
cpanel reseller; www+subdomain ?

Posted by yellowed, 08-25-2001, 03:53 AM
I am very happy with my host's support/performance. I've started a "folder" redirect service ( as opposed to, because our domain name works out as a "word string" with the subscriber names following our domain name. Anyway....I was told by our host's support that Cpanel does not create subdomains that resolve with in Subdomains only resolve as This limitation will be confusing to our redirection subscribers who will be assigned URL's similar to, and the URL's won't resolve as Do all hosts who sell Cpanel virtual reseller packages have this "no www" limitation in subdomain addresses ? Is there any known way around this limitation. Is the only answer to transfer to a host that does not use Cpanel, but offers easy www.subdomain creation ? I find very few comments about this problem relating to subdomains on any support forums, and no comments about it relating to Cpanel specifically. Comments appreciated !

Posted by checkall, 08-25-2001, 04:39 AM
It's true that "CPanel does not create subdomains that resolve with in". However, the problem to me is not a subdomain without being resolved with www, but that CPanel doesn't create subdomains with dash in it to seperate keywords. That's a big problem of CPanel's subdomain ability because we'll lose points in search engine ranking due to that spiders don't understand the subdomains created by CPanel. Last edited by checkall; 08-25-2001 at 04:44 AM.

Posted by mikeknoxv, 08-25-2001, 08:51 AM
Couldn't you get around this by adding directly into your DNS?

Posted by yellowed, 08-25-2001, 11:09 AM
spiders do not understand the subdomains created by Cpanel> Do you know if this is a problem when a subdomain is only one word ? Is your observation solely related to the inability of Cpanel to create a subdomain like, instead of ? Tried to configure DNS in Webhost (WHM) as an "A" record, then as a CNAME, and also as a (*) wildcard: * When all methods failed, we put in a support ticket request to our hosting provider and the answer they gave was that Cpanel cannot create subdomains that resolve as www.subdomain. "WWW" is actually just another subdomain, and someone from our hosting service posted at Webhostingtalk, or on another forum site that Cpanel does not yet have the ability to create "4th level" domains, which is what a "www" prefix before a subdomain seems to actually be. Our opinion is that although "www" is an outmoded an unnecessary prefix, our logs on our other sites show that most visitors still prefer to include the "www" when directly typing a URL into a browser address window. Many corporate sites still only resolve with a "www" prefix. This limitation seems, in our experience, to be more the rule for European URL's than forr U.S. based sites.

Posted by MCHost-Marc, 08-25-2001, 11:20 AM
You might be able to get it to work by editing the /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf file. Never tried it so i'm not sure if that would work.

Posted by checkall, 08-25-2001, 12:40 PM
Yes, it's a problem, a big disadvantage of CPanel's subdomain ability, to me though it's not to somebody else. The is better than from the point of view of search engine optimazation. I don't care www or not.

Posted by yellowed, 08-25-2001, 01:09 PM
You might be able to get it to work by editing the /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf file. > I don't think our current host provider would appreciate a virtual account reseller like us "modifying" the httpd.conf file. I understand that with a virtual account, the way to access and change the httpd.conf file is via telnet, since there does not seem any other obvious way to access httpd.conf. If you can solve this limitation by modifying httpd.conf on a Cpanel account, or by any other method, and offer us this ability even on a limited basis (up to ten subdomains that can resolve with www. prefix, created on just the primary account domain) please notify us. We prefer Cpanel but we require the www.subdomain ability for our short URL redirection service.

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