
Reseller Account - BEST VALUE?

Posted by Romario, 08-11-2002, 03:26 AM
Hi since I am new to hosting I took the advice of starting off with a reseller account and am now researching this. Reliability & Presence can be argued forever- If people recommened 3-4 different hosts, to me they must all be okay in their own ways and probably will be around for awhile. I'm more concerned with where to get this mentioned and proven reliability in addition to: 1. Best Value for your Money in + Allowed Bandwidth + Allowed Disk Space These are the big (2) the rest are case by case. It seems like if you have a reseller account that gives you 10 gb of monthly transfer, you would be hard pressed to resell that space to break even each month. i would like to give at least 1-2 gb a transfer a month to each user, as a minimum package. So right there 10 accounts and my reseller account is full. Maybe I don't know what i'm talking about so if people could answer kindly with examples of how much they pay, and how many accounts they host, example of plans. Fictional or Real, I just want examples of how this could all be possible. -Regards- Romario

Posted by pcsteve, 08-11-2002, 04:01 AM
A friend of mine has a reseller account with The service has been nothing but the best and uptime...well..let's just say there's basically no downtime at all. Alan runs the show over at SH, drop by the site and contact him...he's a great guy that's always very helpful. Just a side note: Most resellers simply oversell disk space and bandwith. That's how they pull off offering 10 gigs per client.

Posted by needer123, 08-11-2002, 07:18 AM ::: My mate loves them! Great service and enough to offer good packages. - ::: Really nice guy - Rupi - may be able to help you get a good custom package. - ::: Also heard of good reports - ::: Fantastic reviews of this company! You should request about 2gb of space and 20gb bandwidth, I think thats what they normally give. costs can range from $20-$60/month. Search around those sites, see which have good speed and uptime, search these forums for posts about them too. You may also wish to post a Reseller Request in the Web Hosting Requests forum. Decide what you need and ask, or just say like, what can you give me for about £?? a month and theyll post you some packages - maybe customized.

Posted by vwh, 08-11-2002, 07:39 AM
Romario You have completely the wrong criteria for looking for a reseller account. Try this: 1) Uptime 2) Quickest Support Response 3) Lowest Server Loads 4) Time in business 5) Number of happy clients The last thing to worry about is who will give you more bang for your buck because all the bandwidth and disk space in the world means nothing when your sites are down every day!!!! Pete

Posted by Romario, 08-12-2002, 11:16 PM
You guys are misunderstanding my question- My point is, that there are A LOT of recommended resellers on this forum, who, pretty-much, according to the forums have both good uptime and support, reliability, etc. so taking that into consideration: I'm interested in which of these reliable, companies has the best value for the dollar in terms of bandwidth and disk space. And my second part of the post was inquiring about how to split up the space and sell it, and recomendations. 20 gb a month isn't a lot to resell. thats only like selling 10 2 gb a month accounts. I want to know how people are setting up their reseller accounts just to make some sense for me. Thanks Again -Rom-

Posted by The3bl, 08-12-2002, 11:49 PM
Let me explain it this way. Very few resllers will make it trying to compete at the costs you see here on WHT so if you are trying to use that as a gauge you are doomed as a reseller. Most resellers sell local get a decent amount of clients then branch out from there. There are lots of people out there that run business or need sites in your local area, as a reseller you can get that business and remain very competitive. They are not hung up on getting an account with 1 gig of space of which they will use 25 megs of or 20 gigs of transfer they will only use 500 megs of. Local people want a web site they want it to work that is all, they are willing to pay a little more because they are not web hosting geeks. On the other hand if your plan is to buy a reseller account and compete solely over the web in price and features, get a dedicated instead and jump in the fray.

Posted by Romario, 08-13-2002, 02:07 PM
Thanks for the advice! - I think I will try to get a few clients to pay for my reseller account before I try and get one, just to see how much interest there is. -Romario- This was the direction I was being blinded by, resellers can not compete with the internet people, only a dedicated server can.

Posted by MCHost-Marc, 08-13-2002, 02:22 PM
Contacting local businesses would be a good start. if you have someone that can design sites (or even yourself), you could launch a little 'promotion' in your town/city.

Posted by Romario, 08-13-2002, 04:45 PM
I'm a graphic designer :}

Posted by mk123, 08-13-2002, 05:31 PM
thats good that ur graphic designer.. some related issues u can easily handle... Be prepared for the usual stuff like - Bandwidth? - Server located where? - uptime guarantee? - 24/7 support? - support this.. that.. component / php/ jsp etc. - maybe they want to see ur website also...

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