Knowledgebase down?

Posted by zongra0085, 11-02-2007, 02:58 AM
Hi guys, My host that i recently signed up seems to be timing out and loading really slow? their page is: is it slow for anyone else? just trying to workout if its my end, thanks

Posted by Mr. Obvious, 11-02-2007, 04:11 AM
Not loading here for me

Posted by VPSBite, 11-02-2007, 04:32 AM
Hello, We are currently experiencing some missing kernel files. We are unaware of how this occurred since we strictly do not give SSH access to clients. We currently have Softlayer and our technicians working on this issue. If you wish to keep up to date on the news, please visit . We have some staff on live chat ready to answer some basic questions you may have. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Posted by Mr. Obvious, 11-02-2007, 04:59 AM
For a nice reference, it looks more professional to NOT use bold in every post Thanks for the updates, be sure to inform us when you're back online at full capacity.

Posted by VPSBite, 11-02-2007, 08:22 AM
Hello, We have now fixed the issue, and taken proper measures to make sure this won't happen again.

Posted by Mr. Obvious, 11-02-2007, 09:13 AM
Great to know! Can you enlighten us as to what the problem was/what caused it?

Posted by VPSBite, 11-02-2007, 09:30 AM
It appears that some kernel files were deleted from our hard drive. However, we got Softlayer to reinstall the kernel files. It took a while to do as the server couldn't boot, but we finally fixed it. Thanks

Posted by @Matt, 11-02-2007, 09:52 AM
Do you know why the kernel files were deleted?

Posted by VPSBite, 11-02-2007, 09:55 AM
Hi Matt.G, We don't have any idea why, but we have an IP address that we think could have been the person that did it. We will be investigating this though. All clients don't have SSH access, so we think it is a staff member.

Posted by zongra0085, 11-02-2007, 10:32 AM
hi periodhost, thx for ur replies. It has been okay but now again it seems down to me? thx for ur assistance..

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 11-02-2007, 11:34 AM
yeah it seems down... maybe they've just had to switch it off to fix the problem properly. no doubt it'll be back soon. owm

Posted by James Daniels, 11-02-2007, 12:21 PM
LOL Maybe your servers are not secure and it was hacked? If it was a staff member, then that is negligence and poor management on your part.

Posted by seriesfan, 11-03-2007, 08:40 PM
I'm using their host. I knew when their server was down because I just signed up and working on my site. On Nov 1, then server was down, they said their new hired employee made a wrong switch caused the OS kernel could not boot. Then they had datacenter fixed, the server up and down again shortly and later found the cause and the server up again. Luckily, all the files & database are and just took an hour copy the backup restore back. Take almost a whole day then they posted a message saying server has been hacked everything wiped out so on and on.. I'm a new customer still in 30 day trial, all my files & db are gone. Trying to get my money back, email the owner got no response. Today Nov 3, contact them via online help, the same person that help me with technical question told me the site owner changed. He told me to contact the old owner ask for money back. The only thing I have is the owner email address, emailed him and got no reply. They charged my money and failed to deliver their service, and now get away with "new owner" story. If you want a reliable host, stay away from this periodhost garbage.

Posted by rowdyplace, 11-07-2007, 09:55 AM
Ignorance is no excuse for this behavior. I believe that criminal charges of neglegence and theft are in order unless they deliver the product sold, or honor their 30 day money back advertised promise. The new owner bought this business subject to all prior claims...and he knows it! I want a refund, too. account name: mikeelik PM me for details...

Posted by Random Company, 11-07-2007, 10:38 AM
I just wrote an email to the support adress.. but if you read this thread first: I (username "randomco") would like to get my money back, too..

Posted by TonyB, 11-07-2007, 11:09 AM
Except for the problem that the periodhost was probably not a legal entity. So I'm not sure what exactly happens in a situation like that. Also I'd be skeptical if it was actually a purchase as well. It was probably more like here have my 5 clients.

Posted by tumble, 11-07-2007, 03:26 PM
I was drifting thru the providers site and it appears top be a dead site with no working links except for the one link that takes you to another provider. I hope everyone was able to grab some back-ups before this fella dashed out. tumble

Posted by MrSpartan, 11-08-2007, 12:55 PM
Don't trust this guy. He bolted with $ from an annual package from me as well. He goes by multiple Names on this site. jamson OR Periodhost. Looking for my money back as well. I have no way to contact the new guy either. ANy help would be appreciated.

Posted by seriesfan, 11-08-2007, 05:50 PM
Kosta is the owner from Australia and jamson is the tech guy. Jamson was the one who helped me with technical question from the date I signed up and told me periodhost changed owner when I asked for my money back. They both are in the same boat. I filed a dispute transaction via Paypal. Paypal could not get money back for me because it is a service not a delivery to a physical address (paypal sux anyway). However, Paypal has frozen that amount of money; Kosta (the owner of period host) could not use that money for 180 days (6 months). Then I called Paypal and told them periodhost is a fraud, charged my money, didn’t provide service as promise and now ran away with changed ownership. (Yeah, your server got hacked Nov 1, then the next 2 days Nov 3 you have a new owner. Hey periodhost Kosta & Jamson, you think people will believe your “new owner” story ?). Paypal gave me instruction to get my money back. I'll pm to let you know what to do to get your money back shortly.

Posted by seriesfan, 11-08-2007, 06:21 PM
I don't see any pm function. I guess I'm new here and still have not up the the level to use pm. If you need info what to do to get your money back. Feel free to contact me: seriesfan85 at gmail dot com. Please include your username use in webhostingtalk, otherwise you will not get my reply.

Posted by MrSpartan, 11-08-2007, 06:37 PM
E-mail sent. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks

Posted by rowdyplace, 11-08-2007, 07:28 PM
Email sent too ! - Thanks in advance. We gotta team together to stop the crooks from fleecing the honest users that rely on this excellent forum. I am aware of at least 4 in the past 3 months.

Posted by MrSpartan, 11-08-2007, 09:13 PM
Look out for their new host companies. Old Company: (Hosting Vendor) Redirects business to other site Old Company: (Hosting Vendor) Out of Business Old Company: (Hosting Vendor) Now not in business (as of 11/3/07) New Company: (Hosting Vendor) Now in business (as of 11/5/07) Buyer beware!!

Posted by KevinBarker, 11-09-2007, 11:39 AM
I Would Like to write a short email to explain what happened to We brought out, once the change over happened, and both was happy the deal was sealed and that was the end of that! A few hours later, the site was down! i contacted support where the server was hosted with! and they had tracked that ta hacker got access to the server, and deleted all files! even the backups. We are trying to rebuild! We are offering 2 month free hosting dues to the issues you have all had with period host!, is not longer hosted on the older server! our new server for the clients is secure, daily backups, and faster support i will try and update this post asap

Posted by MrSpartan, 11-09-2007, 04:01 PM
That is good to here Kevin. How can we get ahold of you or service/support? The Period Host site is still filled with placeholder text. And When can we expect some communication regarding our individual cases? I am willing to bypass the refund and just continue with the hosting plan if we can get this amicably resolved. Thanks

Posted by rowdyplace, 11-09-2007, 09:37 PM
I agree with MrSpartin. Just get out accounts up and our space available. Heck, everyone has "hit-a-bump" in life... It's how we pick ourselves up and continue on that seperates the men from the boys. Be a man - get your stuff together, and provide the best reseller accounts available...This is your chance to excell!!!

Posted by KevinBarker, 11-10-2007, 05:26 AM
All Period Host customers, have been added to our servers, we have no less than Dual core xeon, 2 gb ram, cpanel servers, with daily backups! You can find out main site at Here is the direct link to our contact page! If any resellers have custom name servers, this can be added asap to get you reseller accounts up and running! also new to add extra features to our reseller account, you can sign up to become a domain reseller. Every onces acounts have been activated, you should now be able to log in to cpanel, and FTP to your site! I Hope that we can all work together, to get this mess resolved asap. We also have a forum and a usefull Blog! And a members area, with an ever growing Knowledgebase

Posted by Jamson, 11-14-2007, 04:04 PM
seriesfan, I was just merely a tech support guy as you said. I don't see why i should be brought up in this mess.

Posted by Random Company, 11-14-2007, 04:33 PM
A few days ago I contacted pixelled solutions and I got my space package. It is okay, and I did not see any down time yet, and I hope it will stay like this. I would post a link to my page here, so that you can get your own opinion about the space's speed and quality, but I dont know whether I am allowed to do that. Greetings.

Posted by rowdyplace, 11-14-2007, 04:40 PM
I too have been offered a reseller package by the pixel guys. But, it is much less space and less bandwidth than I paid Period for. Twice I have emailed them asking about this, but to date, no answer...

Posted by Random Company, 11-14-2007, 04:44 PM
That may be... I first only got 3 GB bandwidth but after contacting them now I've gotten 30 GB, I dont know whether it's less or the same like I had @ periodhost, it's been a long long down time.....

Posted by seriesfan, 11-20-2007, 09:28 PM
jamson, You know this scam all along. When my site is ready, I tried to test mail sent via my website. My mails sent were marked as spam by gmail, yahoo, ect...any free emails companies marked it as spam. So I contacted you for help. You said it is impossible to fix because previous customers sent many spam mails and they (gmail, yahoo, ect..) have included your mail server to their spam list. And you also said: "for the past 6 moths, we (periodhost) have tried to contact them to remove us but no luck". But checked, period host in business August 27, 07 which is less than 3 months. I could not include the link because I'm not up to the level to use vbcode or links in my posts, search for " 2 Month Review!", look for post #29. Period host is 2 months old posted by period host on Oct 12, 07. So do not play the innocent card here. You know this scam all the way. Your is also already in my blacklist!

Posted by geekisp, 11-20-2007, 10:53 PM
Good to know they upped you!

Posted by Jamson, 11-21-2007, 02:42 AM
I'm sorry seriesfan, but i am NOT the owner, i was merely a member of staff. I never played any part of this apparent scam, if you decide that being hired by the old owner is part of the scam then so be it, but i never was in any way related to management. I am sick of fighting with you, but i never joined in to point people in the wrong direction and watch everyone suffer. Period Host was sold to a new owner - the old server was wiped clean by hackers - New owner gives accounts to people who follow the directions given Why should my name be chucked in with the story as a scam artist? I've been scammed out of some wage as well.. Also, please don't bring JetNetHost into this, i only work for them as a live chat and support ticket operator. Last edited by Jamson; 11-21-2007 at 02:47 AM. Reason: Added some words, fixed it up to make some more sense.

Posted by Jamson, 11-21-2007, 03:57 PM
Oh, and JetNetHost isn't owned by Kosta.. he isn't even involved in management. It's owned by a guy called Bryan and is celebrating its 2nd aniversary. (Someone edit this into my first post please)

Posted by seriesfan, 11-21-2007, 08:15 PM
Jamson: I'm sorry seriesfan, but i am NOT the owner, i was merely a member of staff. I never played any part of this apparent scam, if you decide that being hired by the old owner is part of the scam then so be it, but i never was in any way related to management. You don't have to be the owner to be a part of the scam. It's not being hired by the old owner is a part of the scame, it's about you covered up with unmatched information (your mail server story) that tells you are a part of it. Yes, you also answered for billing questions too when I selected billing and asked for a refund. Jamson: I am sick of fighting with you, but i never joined in to point people in the wrong direction and watch everyone suffer. I'm not fighting with you. I just want to alert buyers know about you and beware of your "service" so they won't lose money. Jamson: Period Host was sold to a new owner - the old server was wiped clean by hackers - New owner gives accounts to people who follow the directions given I paid for one year, new owner offers 2 months free. I don't use their offer anyway. I already filed for a chargeback. I'd rather give my money to a charity. Jamson: Why should my name be chucked in with the story as a scam artist? I've been scammed out of some wage as well.. Re-read I said about your mail server story! Jamson: Also, please don't bring JetNetHost into this, i only work for them as a live chat and support ticket operator., any host services you are "involing" in are in my blacklist!

Posted by Jamson, 11-22-2007, 01:13 AM
6 months, 6 days, 6 hours, whatever it is, it still got resolved when we moved servers. I, as any human, can easily make a mistake when under pressue. It isn't even my service! I can't manipulate the new owners decision of offering 2 months. How is me being involved with JetNetHost meaning that they provide a dodgy service? I only operate live chat and tickets.. i don't have access to billing details or logins to the servers.

Posted by Mr. Obvious, 11-22-2007, 01:35 AM
Jamson, don't worry about him. He's just another pissed off customer that didn't get his way To both of you, go on with life, get over it and put it behind you.

Posted by Jamson, 11-22-2007, 02:49 AM
Thanks for stepping in.

Posted by seriesfan, 11-22-2007, 12:58 PM
@Mr.Obvious Wait still you get ripped-off and see scamer walking around offering service to other buyers, then I can say the same to you that never mind you, you got pissed off because you didn't get your way.

Posted by seriesfan, 11-22-2007, 01:01 PM
jamson: 6 months, 6 days, 6 hours, whatever it is, it still got resolved when we moved servers. I, as any human, can easily make a mistake when under pressue. Human do make mistake. You went on with your story now you said it was a mistake. That's fine. business more than 6 months and out off business. Periodhost less than 3 months also not in business and now with new company Buyers beware! Old Company: (Hosting Vendor) Redirects business to other site Old Company: (Hosting Vendor) Out of Business Old Company: (Hosting Vendor) Now not in business (as of 11/3/07) New Company: (Hosting Vendor) Now in business (as of 11/5/07) jamson: How is me being involved with JetNetHost meaning that they provide a dodgy service? I only operate live chat and tickets.. i don't have access to billing details or logins to the servers. It's about your lie & fraud. I know you was a part of the scam, whomever you perform service with are in my blacklist!

Posted by Mr. Obvious, 11-22-2007, 01:13 PM
FYI - I have been ripped off before, but I go on with life. I don't bitch about it on a public forum As for you not wanting to use any service that Jamson works for, that's your call. Do us a favor and <> please. Go on with life, get over it. It seems like its your life's dream to trash Jamson. HE ONLY WORKS SUPPORT AND LIVE CHAT. Give him a frickin break, there's nothing he can do with billing, thusly no way he can screw you over. He WASN'T part of the scam. The owner of PeriodHost acted like he was 16, do some research. He also didn't know anything about not being able to host warez on his server, which got reported to serverpoint Jamson is an innocent party, and because he's the one left here that worked at PeriodHost, you're blaming him. Do us a favor right now and stop, because there's nothing more that can be done, and you aren't doing yourself anything but wasting precious oxygen on this lovely Earth of ours. If you seem to think that your job in life is to trash a company that someone has worked for, for about 2 weeks roughly (from what I've noticed) then you need to just quit <>. Also, how was Jamson involved in the scam and the fraud exactly? You've failed to make this point clear, and until you provide physical proof of the accusations, then you're just another member trying to trash another company. It happens every day, also a host goes out of business and just leaves their customers every day. It's why the little guys who don't know what they're doing shouldn't be in the business. All in all, GET <> OVER IT. Like I said above, Jamson is an innocent person, and just because he is the one person left over from PeriodHost that's left on these forums, you're putting the damn blame on him. I don't play the blame game, its wrong and pointless. I'll conclude this post like this: It's great to know that you have your little hosting blacklist, alot of people do. Just because someone works for a company doesn't give you the right to diss the service, UNTIL YOU HAVE USED THE SERVICE. Last edited by bear; 11-23-2007 at 05:48 PM.

Posted by r00ter, 11-22-2007, 02:18 PM
LOL! Tyler, I love you man haha. That's really how to make a dudes turkey on Thanksgiving. I must give you +1 for your remarks. Jamson did nothing wrong, he's merely an employee. If he was the director of accounts and billing; then I can see some room for failure. I agree with Tyler completely, just move on.

Posted by seriesfan, 11-22-2007, 02:27 PM
Mr. Obvious: FYI - I have been ripped off before, but I go on with life. I don't bitch about it on a public forum This public forum is also for people sharing experience with good and bad hosts, isn’t it ? You got ripped off and shut up about it. That’s your choice. Bitchy or not, you decide whatever you want to do with it, it’s your life, but you can’t tell other being ripped off and SHUT UP about it. You never used the service, you said Jamson wasn’t a part of the scam. I used the service, I said He WAS a apart of the scam. I don’t trust him, any company he is involing with are in my blacklist. Period. Mr.Obvious: Also, how was Jamson involved in the scam and the fraud exactly? You've failed to make this point clear, and until you provide physical proof of the accusations, then you're just another member trying to trash another company. It happens every day, also a host goes out of business and just leaves their customers every day. It's why the little guys who don't know what they're doing shouldn't be in the business. All in all, GET THE HELL OVER IT. Like I said above, Jamson is an innocent person, and just because he is the one person left over from PeriodHost that's left on these forums, you're putting the damn blame on him. I don't play the blame game, its wrong and pointless. Perhaps playing the blame game is in your head because you've been there. I don't now play the blame game. Don't have time for that. Periodhost has been in business in different names. Ripped off customers and ran away. Adding to jamson's mail server story. On Nov 1 their server got hacked, Nov 3 on live chat help, jamson told me periodhost changed owner, I asked when how could it happened server just got hacked and some one bought it over night, jamson said: "they changed owner weeks before it happened and has been running under new owner, it just that you don’t know". In the email of new owner sent me a few days ago ( "Period host was sold. We was given all information for the server etc, 2 minutes later nothing worked, contacted the old owner they said the server had been hacked and all files deleted. He then went on to say that all sql database was backed up on another server that also is a lie." My conclusion to you is. If you are wise, don't jump fast to a conclusion that person is honest, innocent so on and on. You get ripped off and SHUT UP watching others fall into traps, it's your choice. but you can’t tell others SHUT UP like you.

Posted by Jamson, 11-22-2007, 04:26 PM
I've been through my live chat logs, i couldn't find anything that showed me saying that. Either way, i am sick of this argument. I never was a part of this scam, i never planned to be a part of a scam. Can a mod lock this topic? It's kind of a flame war i guess.

Posted by greatone88, 12-01-2007, 09:57 AM
Here is a quote from someone in this thread Jamson: Period Host was sold to a new owner - the old server was wiped clean by hackers - New owner gives accounts to people who follow the directions given What directions given ?? I still have not been contacted by Period Host ( or its new owners ). I have no boogerin idea what to do. I IMed Keven Barker on this site weeks ago and have not heard boo from him. Is this Keven Barker guy part of this scam ?? Thanks, Jimbo

Posted by Jamson, 12-01-2007, 10:31 AM
Jimbo, Your apparently meant to go to and submit a support ticket. From there, i can't help as i don't work for Kevin at all. Kevin bought Period Host from Kosta, so whatever he does is his own choice now.. i can't do a flaming thing. From here on in - i will NOT be replying to this thread as it isn't my problem anymore. If you have any problems, just submit a ticket in there or try I don't know any other methods, sorry guys. I was told he sent you an email.

Posted by KevinBarker, 12-01-2007, 03:51 PM
greatone88, my name is kevin i am not scammer, i am trying to help all the periodhost customer, i have sent a email to evey customer in the database. mybe he typed your one in wrong, like Jamson siad you can go on pixelled solutions web site and contact me. or PM me your msn,yahoo, google chat, aim or any other chat programme u use and i will help you out

Posted by John Musbach, 12-01-2007, 10:21 PM
Just because you don't give explicit shell access out does not mean that it cannot still be obtained, for example: hotscripts dot com slash search?q=shell&cat=PHP&imageField.x=0&imageField.y=0 . The only real way to stop this is to not only not give ssh accounts to clients but to also enable safe mode and disable the commands php uses in those shell scripts, those shell scripts are dangerous as they allow any client to execute commands as whatever user Apache is being run as!!! Since the host appears to be clueless of this possible route to shell access I'd consider looking for a alternative host asap since who knows what else this host may be overlooking. This is a rather fundamental issue...

Posted by John Musbach, 12-01-2007, 10:30 PM
This is no good, they are listed in 4 spam databases as shown here: dnsstuff dot com slash tools/ !

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