
WebHostCharge vs RevECom vs 2CheckOut?

Posted by bvanderwerf, 08-24-2002, 11:05 PM
I'm looking for a payment system that will support a limited number of products, plus web hosting as a reseller. Is there any significant difference between HostCharge, RevECom, and 2Checkout? It sounds like with all three systems, you need to use their online forms and store your 'catalog' in their system. Do any of them allow you to do your own shopping cart and customer management and simply pass the charges through to them for verification and processing? --Bruce

Posted by MAX POWER, 08-24-2002, 11:49 PM
I have accounts with Revecom and 2Checkout and they are both excellent. I do find though that Revecom's product management and setup a little easier to use. The transaction fees are similar. The other company mentioned I have no experience with. If you were choose Revecom or 2Checkout, it would not matter, you would be well served by either. MAX POWER

Posted by Aussie Bob, 08-25-2002, 12:13 AM
No problems with Revecom [] here.

Posted by SoftWareRevue, 08-25-2002, 12:24 AM
Revecom has been implementing features hosts need. We find them to be excellent in terms of service and support as well.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 08-25-2002, 12:30 AM
At the risk of a thread diversion what's the deal with Revecom and Is Revecom a reseller/partner of

Posted by Rochen, 08-25-2002, 12:31 AM
We have been using Revecom for the past 6 months without any problems

Posted by bvanderwerf, 08-25-2002, 12:34 AM
Okay, but is there any difference between how they work? In other words, do they all require that you use their forms and store your 'catalog' in their system? --Bruce

Posted by Rochen, 08-25-2002, 12:35 AM
Might want to give this recent thread a read, bit of info about HostCharge and Revecom []:

Posted by Geek3, 08-25-2002, 12:54 AM
Well.. see i have a problem with revecom... it doesnt currently support future billing (PARAMOUNT reoccuring billing feature). I signed up and quickly discovered that not only did it not support it, but also it didnt have a proper reoccuring billing. It limits you to the amount of times it reoccurs. If you dont mind going to each account and updating the amount of reoccurances, then yeah, its ok... i had to decline. THUS the quest went on. Then went to Host Charge (no setup) and got set up. Hmmm.. they seem to be busy with MCC. SO, then i went with ModernBill (a reseller of Now, I wont say anything but check em out. Its a complete billing center (more sophisticated than anything i've seen [perlbill, etc], intigrates with CPanel and supports the reoccuring billing that i need (with the future billing support). AND with the purchase of modernbill, they'll set you up with with no setup fees (big blessing there). Now.. where you go is up to you because EACH center is for different people. MB is just for me.

Posted by cactus, 08-25-2002, 01:24 AM
I used 2checkout and very pleased with their service. I understand Hostcharge is also good. Revecom? don't like them.

Posted by chrisb, 08-25-2002, 01:26 AM
What's's rates for MC/Visa - 2.25%? 5%? I couldn't find that info. I don't understand it. Is modernbill a merchant acct, 3rd party like revecome, or something else?

Posted by AussieHosts, 08-25-2002, 02:54 AM
They are one and the same Bob. The same way that Hostcharge have as the site for end users to use, is intended to be the end users area for payments through Revecom where they can view their billing history and update their details (credit card, etc). Chrisb, ModernBill is not a payment processing system as such mate. It's a piece of billing software, which has some built in supoprt for existing billing systems such as Cheers Gary

Posted by Amir, 08-26-2002, 08:25 PM
I agree. We've been working with Revecom for almost a year, and quite happy with their service and support. Very reliable, easy to use and high performance. Also compare to others, they have very reaonable costs. My vote goes for Revecom.

Posted by Wazeh, 08-26-2002, 08:55 PM
with 2checkout, you can setup your products in any shopping cart (as long as they are not recurring).

Posted by David@Digisurge, 08-26-2002, 09:48 PM
Modernbill doesn't support Cpanel yet that I know of. Support will be included with the new API. And for the person asking what Modernbill is... It is a software package that interfaces with a number of payment gateways like and ECHO.

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