

Posted by panoramical, 09-11-2008, 04:51 AM
Hi there I know very little about how to set up servers...all I know is that they "work" and until now that's all I've really cared about. I know how to configure an Apache server to test my websites, but that's about all I can do and will need help doing it. Now I'd like to setup a Helpdesk for work. I have the coding capabilities to do this, but what I don't have are the expertees in setting the thing up. So far I have got my computer running an Apache server that other computers in the local network should be able to access. But since we have a server in the basement, I was thinking why not use this? Well, the problem, I realised was that I have absolutely no clue whatsoever how to do this. Literally am an idiot when it comes to this due to my "as long as it works" attitude. Now I'd like to change. Can anybody help me as to how I would setup an Intranet? I'm sure you need details, but I don't know what details to provide you with. I really would be grateful for any help you could give me... Many Thanks!

Posted by webcertain, 09-11-2008, 05:31 AM
well, here's some info, hope it helps. An intranet is really just a website (and possibly other services), that are only accessible on a particular network (generally within a company). The term is a bit confusing, since really it's just a single server in most cases, serving webpages out across the network. you need to do 2 things to get started 1. your network's DNS needs to be set so you have an easy name people can put in the address bar (ie, http://intranet), and this should point to your server. 2. set up your server to work on this dns name and serve webpages. there's a lot more stuff you can do, but that's the basics of it.

Posted by panoramical, 09-11-2008, 05:33 AM
Hi there, Thanks for your reply. I have step 1 down. It's how to do it that I don't know. I think the server is a Microsoft IIS since it has Dell stamped all over it. I think at the moment it is just used as network drive for everyone in the building. What steps would I need to take to do both of the stages you mentioned? Thanks Last edited by panoramical; 09-11-2008 at 05:41 AM.

Posted by panoramical, 09-11-2008, 06:09 AM
Thinking back on this...the two things I need to do are: At the moment I have my network drive with files on this location \\netdrive\files. What I want to do is to create some sort of Virtual Host so that \\netdrive\web directs to hxxp://intranet (x is replaced by t). Is this possible? Also I want to actually have PHP files to be parsed correctly, ie turning the network drive into a this possible? Thanks

Posted by webcertain, 09-11-2008, 06:43 AM
well, it depends how your DNS is controlled if its done on the windows server, in admin tools there should be a DNS option the 2nd part can be done with apache , but you would have to first setup samba so that it can read the network file share, and then setup the virtualhost to run from that a folder within it.

Posted by panoramical, 09-11-2008, 07:57 AM
So in terms of DNS, what exactly do I need to change? As you can see I am a complete fool about this stuff, so if anybody can provide me with a link that would get me going I would really be grateful...I don't want to waste your time with stupid questions!

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