
FTP will not work!!!

Posted by Matsta, 08-29-2007, 04:26 AM
Hi, After spending nearly 4 days trying to get ftp working on my server i still haven't achieved it. I got a server with a default install of plesk and cent os 4. I update to 8.2 and when i first go to try ftp it says "server closed connection" on my ftp client. So then i tried updating 8.2 again and the installer failed. So i tried manually installing both proftpd and pureftpd via ssh and yum and it fails to install. I've also restarted the server a few times. I've tried logging in with every single username/domain/i.p. assigned to the server. and i've had no luck. Can someone please help me, i really want to upload some files to my server. Cheers

Posted by Cristi4n, 08-29-2007, 05:14 AM
with yum were it fails ? can you post some error messages ?

Posted by Matsta, 08-29-2007, 05:19 AM
Hi, Here's whats happens when i try installing proftpd: Cheers

Posted by mrgeekchris, 08-29-2007, 05:38 AM
how about switching to pure ftp and see if that works .. if any problems continues let me know .. I will try my best to help you . .

Posted by Matsta, 08-29-2007, 05:40 AM
Thanks Daspawnx, I get the exact same results when installing pure ftpd as pro ftpd.

Posted by Cristi4n, 08-29-2007, 05:46 AM
Please do a yum search proftp and pure-ftpd, I think Plesk already installed them. If that is true, then try to see why they do not start. If Plesk did not install them you should have the rpm's in the copy of the Plesk 8.2, try to install from there.

Posted by Jeremy, 08-29-2007, 04:47 PM
Use yum list *ftp* And look at the Available Packages

Posted by Matsta, 08-30-2007, 01:19 AM
Heres what i get: I successfully removed pro ftpd but i cannot install it now. Is it easier if i just reformat the server and install plesk again?

Posted by PeakVPN-KH, 08-30-2007, 02:10 AM
Just download the source from Follow the instructions and compile it manually. I wouldn't do a complete re-install.

Posted by Matsta, 08-30-2007, 02:17 AM
Good idea. I feel soo stupid now. I uninstalled Plesk and i tried to re install it and now when i try to install i get this error:

Posted by david510, 08-31-2007, 05:45 AM
Check if the rpm install is working fine on the server. Try installing a sample rpm on server.

Posted by Cristi4n, 08-31-2007, 05:52 AM
pure-ftpd/proftpd are not included in the default repositories. If he has extra repos he should check to see if proftp or pureftp are not added in the ignore list in yum.

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