
Limit users in PureFTP

Posted by bazzii, 04-01-2009, 11:37 PM
Hello, Is there any option to limit users only to upload (No other permissions like permission change, directory access etc, only upload) in FTP.. I am using PureFTP.. I have seen options to do it in ProFTP, like below, AllowUser username1 AllowUser username2 Is there any option to set in PureFTP ? Regards, Bazzii...

Posted by Deem3n®, 04-02-2009, 03:24 AM
For PureFTP don't exists similar options so I recommend to switch to ProFTPd You can use LIMIT directive for powerful fine-grained control over who is allowed to use which FTP commands. Here is the list for supported ProFTPd commands: PS: Exists an alternative in PureFTPd pure-pw usermod damian -T 10 -m (Limiting the user "damian" to upload 10Kbps.) Setting limit to 0 might be a partial solution Last edited by Deem3n®; 04-02-2009 at 03:29 AM.

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