
Estimating Max Concurrent users

Posted by multiplex77, 04-02-2009, 04:55 AM
Hi, I'm in the process of building a new web application and I need to do a server sizing to determine if our current servers can handle the load. The main thing I need to estimate now is the maximum number of concurrent users. This is a challenge for me, and I was hoping someone could give me some advice in the right direction. Here are some estimates that I've gathered from users: 1. App will have 5,000 unique visitors a month, making 20,000 page views a month. 2. Users estimate that there will be up to 50 concurrent users. 3. There is no specific peak period for the site. I'm inclined believe that 50 concurrent users is an overestimate for a 20k pageview/month site that has no specific peak periods. Unfortunately that is all the data I have to go with. Is there a (reasonably) scientific way to estimate what is the max no of concurrent users based on the above data? If not, what other questions do I need to ask users? Any help would be much appreciated.

Posted by ServerManagement, 04-02-2009, 08:54 AM
If you get 20,000 page views per month, that's about 700 page views per day, which is about 30 per hour. So assuming that is an accurate count, and there really is no peak period, the concurrent user count should not be that high.

Posted by multiplex77, 04-05-2009, 09:41 PM
Thanks. Is there any online calculator that you can recommend that can help me estimate the max bandwidth required based on the figures I have available?

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