
Experiences with

Posted by John123, 07-25-2002, 11:26 PM
Experiences with (I believe the owner is 'Ray Cuzzart II') I began service on 3/28/2002 as a reseller account I am ending my account after 4 months of service. At time of posting I have been unable to contact Ray to find out what is going on, so he may have a legitimate personal reason for not being available for contact and not maintaining the services on his server. I also have not been able to directly contact him to communicate my account cancellation. List of experiences: - Checking and sending my email has given me errors or failed many times throughout the life of my account, while accounts on other servers (before, during and after) have given me no problems. I was told this was on my end only, but I have not experienced the problem anywhere else. - Serious problems have been fixed within a couple days of emails and calls. It can be impossible to contact when an urgent error comes up. (such as not being able to setup a new site on my account due to a server side configuration problem) Most general inquiries have been ignored or lost. - Email was non-functional for about a week in the middle of my 4 months, and then again for about two weeks following the cancellation of my account. Note: The uptime guarantee only covers the http service. Unfortunately disappointed, John Welborn P.S. Although I do hope that nothing has happened in his personal life to cause this.

Posted by John123, 07-29-2002, 02:35 AM
I have used email and phone messages to communicate my cancelation. But I have been charged for next month on my credit card. I have been unable to get a responce from anyone, however I am happy with my new provider. I will post any new problems or resolutions here.

Posted by MAX POWER, 07-29-2002, 09:31 AM
I had a similar experience with cwdhost. Their plans and setup where fine but communication was lacking. I had to cancel but for different reasons. MAX POWER

Posted by NexDog, 07-29-2002, 09:40 AM
Shame, I know Ray from the Plesk forums. He seemed like his company was straight up.....

Posted by TimPD, 07-29-2002, 02:17 PM
I have talked to Ray online previously. According to my last convo with him he has been swapped in Programming Jobs.

Posted by edude, 07-29-2002, 02:28 PM
Well than he should have hired Timmah to take care of support

Posted by TimPD, 07-29-2002, 02:46 PM
Amen to that .

Posted by edude, 07-29-2002, 02:54 PM
Or you could have offered him a partnership

Posted by John123, 07-31-2002, 12:16 AM
How long should I wait before I resort to a chargeback? I figure till the middle of this next month, two weeks or so. I'd hate to have to.

Posted by John123, 08-11-2002, 08:07 PM
Has anyone been able to contact ray recently?

Posted by MAX POWER, 08-11-2002, 09:15 PM
Hi, John 123. As said earlier, I had an account with CWDhost. I cancelled my account because an upstream provider problem was affecting the WHM/CPanel server. That was in June. Perhaps this was the same reason you were having problems? Because of the server issue I was not able to use my account. Ray kindly offered an account on a Plesk server but I preferred not. I cancelled and received a refund promptly. I hope you will be able to contact Ray and resolve your issue. MAX POWER

Posted by John123, 08-22-2002, 02:44 PM
Update: 's server is now down. I still have not been able to contact them, I sure hope I don't get charged again. 6 days till the normal charge date.

Posted by TimPD, 08-24-2002, 04:41 AM
Down again whoops.

Posted by HostingDotExpress, 08-24-2002, 04:48 AM
I used to host with them, I used them for about a year without mishap. However when my design company went under I needed to cancel. I sent them 3 faxes to cancel with signature and everything on the fax, and they never cancelled my account. They kept charging my credit card. Finally after 5 months I sent them my CC statement highlighting their charge and the original day I had told them i wanted to cancel. Funny how people respond when you mention legal action.

Posted by ravemasta, 08-27-2002, 07:25 AM
Has anyone had any contact with I have a reseller account and have been offline for a week. Phones are down, email bounces back. It would be good if I could get my database before I moved providers.

Posted by ravemasta, 08-27-2002, 07:29 AM
I would also like to add this quote from the following post "Onething I didn't see posted along with all the other great examples and comments here is to put yourself in your current or potential clients shoes. You need to think of yourself as a customer first ask yourself what you would expect if you were looking for a hosting company. Just having someone there to answer the phone, live chat, support tickets or whatever the case may be does not mean the support you are giving makes the customer feel good. Does not mean they will stay with you. Communication with your client is important, but it has to be knowledgable, CURTIOUS support, going that extra mile and doing things other hosts may not do such as fixing a script a clients has installed and just cannot getting it working right for FREE instead of saying "We can fix this for you but there will be a $50/per half hour with a half hour minimumn" Now this fix tokk you or your staff a total of say 5 minutes maybe to fix but instead of being helpful because you wanted to make an extra buck. Sometimes you need to think of what you would want as a client and then act upon your clients in the same manner. If any of this doesn't make since excuss me as it is late and I am a bit droggy, but could not resist the post. Regards, Ray"

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