
how many companies do you resell for?

Posted by tazd9t9, 05-06-2002, 10:14 AM
the title says it all, do you resell for one company or more than one?

Posted by acidHL, 05-06-2002, 01:34 PM
Two MCHost and Dotster

Posted by tazd9t9, 05-06-2002, 03:01 PM
another question for anyone who resells for more than one hosting company, why? why dont u just use one?

Posted by voxtreme - philip, 05-06-2002, 06:46 PM
One popular reason is that some resellers like to resell both Windows and Linux packages. But the majority of companies offering reselling only offer one OS type.

Posted by TopDog07, 05-06-2002, 08:37 PM
A little OT, but is there a big demand for windows systems? I perfer Linux myself, but I am just curious

Posted by CRego3D, 05-06-2002, 11:42 PM
The demand is mostly from people that needs true ASP support (and trust me, chilisoft is not that great) Also MSSQL DB support

Posted by Chicken, 05-07-2002, 01:50 AM
Not every one host offers everything either. One host might excel with their linux offers, another with windows, and people may use other hosts for ecommerce reasons (miva, other shopping carts, etc.) and streaming servers, etc. One of the benefits of being a reseller is that you can choose the best (hopefully) of everything for your needs.

Posted by TopDog07, 05-07-2002, 02:01 AM
Hosting/Reselling for with two companys seems like it would be hetic, or is it if done correctly? Maybe due to my small brain, but it seems like it would not be a walk in the park

Posted by cactus, 05-07-2002, 08:02 AM
Well, there's CPanel, Plesk, Ensim control panels. Hehe all three control panels can't co-exists together on a single server. Say you offer Cpanel, then one of your prospective customers ask.....Do you have Plesk control panel, my previous Host offer it? YOU: No we don't have it Sir, but Cpanel is the best control panel. CUSTOMER: What are you talking about? I used Plesk and it's the best. Sayings: One man's food is another's poison It's one of the reasons besides window/linux hosting that you may have a few reseller accounts with different host.

Posted by TopDog07, 05-07-2002, 03:26 PM
Any know of a windows host that offers reseller accounts, that probably be around for awhile?

Posted by appletreats, 05-07-2002, 03:41 PM
Or, someone might not want to put all their customers with one provider. That way, if one of the companies they resell for goes down or goes out of business, it does not affect all of their customers. Or, if they sign up for one company, fill up their resources, they might sign up for a different reseller with more resources for a similar price, but not want to go to the trouble of moving all their accounts to the new providor.

Posted by tazd9t9, 05-07-2002, 03:50 PM
has anyone heard of or used i need 2 info on them asap

Posted by pmabraham, 05-07-2002, 03:54 PM
Greetings: Our parent company has some resellers that only resell through our parent company, and others who resell through as many as five providers (including our parent company). The one who does five (who is actually visiting us next week from Florida) told us the main reason is because they have clients with specific needs that are not met by the plans and services offered. In their case, they are correct. Thank you.

Posted by help4hosts, 05-07-2002, 09:49 PM
I currently use two Linux resellers and am looking for a good NT provider. I use two different Linux resellers so I can keep my main domain and some of my resold accounts on one and my reseller accounts on another, just in case one goes down for an extended period of time.

Posted by etreus, 05-08-2002, 07:01 AM
I am at a beginning stage, but think will need to have two reseller accounts with different companies. I have chosen a bulk reseller from this forums, which gives me what I need, except for time length between reboot, in the couple of weeks I have been testing. I will maintain this account for low priced plans. I have checked 20-30 reselling companies using Netcraft, and there are only a couple that have good figure of over 70 maintained days without reboot. Most of the ones talked about here, are rebooted every 5-10 days. It is not that it matters much, to have machines booted for some minutes every 5-10 days, it is just that there has to be what I am looking for on the market. Be willing to pay $60 for: 1 GB Storage 10 G Transfer Maintaining at least 50 days without rebooting the server. It is not asking for much I think. Some months ago, even Reseller Matrix gave me that uptime in the past, but after what I have read here, I am not willing to try again. Can anyone help? Thxs

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