
Reselling domains

Posted by Pere, 08-14-2002, 03:20 PM
Hi friends, I am a reseller and would like to find a Company allowing me to transparently sell domains from my site. I woud like my clients pay me through my account in PayPal and I pay the domains provider. On the other hand, I would like to be able to give my clients a way to control their domain. Do you know any company like that ? Thanks for your time ! Pere

Posted by DotComster, 08-14-2002, 05:40 PM
I'm sure one of these has what you're looking for: - I think?

Posted by johnder, 08-14-2002, 05:53 PM is good, but their web site is based on a template common to all resellers. Any domain reseller program should offer some way to fully customize or integrate their system with your web site. I'm currently using and it is pretty good so far, but they do all the credit card and order processing and give you what you earn over their piece. Good luck!

Posted by MAX POWER, 08-14-2002, 10:37 PM
Dotster have a good one. They are not the cheapest but they are reliable and have the features that you will need. Startup is free. Their control panel interface is easy to use and comprehensive. They have a lot of options for domains and addons too. Enom is good too but will cost you $500 to start up. MAX POWER

Posted by zoli, 08-15-2002, 03:56 AM
No, enom won't cost you $500... Just go with a reseller and you can have very low rates for a small setup fee ($10-$20).

Posted by ATST, 08-15-2002, 09:36 AM
Oh, yeah, name one good reseller that has a small setup fee ($10-$20).

Posted by ckpeter, 08-15-2002, 11:43 AM
Search the forum archive, you will find plenty. Pere, do you have to accept payment through paypal? Enom doesn't provide support for paypal directly. You maybe able to work it out by pre-loading your account with money, setup access to the API, and accept registration with payment from paypal. Peter

Posted by johnder, 08-15-2002, 12:31 PM
Anyone know of any good .ca reseller programs?

Posted by wmac, 08-15-2002, 04:24 PM
How is wildwest's service quality in comparison to enom? Is it possible to create nameservers from inside control panel? (Add, Remove or modify name servers)? Enom lacks such a feature yet. Mac

Posted by ckpeter, 08-15-2002, 04:26 PM
I believe I saw a name server creation page in enom, but I have not used it. Peter

Posted by DesElms, 08-15-2002, 05:27 PM
AQHost's "Basic Reseller Plan." Is its $9.99 setup fee close enough to "$10-$20" for you? And I don't think anyone in these forums would argue that AQHost's owner, Simon, is a "good" eNom reseller. That seems fairly indisputable to me. Or how about DNClub's "Pro Member" plan with it's $19.95 setup fee? That's pretty close to "$10-$20" isn't it? And though they're kinda' new to the game, from my talks with them they seem pretty serious about customer service -- which is just about the only thing a "good" eNom reseller needs to be good at, isn't it? And there are others... many others. But few with domain costs as low as those two. Let's see... hmm... oh, yeah... there's also DotJunction and its "Reseller #1" plan. Its $10 one-time setup fee certainly appears to qualify as being in the "$10-$20" range, doesn't it. The only thing you might have me on regarding them is whether or not they're "good" as you define it. I don't really know anything about DotJunction other than at $7.10 its "Reseller #2" plan is about as low as a domain can possibly be priced from an eNom reseller. I've heard nothing bad about DotJunction, mind you, but I'd need to have a chat with them before I could say that they're "good." I suspect they're alright. But, again, I'd need to talk with them first before making that statement with certainty. You wrote, " one..." Well, I just named at least two. And, depending on how much importance you place on the word "good" and whether you require that I actually know they're good or whether you'll allow me to just pretty much think they probably are, I might have named three.

Posted by DesElms, 08-15-2002, 05:32 PM
First of all, WildWest is GoDaddy -- one in the same. WildWest is not a reseller of GoDaddy. WildWest is, just for the record, GoDaddy. Just FYI. It most certainly does not! One can create nameservers in one's account on the eNom web site with no problem whatsoever. In fact, as I look at the domains page of the eNom web site, there it is: The "register DNS" sub-menu item -- the second-to-last sub-menu item under the "domain names" main menu category. Now, if you mean that registering a nameserver is not possible using the generic, tan control panel found either at or in any Registry Rocket interface, then, yes, you're right. In that case, if the eNom reseller wants his customer to have that ability, he (the eNom reseller) would need to go ahead and create a retail account for his customer and give him/her a log-in ID and password that will work directly on the eNom web site. Thereafter, the customer would probably never want to use the generic, tan interface again anyway. Or, if you mean that nameserver creation does not appear possible via eNom's PDQ interface, then that appears to be true as well. But any PDQ user's log-in ID and password will work directly on the eNom web site -- where, of course, one can set up a nameserver with no problem. Last edited by DesElms; 08-15-2002 at 05:47 PM.

Posted by wmac, 08-16-2002, 12:32 AM
Gregg Thank you very much for covering everything about enom reseller accounts. I received all answers. Thank you, Mac

Posted by zoli, 08-16-2002, 03:10 AM
You can create nameservers with enom. As many as you want....

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