
BuyaVPS Thank you

Posted by Tina J, 08-11-2007, 07:57 PM
I just wanted to take a moment and give a well deserved THANK YOU to a few people who have stepped forward to help with the BuyaVPS migration. Ryan at for understanding the seriousness of the situation and getting new servers ordered and built very quickly. For also helping troubleshoot a rather tricky kernel issue. Adam at for working with us to get the servers back online. has been extremely accommodating and shown us nothing but top-notch support during this. Adam actually worked with me, while he was on his way to the airport, at one point - just to help us make sure everyone was going to be able to get their data. Evan at for, again, allowing us access to the servers for the sole purpose of being able to get everyone's data. He was under no obligation to do that, but he did. WHT's own Echelon for putting in a crazy amount of hours AFTER working a full time day job on this project. He configured the new servers as well as worked his tail off to stablize the old ones. He's also been working tirelessly to migrate everyone to the new servers. Another WHT'er, PlatinumN23 for answering HelpDesk tickets and offering to help out in any way possible. For also being willing to stay on, as long as needed. I've been amazed at how many people, who I haven't mentioned, also stepped forward to offer support. We now have all but about 6 of the remaining accounts left to move. Everyone else, who's chosen to stay, has been migrated to the new boxes. We actually only had 4 new HelpDesk tickets come in today...and I think we might all get to go to bed early tonight, for a change! Thanks guys! --Tina

Posted by RyanD, 08-11-2007, 08:48 PM
My pleasure, glad I could help out in the salvage efforts.

Posted by RobertMaltby, 08-11-2007, 10:18 PM
You are very welcome

Posted by Echelon, 08-11-2007, 11:32 PM
0 accounts left to move, hehe. It was quite the challenge, but we fared through it and the customers will be pleased with the result. I am glad to be of service to this all, not just in service to AxisHost/BuyAVPS, but to the clients who's data was at stake, and was unreachable. It was a great effort, but in the end we recovered every last bit of data. I also want to thank CaroNET for being so understanding with all the reboot requests. It was quite a challenge trying to move vpses off servers when they decided to crash, but we stabilized them enough to get the job done. The new servers won't have that issue. Tina, you are very welcome, and thank you for giving me the chance to assist in rectifying the situation.

Posted by che1959, 08-12-2007, 09:57 AM
Thanks for getting the move done and getting the data back. Of course, I already had everything off before, but still it was nice seeing that Buyavps will still remain viable and I look forward to coming back here in 30 days to report how great buyavps is as a provider. Thanks again for everyone who helped!

Posted by DevMonkey, 08-12-2007, 10:08 PM
I am not a BuyaVPS customer but I have to say congratulations to all people involved in bringing BuyaVPS services back on their feet. I've silently been following this issue and the speed you've turned the problem around since taking over is truly amazing. I hope you have a good nights sleep after all of the work done and still being done! Congratulations and well done!

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