
what is the best contorl panel?

Posted by wizard, 07-13-2002, 04:51 PM
Hello folks in your opinion what is the best contorl panel to get for *nix? i hear some names, plesk cpanel, h-sphere, ensim etc. which one is the best and what are the pro and cons for each? thanks in advance

Posted by iamdave, 07-13-2002, 05:59 PM
This is asked like every week, try doing a search on the forums, and you will see...

Posted by wizard, 07-13-2002, 06:15 PM
i did try the serach but found so many hits that wasn't relevant at all.. see like every post here includes one of those key words plesk/cpanel etc

Posted by digitalb, 07-13-2002, 06:16 PM
cpanel rules

Posted by edude, 07-13-2002, 06:31 PM
cpanel + WHM

Posted by JSpired, 07-13-2002, 06:34 PM
Hi Wizard, It really comes down to a matter of personal preference and functionality. Try some of the demo versions of control panels you're interested in and see which cp fits your needs. There are several polls in the following thread regarding satisfaction surveys for various control panels. You may find more insight there.

Posted by iamdave, 07-13-2002, 06:46 PM
Well then, plesk gets my vote.

Posted by raq4less, 07-13-2002, 06:50 PM
I vote for the Cobalt Pro: Very Stable Con: Requires Sun Cobalt Hardware (but the hardware's stable too. ) Now, if that doesn't get this thread off track....nuttin will

Posted by a:\, 07-13-2002, 07:01 PM
Well since this is in the reseller forum then surely CPanel is the best control panel for resellers

Posted by Realist, 07-13-2002, 07:11 PM
I woulf go for H-SPHERE due to the fact it has everything built in from resellers panel, ticket system and credit card processing. Nice, simple and easy to use. Regards, Brian

Posted by RRolfe, 07-13-2002, 08:12 PM
exactly as brian said... H-SPERE!

Posted by johnallen, 07-13-2002, 09:19 PM
I like the interface of Ensim. I dont really care for plesk. I like the features of cpanel. Cobalts are nice if you don't have any websites.

Posted by Tazzman, 07-13-2002, 09:33 PM
You just gave me my best laugh for today

Posted by Matt Lightner, 07-14-2002, 04:31 AM
I'll let you all in on a little secret... I actually know, without a doubt, which is the absolute best control panel out there. I have irrefutable proof that there is one "best" control panel. I have been conducting in-depth studies, surveys and analyses, and there is definitely a clear choice in the matter. Enough of this personal preference business... this is absolute. This is quantifyable. However, at this time, I have chosen not to reveal my findings to the web hosting community. The primary reason for my decision is that I don't quite think the community is ready to say goodbye to the "which is the best control panel" threads. I know that all of the regular members look forward to the weekly "best control panel" polls and the exciting results that they yield. And since the answer changes from week to week, we definitely need a new one at least that often. Sure, I could tell you my secret and put an end to the guesswork... but that would just ruin the fun for everyone. Keep up the good work newbies--the search button is everyone's enemy, and with your continued help, we can be rid of it forever!

Posted by wizard, 07-14-2002, 05:05 AM
WOW! you are sooooooooooooooooooo smart! i guess you were never newbie. you just borned like a master i am sorry but i wasn't as lucky as you. so i have to ask so i can learn. also i guess you are to tired to read all the posts of those lame newbies since if you would read for few more seconds you would see that i couldn't find good way how to search for it. button line. if you are so busy and dont have time to help newbies then just ignore our treads. if you still want to help then please read carfully and give good advieces from your experience and don't try to show off by having fun from other users.

Posted by Matt Lightner, 07-14-2002, 05:09 AM
My goodness... no humor around here! Ok. That's it. From now on, I am going to be 100% serious. All of the time. "I hereby cast my vote for Cpanel." (said with a very *very* straight face).

Posted by wizard, 07-14-2002, 05:18 AM
i am sorry. i didn't understand it like an humor. it must be my lame English. (English is not my mother language) i will try as well to think twice before flaming back

Posted by Matt Lightner, 07-14-2002, 05:22 AM
Alright then. I hereby rescind my promise to be 100% serious. The question is, if I'm no longer being serious, is this a serious rescindment? And if not, how can it not be serious? By the way... isn't it opposite day today?

Posted by derek.bodner, 07-14-2002, 10:20 AM
Some people are definitely trying to be a little too "deep"

Posted by apollo, 07-14-2002, 10:31 AM
ain't cpanel one of the most expensive ones out there in the market... (I don't want to say it's not worth it.. just a question)

Posted by johnallen, 07-14-2002, 02:59 PM
yeah. it's one of the more spendy ones. I don't like the interface for WHM. I do like the interface for Cpanel. Go figure.

Posted by XcaliburWS, 07-14-2002, 07:28 PM
I vote for Cpanel.. interface is well designed and easy to use.

Posted by elevation, 07-15-2002, 12:20 AM
CPanel works out best for the end-user, IMHO.

Posted by isildur, 07-15-2002, 08:44 AM
Keep in mind you can get skins for the backend (WHM) as well as the frontend (user-interface). People are always working on new skins/themes for both angles of the product, and 99% of everything in this realm is completely free.

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