2002, 05:41 PM
Sorry caseman - ipowerweb - through affiliate program after directing my clients to them back in Feb this year

Posted by caseman, 07-31-2002, 06:09 AM
ipowerweb has 2 affiliate, one on cj and their own.. which is better? u know?

Posted by OzyWebHost, 07-31-2002, 06:39 AM
I didn't know about the CJ one caseman - I used their direct affiliate program. I haven't heard any bad reports from the guys I passed over to ipowerweb to this date

Posted by Ree, 08-14-2002, 04:39 PM
I'm new to this forum but from what I have seen I feel I can add my imput. I use infinology's affiliate program for a lot of reasons, some being.. A) They give a 50$ commison for each account sold. (who couldn't use an extra 10 bucks?) where as ipowerweb, it's competitor offers 40. Also, from what I was told, I can raise that commision fee if I sell more packages, which also sounds more apealing than what I've seen elsewhere. Secondly, B) Their plan is for 6.95, not 7.95 like Ipowerweb's... and even though it's just a dollar, my clients have been happy with the fact they're getting 9 gigs of hard drive space for 6.95 a month. Overal I've made over a 5 digit profit off their affiliate program.. so I'm happy with it, I'd suggest it.

Posted by BeDifferentSolutions, 08-15-2002, 02:58 PM
Can you post your URL please? I want to see how you set it up on your site. Thanks. Also, if you don't mind sending your customers to what I feel are a bunch of lying, cheating thieves, then I guess that is your deal. 9 GBs. Yeah right. Total BS. So, from the sounds of it, you have customers using 9 GBs. I would love to talk to one. Maybe you could post that if you don't mind. Thanks. I am sure this is a valid post, because only a scum bag would post something like this if they actually owned that host. Know what I mean?

Posted by drti, 08-15-2002, 04:44 PM
spam isn't good, money is though.

Posted by caseman, 08-27-2002, 04:42 PM
wow.. they offer $39 dedicated servers now for affiliates and they gave $50 back..

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