
Looking for a Script or method or object

Posted by adorno, 09-21-2007, 09:42 PM
I'm looking for a script or a method or an object that: Is written in vbScript or or javascript that can perform as per the following: Say a user, such as a blogger or a poster in a forum, wishes to create a discussion that references an article from a site, such as a news article , or information article, or a commentary/editorial article... I would like to receive, from that blogger or poster, the information which includes: --> the article which he/she accessed from my site (article title from my site and my article's url) --> the site name of that blog or the site name of the forum where the discussion was initiated, --> the URL of the discussion which the blogger or poster initiated Thus, if an article is accessed from many different forums or blogs, the information received by my site would include all the links from all the bloggers and posters who accessed my article. With that information, if anybody accesses one of my articles, I would be able to list all of the forums or blogs that make reference back to my article. My list of discussion links for an article would look something like: Man Bites Dog With that information, I would be able to immediately link a reader of one of my articles to a site which already has initiated a discussion on that article. So, does anybody know of anything like that?

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