
PerlBill, ModernBill or nothing?

Posted by linnemeyer, 08-17-2002, 03:33 PM
Hi all .. I am looking at possibly getting Modernbill or Perlbill for my new host/web design business and am also looking at the optioin of getting neither in the beginning. Can someone please give me the low down on these options? Are these products needed or can I do what I need to do in WHM? Thank you. Jeff

Posted by Rochen, 08-17-2002, 03:53 PM
That all depends on what you "need to do". Are you looking for a complete billing management solution or just a facility to add, remove accounts etc. ?

Posted by linnemeyer, 08-17-2002, 07:00 PM
Yes .. I should have stated that more clear. I am sure I could get away with just using the WHM and manually taking care of everything, but I guess what I am asking is that if PerlBill (which I am leaning towards) or ModernBill is worth the couple hundred dollars to appear more professional and save a lot of time when I get busy? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by mikeknoxv, 08-17-2002, 07:28 PM
I leaned away from PerlBill simply because it does not support credit card transactions, and is still pretty expensive. In the end I bought phpmanager( For only $30, it's nothing extremely fancy, as the developer has stated here, but it has enough to get the job done.

Posted by MBill Admin, 08-19-2002, 11:58 PM
linnemeyer, I have to agree... depends on what you want to do. Please send a ticket to us stating the features you are looking for and we'll be happy to chat with you about ModernBill. Sincerely, ModernBill .:. Support Team

Posted by smidwap, 08-20-2002, 12:03 AM
Woo...that previous post by MBill Admin is cutting it close as an advertisement, which isn't allowed in this forum! Oh well, at least I hope it helps linnemeyer.

Posted by MBill Admin, 08-20-2002, 12:14 AM
ouch, sorry smidwap... no harm intended ModernBill .:. Support Team

Posted by kshego, 08-25-2002, 05:45 AM
There is a night and day difference between the pricing of the two...

Posted by MBill Admin, 08-25-2002, 11:06 AM
kshego, You really should demo each product, and evaluate what you are getting for your money. ModernBill .:. Support Team

Posted by Akash, 08-25-2002, 12:53 PM
very very true... I would recommend using ModernBill, for the money it is well worth it! Although it does not automatically create accounts for you, it handles invoicing and payments very well.

Posted by bvanderwerf, 08-25-2002, 06:23 PM
To use ModernBill or PerlBill, you still need to have your own merchant account and payment processor (e.g., correct? What are the benfits/drawbacks of going this route, as opposed to the RevECom/2Checkout approach? --Bruce

Posted by MadPinger, 08-27-2002, 06:23 AM
I suggest trying H-Spere because it is full of features that will blow away cpanel/whm and any other current control panels. It is a little hard at first if you aren't technically savvy, but it is definitely better and cheaper in the long run. You have automated billing, helpdesk, and hosting to name a few. You don't have to purchase phpmanager, perldesk, or billmanager because those features are alreay built in. It also has a lot more features that i didn't mention. That's my $.07

Posted by David_Kiofly, 08-27-2002, 12:28 PM
From the forum rules: Participants may only discuss details about their company and/or product offerings when the thread starter or poster has made direct reference to their company and stated something untrue or misleading or something which clearly needs clarifying, the response must be in direct reference to the point discussed only and contain no added promotional information and/or fluff. It is advisable when in the above scenario to contact us first. I could be wrong, but it's seems to me that Modernbill's post follows the above just fine.

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