
Attention Resellers!!!

Posted by RH4U, 08-12-2002, 04:05 PM
Im just curious... I was just wanting to get some replies on what resellers would think of some packages "if" they were offered... basically if they would suit a resellers needs.. if not why,, why do they fall short, etc.. any input is appreciated... negative or positive, just not too negative Supposing that it was offer with: PLAN #1: - $25 setup fee for -Personal Nameservers -Unlimited Domains(restricted only by transfer/storage quota) -$1.75 per GB of bandwidth(subdivided,purchased as needed in 20,40,60,80,100 blocks) -75MB of storage per GB of bandwidth purchased (If you buy 10Gig of bandwidth you get 75MB x 10 of storage space) -$9.00 Domain Registration -Free Host Charge Account -Prof. Templates -WHM/Cpanel Included -24/7 Support -Complete "How To Manuals" -Live Support/Training for first 3 days (VIA Instant messanger) -99.9% uptime guarantee -Free Upgrade after a year or more.. -And all the other stuff that always comes with plans that people only list to have a long list.... -Automation Software that allows resellers to automatically setup accounts and billing AND work with accounts on multiple servers from one Master Control Panel. PLAN#2: -$100.00 setup(or one year at previous plan) -All feature from above AND: -$1.50 Per GB w/100MB per GB of bandwidth purchased -$8.50 Domain Registration -Discount Internet SErvice(optional) -Discounts on Software/Hardware Upgrades,etc.. -free upgrade to next plan after 1 year PLAN#3: -$150.00 setup fee -All from above -$1.25 GB w/125MB per GB bandwidth purchased -$8.00 Domain Registration -Greater Discount on 56k ISP(optional) -Greater Discount on Software/Hardware Upgrades,etc.. -Available to apply for Plan 4 if qualified.. PLAN #4: -NO SETUP or sign up,, Chosen by company.. -.75 - 1.00 per GB of bandwidth w/150MB of storage -Dedicated Servers at no setup fee Dedicated Servers would be allowed to be resold under private label later on of course... But theoretically(wonder if i spelled that right),, what the above plans be reasonable in price, nature, use.. why/why not... please give me feed back.. Thanks... Oh and im not advertising just looking for advice on what a reseller is looking for and if the above plans would meet those goals...

Posted by RH4U, 08-12-2002, 04:10 PM
OH,, addition to Plan 4 Domain names would be 7.50 on plan 4.

Posted by MCHost-Marc, 08-12-2002, 04:31 PM

Posted by RH4U, 08-12-2002, 04:46 PM
What does mean?? People give me some feedback plz... Thanks...

Posted by Aussie Bob, 08-12-2002, 06:48 PM
means Kiwi's a little confused at -

Posted by RH4U, 08-12-2002, 06:55 PM
I know that.. confused about what? Under that plan it would be $1.50 per GB of bandwidth purchased in either 20,40,60,80,100 blocks at a time. For every 1GB of bandwidth purchased you receive 100MB's of storage space. So for $1.50 you would receive 1GB of transfer and 100MB of storage space, this can easily be resold for a profit. You must purchase in either 20,40, etc.. so at a 20 block your cost would be $30.00 for 20GB of actual bandwidth, 2GB of storage space, Domain registrations for yourself and resold accounts at $8.50(these can also be resold). And more... Some feedback please on whether or not you guys think these plans would meet the needs of resellers and what could be changed to make them better would be appreciated... Thanks..

Posted by Montana, 08-12-2002, 06:57 PM
I am not reseller but.... how do u think - $1 per one hour is enough for somebody (I mean professional) sitting whole 8 hours a day and waiting/answering a new users questions? (and it makes 3 persons for 24 hours = $24). I think $1 is not acceptable. It should be $0,01.

Posted by RH4U, 08-12-2002, 07:03 PM
Never said 24 hours, or 8 hours.. for 3 days they would be walked through the startup process, basic account functions, billing process, etc.. Never implied any amount of time other than for 3days they would be in contact them walking them through the process until the entire process was gone over and general questions where asked. No we are not talking about an administrator genius spending 24hours for 3days with the person, but i figured that was obvious. To be more specific, on Plan1 the beginner reseller would be setup 3 days in which they would be contacted via IM and walked through basic process and such...

Posted by Montana, 08-12-2002, 07:18 PM
to be more specific: reselling IS NOT a kind of VIRTUAL/mystery bussines. If somebody doesn't understand it... Otherwords: if somebody told me I will have 3 days access to live help I am really not interested in the fact that he has only one person working actually with 50 new customers. And I am really not interesting in the fact that that person works only 5 hours daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when I just need his help about 3 a.m. Life is brutal: if you want something u MUST pay for it. If you pay less it (almost always) means you just bought piece of "fake".

Posted by RH4U, 08-12-2002, 07:22 PM
Um yeah.. and anyway your point is? The customer would be assisted in basic startup and procedures that it would take for them to get started,, that is no mystery... And im not posting this on a website and selling it.. i was just getting an idea of if packages like this would meet the needs of resellers and be reasonable pricing for them to meet and be able to resale,, but since your so caught up on that one little line... then excluding that... what would be your opinion on the rest of it?

Posted by Montana, 08-12-2002, 07:31 PM
to long to talk and how I said before I am not reseller. but bad calculation on start makes bad future for any business. Anyway - good luck.

Posted by fractiousws, 08-12-2002, 08:55 PM
I think he means it is $1.50/GB bandwidth. And for every GB bandwidth you buy you get 100MB space. For example... 1GB - 100MB - $1.50 2GB - 200MB - $3.00 3GB - 300MB - $4.50 ect.

Posted by RH4U, 08-13-2002, 07:49 AM
Yes thats what i mean... but anyway.. what do you guys think about the plans,, any likes/dislikes? Would they suit resellers, would you be interested if these type of accounts were available, etc.?

Posted by Samuel, 08-13-2002, 07:58 AM
Looks like jumping through hoops just to understand what it is being offered. Remember that most people in this world are not inside your marketing effort (Your head), make it simpler. (Not a reseller), just offering feedback.

Posted by RH4U, 08-13-2002, 08:14 AM
Yeah good point,, Any suggetions on re-wording? How about the pricing for the plans, are they competetive enough?

Posted by Samuel, 08-13-2002, 08:21 AM
Its a complicated scaling pricing/resource idea. It's going to tank People want a hamburger for a buck, not: 1 Hamburger!!!! 80 cents if adding a tomato for 20 cents, or adding onion for 33 cents will then make the tomato 15 cents if buying 2 hamburgers on a tuesday.

Posted by silverado, 08-13-2002, 05:46 PM
I'm not a reseller "yet" but I would suggest separating the bandwidth and disk space. If I need the bandwidth but don't need the space, you're "forcing" me to take it. Give me the bandwidth at a 50% discount! Let "me" decide what I do and don't need. Just me 3 cents worth.

Posted by okihost, 08-13-2002, 07:03 PM
I agree I have read this post 5 times and I still dont get it.. Just do it the traditional way ie: 1GB Disk Space 30GB Bandwidth Nameservers Up to 150 domains.. and so on..

Posted by RH4U, 08-13-2002, 11:53 PM
The reason i worded it that way was to save time,, rather than writting out the same plan for 20,40,60,80,100 gig blocks and changing only the price,, then doing this 4more times based on what plan they signed up under for the price of the Gigs..

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