
Hotmail - Yahoo Mail spam question

Posted by bonjurkes, 03-10-2008, 02:37 PM
Hello, Nowadays it's everyone's headache for sending mails to hotmail and yahoo i guess. I am having the same problem. I add the domainkey to domains, but when i send mail to yahoo it drops to spam. I didn't tried it with hotmail, but reason for dropping spam at yahoo is probably because of no spf record. I am having a bit trouble with setting spf. I read some documents and my mind is messed up, i can't figure out what to do. My server's ip address is : xx.xx.xx.xx My server's hostname is : and i have domains like ,,, bla bla that wants to send mail to hotmail. Those sites are using different ips, but each ip is using more than 1 site, I read that i need to setup reverse dns, but one article says i should do it for my hostname, other one says for mail server : So first question how should i setup reverse dns? Second question, it says i need to add spf record for my domain, does it mean my hostname, or the domain i want to send mail ? v=spf1 a mx ptr ~all and than i should fill form at and than wait. So i will be glad if someone can answer my questions and tell me if there is any missing parts.

Posted by HoundOfTheSmith, 03-10-2008, 03:31 PM
There is a good mailing list for SPF issues. Hostname: The hostname and rDNS should match. SPF: Each domain should have an SPF record, the SPF record should be (assuming all outbound email goes through this server): v=spf1 ip4:xx.xx.xx.xx ~all When your testing ends, change the ~all to -all. See

Posted by greg14unix, 03-10-2008, 10:58 PM
Seems Microsoft has a interactive wizard on their web site. Try searching for "Sender ID Framework SPF Record Wizard"

Posted by bonjurkes, 03-12-2008, 09:49 PM
i setup the rdns for my ips, for one of my domains,, i edit dns record and add this 14400 IN TXT "v=spf1 a mx ~all" but when i check those spf test pages they say there is no spf setup for that domain. What am i doing wrong?

Posted by HoundOfTheSmith, 03-13-2008, 03:26 AM
No way of knowing without details such as the domain If you don't like publishing the domain here then there's either the SPF mailing lists (via or the SPF helpdesk (via the same place).

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