
Configuring server to handle both MySQL and MS Access databases

Posted by Empire895, 03-24-2008, 03:06 PM
Greetings Everyone, First I'd like to say that this is a great forum filled with much valuable information, glad I found it on the web Since I have never worked on the server end of things I had a quick question for all you web hosting gurus. Is it possible to have PHP installed on ONE single server and still have the ability for the server to work with both MS Access AND MySQL at the same time? I would think YES, but I am being told by our server branch at my current job that this is not the case. They claim there is no way for the server on one machine to be able to handle both types of databases. Are they right? If they are wrong and it is possible to have one server run both type of databases, what steps would be necessary to set up the server to handle both types? Do we need to tweak the php.ini file or is there another method of allowing the server the ability to work with both MySQL and MS Access. Sorry if this question seems stupid or odd, as I said, I have minimal experience on the server end but I am confident that a server can handle both. Thanks in advance for ANY help that can be provided Ciao!! Carl

Posted by Chris_M, 03-24-2008, 03:08 PM
You should see more replies in here.

Posted by Empire895, 03-24-2008, 03:10 PM
Thanks! I appreciate it.

Posted by luke_a, 03-24-2008, 05:15 PM
If you are using a Windows server, then yes. But PHP is better on Linux than Windows.

Posted by derek.bodner, 03-24-2008, 05:31 PM
Well you sure are masochistic. The short answer is, not on a linux server.

Posted by RBBOT, 03-24-2008, 06:43 PM
If you have any kind of choice in the matter, you should avoid MS Access databases for server-based use - it was originally design for single user desktop use, and simply isn't up to the job in terms of concurrent user access and backup/reliability. If you are using the Microsoft stack, MSSQL Server Express is a much better choice. However, if you don't have a choice, it is possible on Windows.

Posted by Empire895, 03-24-2008, 11:29 PM
Rbbot, thanks for your reply. The database is very small and MS Access works for now considering the low level of traffic we get to the website since it is only a departmental site within our base. We do get visitors from all over the world but a small amount of visits per day. The problem our server branch says it is having is that since every department uses different programming languages they say it is impossible to have one single server set up to handle every different combination and configuration on the server end. To me that doesn't make any sense since I would think that a server can be tweaked to handle anything and everything but as I said I don't have a background on the server side so I just needed to know that I am not nuts to think that they can make any variation work according to each departments needs on the same server. From what you are saying this should be possible in Windows? Yes? Thanks again for your reply. I'll have to research this more now to give them some insight into eventually make the server end needs and database setup work for everyone. I appreciate your help!!

Posted by Empire895, 03-24-2008, 11:30 PM
thanks also to Luke and Derek as well, I just noticed their posts... missed them initially.... my bad

Posted by Empire895, 03-24-2008, 11:33 PM
So if they are using a Linux server then it is not possible to get both MySQL and MS Access to work on the same server?? Not sure what they are running, I would lean toward Linux but for all I know they are using Windows... I'll have to find out for sure...

Posted by derek.bodner, 03-25-2008, 12:20 AM
Correct. It is possible on a Windows server, but I would highly recommend against using access on a production website.

Posted by boonchuan, 03-25-2008, 12:55 AM
Yes this is definitely possible, just download the php and mysql for windows and install. It is quite an easy click and install for these two programs nowadays. You may also want to install myODBC for easier usage with your windows program. MS Access support comes with the Windows server by default so you do not need to do anything on that end.

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