
OneFusion vs EarHost

Posted by Deus, 07-09-2002, 05:15 PM
Hi, I've been looking at the resellers of these two and have been very interested. I'm wondering, how anyone here had any experience with either or could let me know any good or bad things? Thanks.

Posted by RRolfe, 07-09-2002, 05:49 PM
Never seen or talked to anyone from onefusion, but James from Earhost is around here quite a bit and is a very nice guy. I have talked to him alot and they seem to have a very solid business plan and are headed in the right direction.

Posted by tazd9t9, 07-09-2002, 06:09 PM
I signed up with EARHost today, ive been talking to James for a while, hes a nice guy. Everything was set up very quickly, will let you know more when ive had the account a while

Posted by JustinH, 07-09-2002, 06:56 PM

Posted by Aussie Bob, 07-09-2002, 07:17 PM
James from seems like a reasonable chap. Why is that important, you say? Well, because this is a people business and folks with good people skills will give better customer service than those folks with no people skills. I'm not sure where their servers are housed. Ask them. They're new and most likely have a small client base, so they'll be bending over backwards for you and you'll probably get support response in minutes etc..

Posted by JustinH, 07-09-2002, 07:20 PM
Aussie Bob - Better check the linnk I just posted .

Posted by fractiousws, 07-09-2002, 07:21 PM
We have stated again and again that requests for custom nameservers should go to the sales department and plus we do not offer custom nameserver publically so we don't have to provide them but we do when people request. Also, support requests go in the helpdesk

Posted by JustinH, 07-09-2002, 07:28 PM
James - Which is why a FAQ is so important. Generally speaking, most clients assume that support is support. I've always felt (this is just me) that the should be used when your a potential client. After you become a client you use the support desk. Maybe if you had a FAQ that covered custom name servers, you wouldn't have to say it time and time again. Also, how hard would it be for your support staff to simply state "You'll have to email for that situation" instead of just leaving tickets there?

Posted by fractiousws, 07-09-2002, 07:39 PM
The so called support team we hired is just one person who said he can do "24/7" support! They are fired as of now and I am going to look for new techs, so bear with us for the next week or so, I will do my best to handle things untill then. I am going to delete all the tickets in the helpdesk system and everyone can post them again because they have everything so mixed up it isn't funny. I am very sorry about this whole situation.

Posted by JustinH, 07-09-2002, 07:54 PM
I it only takes one weak link and the chain breaks... good luck with finding new support techs and hopefully things work out better for you .

Posted by Deus, 07-10-2002, 02:56 AM
Hey guys, Thanks for all the help on this. I've also just realised OneFusion is soley for Reselling, and don't do webhosting so they're abit like MCHost. So really, no one here has had any experience with OneFusion, only EarHost? Thanks,

Posted by Choppy, 07-10-2002, 04:23 AM
Maybe they just dont want to say that they are Resellers thats why they dont comment!

Posted by tazd9t9, 07-10-2002, 04:43 AM
I have a FAQ it needs updating but people ignore it anyway,my customers also didnt like the forum we had, they seem to prefer emailing me to get a personal response and thats the same way i have spoken to James, via ICQ and email. Give him a break, i think hes done really well to get such a good rep on here in a short space of time.....the FAQ will come, i'm sure but until then theres always email and the forum

Posted by ck, 07-13-2002, 03:03 AM
Choppy, cut us some slack will ya? For the record, we are not resellers. Its always fair to let a discussion regarding us be discussed among others and not comment unless a question is directed to us. At the same time, I know and respect Earhost as a competitor and a very credible one at that as what can be seen by their discussions here, we all have our businesses to run so please.

Posted by DarrenK, 07-13-2002, 03:48 AM
Onefusion... are you sure:

Posted by ck, 07-13-2002, 03:52 AM
Yup I'm sure. The problems occured back then due to the provider whom we colocated the servers with, we then took immediate actions to relocate the affected customers. fyi the client in that case has decided to let the issue rest already. Cheers

Posted by mcfcforever, 07-14-2002, 12:55 PM
I have been with Earhost since nearly the beginning. When i signed up for them they didnt really have a good rep on wht, but i took the gamble, and im so glad i did! There support was very quick at first, then last week it slowed down but support was still there! Now i know James pretty well, and hes a great guy, and i have been speaking to him on ICQ a bit, and he always has time to help, even if i am mithering him. Overall, earhost are defiantely recommended! Matt

Posted by cactus, 07-14-2002, 11:41 PM
I have an account with OneFusion for the last 3 months and very pleased with their support/service. They have very attractive plans for resellers and more practical to divide the space and bandwidth for reselling to clients in order to break even and make some money. No offense to the other Hosts but in my opinion, the space/bandwidth they offer may be suitable to web designers who may want to host their clients' sites as a package deal but for serious reselling... it's just not practical to compete in the present volatile web hosting market unless you oversell which may be to your disadvantge and you may even lose money if you are unlucky at the end of the day. With OneFusion, there is plenty of space/bandwidth that they guarantee to resellers, so it's easier to manipulate the accounts that you wish to sell and the issue of overselling is reduced to a minimum. Just my views Last edited by cactus; 07-15-2002 at 10:54 PM.

Posted by Choppy, 07-15-2002, 12:08 AM
CK - I should of used Quote marks for the previous post i made! It was directed at the thread starter. " If anyone has had any experience with them " I was just commenting saying that maybe some resellers would not want to say they are actual reseller... Thats all.. Not that you guys are resellers.. Thats all Kind regards

Posted by JustinH, 07-15-2002, 12:36 AM
I completely disagree, the hosting market is completely open for the right type of company. This industry isn't about "more bandwidth and webspace", it's about customer support. Otherwise the "unlimited" hosts would rule the industry. But 90% of them have terrible customer support. I'm now paying close to twice as much as I did with the "other" companies, and I'm paying for it because the support I get is incredibly fast and personally, that's what I consider important.

Posted by cactus, 07-15-2002, 01:32 AM
Actually the original thread is about OneFusion and Earhost reseller accounts, so it wasn't referring to anything regarding support/service as a reseller to your clients. It's more of an issue of the 2 Hosts that offers the most attractive reseller account(Support/service/diskspace/bandwidth between OneFusion & EarHost) Basing on the original thread, I don't have any experience with Earhost but Onefusion is what I was referring to... Excellent support/service and attractive diskspace/bandwith that they are offering to resellers. Yes, support is of paramount importance, it can make or break a company so that's why my choice is OneFusion and of course other factors that attracted me like diskspace/bandwidth/price/etc.,etc.

Posted by ah_boyz, 07-15-2002, 05:18 AM
cactus, i agree with you.... I am very satisfied with their services, especially after some rather unhappy incident with my previous provider (whom I decide not to mention them).... As earhost, well.... no comments and no intention of moving there... (no offence i hope)

Posted by ck, 07-15-2002, 05:57 AM
No prob, Choppy. Cheers

Posted by jamalpanhwar, 07-15-2002, 03:05 PM
It seems every one likes but after sending the 3 emails I didnt get any reply from them!!!

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