
Setting up a VPS to run behind a VPN ?

Posted by metalspfc, 04-01-2009, 09:22 AM
Hey guys I have a linux VPS in which i believe i only have access to the WHM control panel. How could i set up VPN so the VPS would connect through the VPN ?? Is there a way to do it through the WHM panel or i will need remote access to the linux interface ?? Thank you.

Posted by fabin, 04-01-2009, 10:38 AM
it may not be possible from whm...but you can install openvpn in openvz container ( you should have tun/tap kernel module )

Posted by eth00, 04-01-2009, 11:09 AM
No way to do it via WHM, you need root. If you have root user in WHM you probably also have ssh access. Look at poptop or openvpn if you do get ssh and want it setup.

Posted by metalspfc, 04-01-2009, 11:52 AM
Thanks a lot to both of you, its getting clearer for me now I think i do have root at WHM, but know nothing about linux. In WHM theres a SSL/TLS icon, i tried but coudnt get to any sort of linux command line I'll contact my hosting support also, but until they respond if any of you know how to get in linux root from the WHM panel please let me know Thanks

Posted by eth00, 04-01-2009, 12:28 PM
The SSL/TLS icon is completely different. You need an ssh client such as putty. I would be very careful if you start poking around in ssh without any real expertise in it. I doubt your hosting support is going to install a VPN for you, but maybe they will! You could always just use an ssh tunnel, what aer you trying to gain from a VPN?

Posted by metalspfc, 04-01-2009, 01:59 PM
Oh i see. Yea, i think i wont mess with the ssl client until the support answers. If they cant do it, then i'll see what i can do I need the vpn in order to "change" the ip of my host, since it seems to be blocked in some places. Will the vpn work like that ?? Will the vpn IP replaces the host IP like a computer thats using a proxy ?

Posted by eth00, 04-01-2009, 04:56 PM
Not by default, a vpn just provides a secure connection to a server. To do what you want look into a proxy server, squid comes to mind. Setting it up will also have to be done via ssh.

Posted by metalspfc, 04-01-2009, 06:37 PM
I was thinking in setting up a vpn server in my own PC (windows xp), and then setting up the VPS to connect through it, so the VPS would have my IP address. At least that was what i was thinking, but if the VPN doesnt work similar to a proxy, i was wrong. So, i would need a proxy to do what i want ? Can i setup a proxy server in my own PC, making my IP address a proxy IP, and use this IP in the VPS ?? Actually i was firstly looking to use a proxy, not a VPN, but then someone told me something like "proxy is only for outgoing traffic" so it wouldnt work, and recommended me a VPN... What i want is just making the VPS connect through the IP address of my home PC, thats it. Wheter installing a VPN server or a proxy server on my PC If you or anyone else have any idea please let me know And thanks a lot for your help eth00, really appreciate it

Posted by eth00, 04-01-2009, 07:30 PM want your VPS to have your home IP? You can run a proxy as a "reverse proxy" if you want. Be aware most home connections have port 80 blocked so if you are trying to make a website have your home IP it won't work. Thats also a lot of hassle and slowdowns, if you want to host it on your home IP why not just host the content there? So you want ALL of your VPS traffic to go both in and out via your home PC? Is there a reason to not just run the VPS at home?

Posted by metalspfc, 04-01-2009, 10:39 PM
Yea, thats right. I dont want to host the it at home cause its windows xp here, poor security, and higher risk to loose database, also uptime will not be as good as the paid linux VPS So you undertand the best method would be using a reverse proxy ? Whats a good software i could use to set it up ? Thanks

Posted by eth00, 04-02-2009, 08:03 AM
Ok? The problem is you are looking at redirecting your probably slow home connection. If you are going to be doing that you have to use software on your windows XP computer, so you are already replying on XP. Now instead of 1 server as a point of failure you have 1 server AND 1 desktop. I don't see why there would be a higher risk to loose the DB. Poor security? Depending on what you run XP can be locked down, you could even run it within a vmware VPS. Squid comes to mind for a revrse proxy, off hand I have never tried it in windows but I know it works great in linux.

Posted by metalspfc, 04-02-2009, 03:20 PM
I understand, well i'll see what i can do then. In the past i tried to setup a host in windows xp using Wamp, but looks like Wamp is made for testing purposes and lacks of security, as i dont know how to properly lock it down i decided to not go further with it. I needed something with phpmyadmin, mysql, any suggestion ? Thanks a lot

Posted by eth00, 04-02-2009, 03:22 PM
VMware, centos 5, webmin control panel. The real question is why get a VPS with cPanel if you don't want to use the VPS IP? If it is country based why not get a VPS in your country?

Posted by metalspfc, 04-02-2009, 04:08 PM
Sorry i cant explain this with details. Lets just say that no matter what VPS, shared hosting, dedicated server i get, its ip will end up getting blocked of doing a specific thing that i need for my business, so what i need is a VPS/Hosting with dynamic IP, but such a thing doesnt exist. Im not doing anything illegal or else i wouldnt want to use my real home PC IP address to do it. Also the reason i want to use my home IP address as a proxy is because its dynamic, so i could change the host IP whenever i needed.

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