
Parttime reseller??

Posted by Luminance, 07-05-2002, 11:59 AM
Heyo, Is it possible to start a webhosting company (starting with reselling first) on a parttime basis? I can check my email (provide support) in the morning, midday and at night. Is this possible? or do you think I should stay away from hosting if I want to do it parttime? I don't really need to make (big) profit in the first couple of months or years (I do want to break-even ofcourse) but I sure want to make good profit in about 5 - 6 years... when I established a solid client base... Last edited by Luminance; 07-05-2002 at 03:23 PM.

Posted by edude, 07-05-2002, 12:02 PM
I think its possible, the more you grow the more hours you need to spend

Posted by freew, 07-05-2002, 12:15 PM
How hard or easy has it been for part time resellers to get new business? What has been the best way for you to get new business? I too am thinking of doing it part time and would like to hear any tips the "veterans" are willing to share.

Posted by AcuNett, 07-05-2002, 01:22 PM
I would say about 99% of resellers ARE parttime. I doubt a full time reseller would have enough to put food on the table .

Posted by KualoJo, 07-05-2002, 01:47 PM
Yes this would be more than possible. Most people will start small doing it in their spare time between a job perhaps, and then if they are successful at it then they would be able to go at it full time. So long as you don't promise anything such as 24/7 support which you clearly wouldn't be able to provide, then you shouldn't have any problems at all. I wish you all the best with your new business should you decide to start up! Jo

Posted by mcfcforever, 07-05-2002, 02:07 PM
Hi, i am a parttime reseller, and i admit it. I do answer all my emails a.s.a.p. I check my emails, first thing in the morning ( 8ish ) then i cant check them untill 4:00, and i stay on the net from about 4:00 - 11:00 each night, and most of weekends, so im a bit more of a part time reseller. Everything working fine upto now, and no problems...yet Matt

Posted by OzDan, 07-05-2002, 07:55 PM
A bit rude for my first post, so apologies in advance, but how much should a full time reseller make?? I know that it all depends upon the number of clients (therefore the possible number of domains being administered) and the amount that you charge your clients etc, but how much should a full time reseller be earning after a year?? Is it solely on the number of clients and how much they pay you? Sounds silly I know, but with regards to net profit after expenses etc? And on average, how many clients would be expected after a year in the industry, or two? Thanks guys.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-05-2002, 08:16 PM
Yep, part-time for a reseller is no problems at all. Just as long as you can get to your client's support emails every 12hrs or so. You could start part-time and then as the cashflow kicks in, you get your own servers and then head into a more full time deal. But it's dependant on the cashflow the business generates and your lifestyle etc...

Posted by bambenek, 07-05-2002, 08:18 PM
Heh, most people that even have a lot of customers only do this part time.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-05-2002, 08:20 PM
Impossible question... Another impossible question... Ahhh, yep. Impossible question. But after 2 years and working hard, you should be around the 500 to 1000 client base. Of course at this level, you have several of your own servers. Impossible question..

Posted by Luminance, 07-05-2002, 08:33 PM
Choosing a reseller is also a pain in the a(*peep*). There are a couple of good ones but it's so hard to choose one...

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-05-2002, 08:45 PM
Yes, but if you're serious about your reseller hosting business, make sure you get multiple suppliers. These companies are your supplier, so you should have 3 minimum etc... So, get an account with and another with and another with Those 3 suppliers will provide you with a good supply base to draw from and setup your hosting plans for your clients etc. Of course if all goes well, 12mths down the track you'll have your own servers, so you'll be transfering these clients from their servers to your own servers.

Posted by OzDan, 07-05-2002, 08:49 PM
Thanks AussieBob. Maybe too much fresh air and cold weather up in Toowoomba has got you poking tongues at this Brisbane city lad?? But still, my questions were up in the air and as you put it, pretty unanswerable. OzDan.

Posted by Luminance, 07-05-2002, 08:51 PM
So you're saying; (i.e) get Mchost account, fill it with costumers >> get splashhost account, fill it with costumers etc.??

Posted by Choppy, 07-05-2002, 08:59 PM
What i think he is trying to say! Im not sure but im more south of Australia than these boys.... Is that You maybe should get an account with 3 suppliers and have maybe six name servers to back up all your customer websites on Im not sure back in the days of reselling we use to do that but it was alittle hard FTPing to two sites and not one! But it also could be that he ment buy an account from 3 resellers and fill them up then go to another fill it up etc So maybe if one is down you have 30 customers on WHT bagging you out and the other 60 on the other two servers supporting you Aussie BOB what are you trying to say seriously! ehehe Regards

Posted by Luminance, 07-05-2002, 09:04 PM
hey.. that's a really good idea... never thought of it!

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-05-2002, 09:05 PM
I have 2 pairs of socks on and my toes are still freezing. Brrrrrrrr. Aussie Bob is also in a cheeky mood this morning too.

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-05-2002, 09:07 PM
Yep. I'm not neccessarily saying use those suppliers. Just 3 separate suppliers. When I was in the building industry, you never had 1 supplier for anything. You always had multiple accounts with multiple suppliers, should something go wrong with the supply from 1 supplier etc.. You don't want to put all your eggs in the 1 server, so to speak.

Posted by Luminance, 07-05-2002, 09:10 PM
is there already a topic on how to do this or how it exactly works?

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-05-2002, 09:11 PM
OK, this'll be interesting. QLD won the State of Origin. Ahhh, I wasn't thinking along those lines, but that's not a bad idea. Just never figured out how to effectively run database driven sites off multiple servers... Yep, that's more what I was thinking. I don't really know. It's too cold. My brain is starting to freeze.

Posted by OzDan, 07-05-2002, 09:12 PM
AussieBob, Can I get your email addy and ask you a few questions outside of WHT??

Posted by SmackDaddy, 07-15-2002, 04:24 PM
I am trying to do this, but each of them need me to point my domain name to their server to run the control panel for administering my reselling account....maybe because it is an Ensim account? Or should I just register three domains and use them regardless of where my main hosting website is located? What do you resellers do? Thanks in advance....

Posted by EzSnake, 07-15-2002, 04:49 PM
I Don't get the multiple reseller accounts either.... Do you mean didvide your sign-ups between 3 diff providers? I.e. First one of day goes to "mchost", second to "spalshhost", 3rd to "voxterme"???? What if all 3 don't offer the exact same features.. with the reseller account I want it would be hard to near impossible to find 2 more w same features. Shed thy divine knowledge oh Great Bob

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