
SSL Help: Want to Make a Single Page Https

Posted by frailwords, 08-30-2007, 06:46 PM
Alright, I am very new to this, so I'd like to get some help here, and I know a couple of you gurus can help me with this. It's probably really simple, but I'm trying to learn, so I figured I come to one of the best sources for info I have found: here. Have a domain, and I want to make a single Contact Us/Order page SSL. Have purchased the SSL certificate, put the domain on its own IP and it's ready to go. Now, how do I go about altering the page to be an SSL page. Do I simply call it as It makes some calls and loads a little SWF contact page from within it's own directory, and then shoots an email out to the contact email. This will be the only page that ever needs an SSL on the whole site, so no worries in expanding it later. Thanks in Advance!

Posted by PremiumHost, 08-30-2007, 07:52 PM
You need to install ssl certificate (configure the web server for https) If you're using shared hosting, you would contact your host to install the ssl certificate.

Posted by frailwords, 08-30-2007, 08:26 PM
Appreciate the try for info, my fault on it though: I already have installed the SSL certificate. My question is, now that the SSL is in place, what do I need to do to make that one page https?

Posted by Kintallon, 08-30-2007, 08:31 PM
Yes you just need to call the page using https. It doesn't need to be in a separate folder or anything as per your example above. Any links on the page to other parts of your site would likely need to be changed to hard links using http otherwise they would inherit the https status from the contact page. Don't have it to hand at the moment but if you if have your contact page as PHP you can put in a piece of code which would switch automatically to https when the page is accessed.

Posted by david510, 08-31-2007, 04:14 AM
frailwords, You can just call the contact page as you have mentioned. Set link as follows for the contact us page in all the webpages. So when anyone click on the contact us link, it will be taken to the https link. Or set a redirection in the .htaccess file as follows.

Posted by frailwords, 08-31-2007, 09:23 AM
Thank you guys for the help. Especially the rewrite stuff, David. Was able to sit down with it and pick it apart and I actually know what it does now . Anyway, thank you guys - everything is running great.

Posted by Steve_Arm, 08-31-2007, 10:57 AM
You can't simply call it, your server should listen to port 443. If you have installed it I assume you have enabled the https protocol. Other than that you have to create a virtual host for https pointing to a directory.

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