
Any Windows multi - domain hosting companies?

Posted by Aquamarina, 07-24-2002, 03:00 PM
Hello from Greece! I am a programmer, who most of the days writes vbscript and database code, ASP in simple words. I have around 10 sites -and there will be more- and I am seeking for a hosting company which will provide Windows Hosting, 1GB or more of space, bandwidth more than 25 and of course can host more than one domains! I also want a reasonable price! Oh, and my last wish is, that company to be reliable and prompt-I prefer spending my money to hosting rather than to phones, trying to see why my sites are down! I searched in many "compare" sites, but most of them are not updated. Since now I have concluded in two companies. DPN ( and . Any idea if they are good? Any ideas of other companies? Thanks!

Posted by EasySite, 07-24-2002, 06:49 PM is very good about new software updates, and quick customer support. They have a forum section on the site availiable to the public. The news section is updated regularly. The control panel is Hsphere. This gives them the ability to offer a turnkey system to resellers, which includes automatic setup for customers paying by credit card, without any interaction from you. It can also be set to moderate every order, if wanted. Hsphere also includes an integrated support ticket system. So that would be 1 vote for

Posted by Aquamarina, 07-24-2002, 06:58 PM
I host my sites in 2globalmart for the time being, which uses the hsphere control panel, and I must admit that this is the best I've ever seen. No one wants his clients to call him all the time in order to just add an email! So yes I agree about Hsphere. Support is a very crucial matter for me... Many times I asked 2globalmart if some things were supported, not how to do them, and they didn't know! So, your point was very important. Thanks!

Posted by Everyday, 07-24-2002, 10:15 PM
I'd give matrixreseller a shot. They were hosting with windows before linux and free bsd so they hae a lot of experience with it. Plus Brad and the guys are great with support.

Posted by Aquamarina, 07-25-2002, 09:46 AM
Ok! That makes it 2 votes! I' ve asked DPN something about shopping cart 1 week ago. I still wait for the answer. However, in other posts I saw reffering to other companies, but they were all unix based! It's cheaper I agree, but better? No way! Anyway, are there any other companies good at Windows reselling?

Posted by Stajua, 07-26-2002, 10:51 AM
also I'm looking for a windows reseller since one month. and matrixreseller are the most talked solutions.. aqua tell me pls which will be your decision.. kalimera

Posted by EasySite, 07-26-2002, 02:44 PM
Choosing a reseller plan that works for your needs is very important. I can tell you from experience, switching all your customers to a new server and a different control panel can be a complete nightmare. Take into consideration your business plan, what type of customers are you going to atract and what your needs are in the future. My mistake was only looking at the current needs and miscalculating how many customers I would actually have. Most companies offer a starter reseller plan, but make sure to really take a look at what happens after you reach the limit of the top plan. What are the prices involved in adding more space and bandwidth? We are currently transferring customers away from a plan because they charge (this is not a typo) $5 per Meg for additional space, and $10 per Gig of aditional bandwidth traffic. Even if you choose to do it as part time or a hobby, it is almost guaranteed that you will outgrow the starter plan at some point. I can recomend that you use because they also run This gives you the ability to continue your business beyond the reseller stage and stay with the same company.

Posted by Aquamarina, 07-26-2002, 07:34 PM
To be accurate, how many sites do u know which use more than 50 MB? Even mine, which are full of programming, hardly go so much. So my plans will be for 50MB to 1GB, but I except many of my customers to need the 50 or 100 MB. And if someone needs to make his own e-com shop, he will have to pay more for the development, and of course for the traffic. However think of this quick calculation. Suppose I purchase an account from matrixreseller and I pay $35/month for 1 GB of space and 25 GB of traffic. Suppose now I host there 10 clients. Make the division and see that I pay $3.5/month per client for 100MB and 2.5 GB of traffic. Suppose now my 1 GB account is full and I need another 100MB with 2.5 Gb traffic. Cost? $11.25 for the extra. So, in that case, its better to buy another account of 1GB and keep the rest for your coming clients! There are many other simple mathematic types which if you apply, you will find amazing things about hosting costs! So search, search, search! <--- Here in Greece we.... have lots of Sun!

Posted by mk123, 08-10-2002, 05:57 PM
only problem out here with is the H-Sphere. U get unlimited domains but got limited by the no. of users. That means say for their lowest plan you can have 10 customers having Control Panel. So either you find sub-resellers but still i feel every customer whether he is hosting for 5MB or 100MB wants his own control panel. Any comments on this?

Posted by Aquamarina, 08-10-2002, 06:12 PM
Well I contacted them for this issue and they told me i can purchase more control panels at a price of $4 i think. Sounds good doesn't it?

Posted by mk123, 08-10-2002, 06:56 PM
and that $4 + your overheads you're going to pass to your customers also... Looks like not multi-domain hosting but 10-20 domans hosting free for the $35 /$50 and agter that every domain $4 Look like Affiliate plan - 50% off on all plans for your customers or we give you hosting for $4.00 you can sell for any price. Looks like i cannot sell a 5MB/10MB hosting for under $4 + $1(my overhead)!!

Posted by Aquamarina, 08-10-2002, 07:13 PM
Well, if you are planning to sell space of 5-10MB yes that's not the best solution. My plans are of 50-100 etc so it fits for me. And the cost for my clients goes about 15/month, so with at least 3 clients (I already have about 10),I make profit! However, due to work load, i have stopped searching for around a month. I keep hosting with that terrible company 2globalmart! I think my first contract expires around the first week of October so I must start searching again! If you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know!

Posted by grisu59, 08-10-2002, 08:09 PM
Attention Matrix has a low limit of accounts (because every account has it CP and H-SPHERE has a little cost) I suggest you new PLAN 2 1Gb/30Gb Tracy (the webmaster) is very nice to help you H-Sphere is not so easy to configure the first time

Posted by tracphil, 08-10-2002, 11:10 PM
I would like to make a few comments. H-Sphere is a little different than the rest of the control panels out on the market. It is a complete webhosting solution from automated signups with a vaild credit card processor, auto account provisioning based on the plans that you setup for yourself using the Plan Creation Wizard. Once you get yourself setup in the Control Panel and get your plans created you will not have to do anything with provisioning your customers. If you want to moderate all of your signups you can, if you want to moderate them on particular conditions you can. You can support all of your customer via the control panel. It has an built in ticketing system that beats about everything else on the market. It assigns a ticket number and sends you an email when there is a support issue. H-Sphere is also based on a per user licensing model instead of a per server model. H-Sphere was designed to be used in a cluster of servers, meaning that you site is actually spread out amongst muliple servers instead of one. MySQL is on its server, Mail is on its server, DNS is ran off of two servers for redundancy and your various other programs are ran the same way. It would be really hard for all of your site to be down at any one time (lets pray that never happens) Now back to the licensing model. Like I said earlier it is based per user. H-Sphere hosts have to buy licenses in bulk. Every time they signup a user for shared hosting on their systems this requires one license. I personally do not charge a setup fee and therefore have to absorb this initial cost of aquiring a new customer. I could charge a setup fee to cover this but choose not to. Resellers actually are getting a better deal than the web hosts because they get xxx licenses without paying for them. How ever on the (lets say) 10th client they signup they will be charged a particular amount for the 11th license. This is a one time charge and does not recur. You as the reseller can charge a setup fee to cover this expense if you wish or do like most other H-Sphere hosts that I know and just consider it a cost of doing business. Now obviously if you are selling $2.95/month accounts you are going to have to host someone 2 months just to start making money (why would you want to do all of this work for $2.95/month is beyond me, but it works for some people I guess). But if you are charging $9.95 per month then you can at least be making something from the client immediately. I setup (as well as matrixreseller i believe) resellers to host unlimted domains (now keep in mind this is totally different than a billable customer), so they can let their clients host multiple domains in their accounts. If one client hosts mulitple domains then this is still only one license. H-Sphere includes the support/billing sytem so that you do not have to hack third party apps in to working with the system. I do hope this helps clarify H-Sphere and licensing. Maybe MatrixReseller and Matt Kelly can add a little more to help clarify the issue even more.

Posted by mk123, 08-11-2002, 01:41 AM
thanks Tracy for the input... cleared one doubt... that the $4 is one time... phew!! why i had impression of per month! rest plus points are very nice for reseller, i agree. yeah aquamarina for 50-100MB's is ok. i started with 50 MB plans, but here many requests come 5MB only i need... sufficient! wats the price? also u know ppl see lots of advt. Get 100MB for $5.00, 250MB for $7.77 etc so they definately are looking for 5-10MB for $1-2 with all Panel etc!! hmm.. so i have to strategise there something if i plan to make profit currently because of $xx per month i can host unlimited (within the bandwidth, space limit) it doesn't matter if i host 1MB or 100MB, but every customer, i can give CPanel without any overhead.

Posted by tracphil, 08-11-2002, 08:36 AM
Ouch!!! That would be a stiff charge extra per month

Posted by rhytha, 08-11-2002, 10:24 AM
weberz one basic question do i have to pay you a monthly charge for the clients i add under my account i.e i buy a reseller account from you . then i allocate some mail and web space for a new client, do i have to pay you a monthly amount for this client also along with the monthly($35) charge to

Posted by tracphil, 08-11-2002, 10:29 AM
rhytha, Good question. No you do not have to pay extra monthly for the client. The only time you have to pay more is when you go over your amount of allocated clients (there is a one time charge for this) or if you over allocate your resources. As long as you stay in within your plan, you will not have to pay extra. I hope I explained this well enough, If not just let me know.

Posted by grisu59, 08-11-2002, 10:32 AM
I'm a client of weberz and I can say you that you have to pay the charge of 4,95$ only if you have more accounts than the setup of your plan. (ex: 10 accounts for PLAN1) and it's no monthly but 1 time fee Bye

Posted by grisu59, 08-11-2002, 10:40 AM
Ops now I see that weberz has already answer! I'm sorry for the mistake

Posted by Aquamarina, 08-11-2002, 11:26 AM
Well mk123, my company's plan are mostly for people in Greece. Here the situation is a little bit... relaxing and sunny! Most hosting companies provide unix hosting in costs much more expensive than $150/year. However, no matter what type the hosting is, they claim they support everything! Suppose they do, when you try to make something simple e.g. write a script for form to mail, it simply does not work! If you want to have form to mail, you will get some ready made page from bravenet let's say and DON'T YOU DARE to ask for help or customization! They simply do not have support! Or if they do, they can solve only veeeeeery minor matters! So here is the point of my company, why we have those costs. I am a programmer with major field vb, databases and vbscript (i hate unix and c but i have started reading, to able to cope with them also),and my partner is a web designer. So all things are fully customized and nothing is predefined etc. We practically can support every specific need of our customers! Hey, I'm not trying to advertise myself or my company. My target group is far away from yours, so no conflicts! I just try to give you some hints of how to make more profit!

Posted by mk123, 08-11-2002, 01:12 PM
no aqua pal .. u're not advertising... but i got ur point... that there is lot of potential under that sun so u keep watch.. i'm catching next plane to reach there.. with my updated plans.... err.. was i off topic? if i was.. hope noone noticed

Posted by Aquamarina, 08-12-2002, 09:53 AM
Exmmm... what country are you living now? Are you prepare to face Greek customers? My last boss, when I made the research about where to host the company's site told me:"I want to be able pick up the telephone and start screaming to the hosting company!" So, imagine such a customer screaming to you and you of course can't do anything but pick up your telephone and start screaming to the reselling company! Too much screaming don't you think?

Posted by poncho2000, 08-12-2002, 11:39 AM
Tracy, When I asked you if I can reuse the licenses I've already paid for you answered me NO. So if one of my customers cancel his account with me I can't use his license but have to pay for new one again (for the next customer ordering). Below is one of the H-Sphere FAQ: Could you please explain to me and to others interested in buying reseller accounts from you, why you have to charge for something that is already paid for? Thanks, Peter

Posted by tracphil, 08-12-2002, 02:51 PM
Peter, I just touched base with Psoft on the issue and I stand corrected, you are correct in that you will not be charged in the scenario that you presented. I hope this helps clarify the issue. If anyone has some questions about Weberz please do not hesitate to email me personally at or post your questions here on the forum. The very last think that I want is for people not to signup because they have an unanswered question. I had rather someone ask a question and not signup because they don't like the answer than not ask the question at all.

Posted by poncho2000, 08-12-2002, 03:59 PM
Thank you Tracy, You have increased the bandwidth for the reseller plans and they look much better now I have a few more questions: What is the H-Sphere version you are using, is it 2.2? My concern is ASP.NET support enabling ( have a look at ). Do you support CDONTS? Do you have any ASP upload component that I can offer to my customers? Can I use the whole space included in my reseller plan only for Windows hosting? Is the email accounts space included in my reseller space? I'm going to offer only MS SQL Server, not MySQL and PostgreSQL can I exchange my MySQL and PostgreSQL space for SQL Server space? Thanks in advance, Peter

Posted by tracphil, 08-12-2002, 04:11 PM
I always have the latest H-Shpere installed, or at least within a couple of days depending on when it is released. I like to install stuff on Friday afternoon - Sunday. I do support CDONTS No asp upload as of yet. I will look into this if you wish. You can use all of your space for windows. It is your space to control as you see fit. I used to have an email Quota, but now have it set so that it is not metered. I really do not deviate from my plans. So in that case I would promote Windows hosting with MS SQL and the clients getting the PostgreSQL and MySQL as "extras" if I were you. Hope to hear from you soon.

Posted by poncho2000, 08-12-2002, 05:13 PM
Tracy, Thanks for the quick answer. I'll go with you most likely . You can have a look at: the upload, mailer and chart components are free Peter

Posted by tracphil, 08-12-2002, 05:53 PM
Wow! Thanks for the information, I sincerely appreciate it. I hope to hear from you soon [edit] I forgot to tell you. I have them installed for you. [/edit] Last edited by tracphil; 08-12-2002 at 06:00 PM.

Posted by ADEhost, 08-14-2002, 03:47 AM
Nice to see a someone that is in the market using h-sphere. but here is a piece of advice, before you do any updates always take into consideration the servers load schedual. for example, My servers are light on tuseday from 11pm to wednesday 4 am, that's when I do all upgrades. security upgrades have there own specific time. also p-soft will schedual a time for the upgrade of your servers so try to time it for the low usage hours. Also take a quick look at the p-soft site, I just issued a bug notice with a quick and dirty fix, but somebody also offered a solution fix. ( problem ) if you ever need a helping hand, just give me a shout, I love h-sphere and don't have a problem helping users out if I know the answers. Also you can install cdonts without a security risk. MIKE ADEHOST.COM

Posted by Aquamarina, 08-14-2002, 08:11 AM
Ok that's it! I'm fed up with those guys in 2globalmart! For the 100th time my asp pages do not work! Tracy I'm glad to see that since the last time I visited your site, plans have become better, in terms of Bandwidth! So...I think you are about to have one new customer! Ah! A question. Is there any guarantee about your uptime or the speed of your servers? And something else. Can you please explain to me the * meaning in the following sentence ? "Use your own domain name for nameserver addresses * " Thankssssssssss

Posted by tracphil, 08-14-2002, 09:05 AM
Mike, Thanks. H-Sphere ROCKS THE HOUSE. I have used CPanel and Plesk and neither in them are a drop in the bucket when compared to the feature list of H-Sphere. I love the fact that you can have cluster of 20 servers going and have them ran from 1 control panel. If you ever need anything, give a shout at and I will do what I can.

Posted by tracphil, 08-14-2002, 09:11 AM
I used to have a 100% network uptime with an SLA, but got slammed so hard on WHT that I took it down. Inflow has a 100% SLA and has not had any network downtime in 4 years, so uptime is really not an issue unless it is hardware related. I run Dell and Penguin Computing 1U servers and are some of the nicest on the market. These are not simply tower systems that are at Wal-Mart. you can have personalized nameservers meaning that your clients will see: and instead of and I hope to be seeing your order come thru within the hour I hope you have a great day!

Posted by Bloory, 08-15-2002, 09:21 AM
Could I ask about Client Billing in H-Sphere? I've got a revecom/paysystems account, can I use that to process payments? Also, can I have one client, with multiple domains (e.g. and then allocate many users who can only access ftp/mail for their domain. Or do I have to buy in the 1 time $4 licenses? Thanks in advance

Posted by tracphil, 08-15-2002, 09:27 AM
Here are the supported gateways Yes you can do that. You will just have to make ftp users and restrict them to upload to the domains directory in question.

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