
BuyaVPS Information

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 05:37 PM
We are currently in negotiations with Caro and the soon-to-be former owners of BuyaVPS. These negotiations include allowing us to take 100% control over all customer data and billing records. These negotiations have passed the point of agreement and we are now simply waiting for root access and for these servers to be locked down (so that our admins are 100% in control of these boxes) - and for Caro to bring these servers back online. We realize that everyone wants their data immediately. Our immediate plan is to make sure these servers are secure and stable. We ask that if your data is not critical to your operations, that you please hold off in grabbing your data within the first several hours. We do not want to have a situation where the servers are quickly overloaded and then inaccessible by all. PLEASE be kind. I assure you that we will be the ONLY ones in charge of BuyaVPS once these servers come back online and we have root access. The former owners will no longer be involved with BuyaVPS in any way. Our immediate concern is getting these servers online ASAP, to minimize an already stressful situation. We fully realize that most people just want their data and to move on. We are fully committed to helping everyone recover their data and either settle in to a new and improved BuyaVPS experience (heard that before, eh? ) or to move to another host. Moving to a new host is probably the option most will take or have already taken. We hope a handful of you will stick around long enough to allow us to actually build up a solid reputation for BuyaVPS. Yes, we're going to lose money on this one. But it was just too painful to sit by and watch this go on. Hopefully, this will work out for everyone involved. Feel free to email me personally at with any questions. Right now, again, our main concern is getting everyone back online. Please hold off on grabbing backups or hitting us with non-emergency support/billing issues for at least 12 hours. Thank you! --Tina

Posted by Coolraul, 08-02-2007, 05:43 PM
Interesting development Tina. Good news for buyavps customers. Good luck.

Posted by omega36, 08-02-2007, 05:44 PM
Respect for taking on the mess that they have made. Will there be a new pricing structure in place? I wish you luck with the revival!

Posted by Ashley Merrick, 08-02-2007, 06:21 PM
Hopefully you can get this mess sorted out and end up with some happy customers, wish you luck with energizing the company.

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 06:30 PM
We're mostly just concerned with making sure everyone can have their data back. --Tina

Posted by Dougy, 08-02-2007, 06:38 PM
Thanks for caring Tina! I'm glad to see someone stepping up. (I'm not a BuyAVPS client, but, chiming in as usual. )

Posted by dean1012, 08-02-2007, 06:51 PM
Tina has a perfect track record. VPSes should be back up soon.

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 07:26 PM
We have control of the Caro servers now. We are currently waiting to get control of the Peer1 servers and the domain. --Tina

Posted by Dougy, 08-02-2007, 07:29 PM
Tina, if you don't mind me asking, how did this all play out? How'd you end up getting control?

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 07:38 PM
I'm a good negotiator. I have 3 kids...lots of practice in that department! --Tina

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 07:49 PM
We have control of the Peer1 servers. Only the domain name is left and we are working on that as well. --Tina

Posted by Dougy, 08-02-2007, 07:49 PM
Are you gonna keep BuyAVPS open? Or just put it up until data is removed.

Posted by Orien, 08-02-2007, 07:50 PM
This is a great development for BuyAVPS customers. I think a thanks to Tina is in order.

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 07:50 PM
We'll keep it open and try to rebuild its reputation. --Tina

Posted by Dougy, 08-02-2007, 07:53 PM
Awesome. If AxisHost reopens it, I may be a new client of theirs. I was thinking about BuyAVPS. But, I decided against it when I spoke to Navid on AIM about 4 times over a 3 week span and he was drunk off his mind every time. He couldn't type anything without having to make several tries.

Posted by dean1012, 08-02-2007, 07:55 PM
well Tina and AxisHost will do a fine job with their great track record. Navid and anyone else involved with BVPS are no longer in control. Things have already turned around.

Posted by YYamagishi, 08-02-2007, 07:59 PM
Pretty interesting. After all this, Navid just gave you BuyAVPS over? Good to see BuyAVPS back from reputable company though.

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 08:37 PM
It wasn't free, unfortunately. Like I said, we're losing money on this deal. We now have 100% control of all servers and the domain name. We have no plans to take down the servers, so there is no rush to grab data. Please, everyone, be kind and don't overload the servers trying to make backups. Also, a HUGE thank you to - who has gone above and beyond trying to get this worked out for everyone. --Tina

Posted by dean1012, 08-02-2007, 08:41 PM
a HUGE thanks to Tina and CaroNET both!

Posted by Dougy, 08-02-2007, 08:48 PM
I applaud CaroNET for stepping up and taking the initiative. Kudos, CaroNET! Last edited by Dougy; 08-02-2007 at 09:01 PM. Reason: Changed text to kudos.

Posted by viva4google, 08-02-2007, 09:17 PM
Thanks to all. I really think the clients will stick to AxisHost as their reputation is well-known over here. Thank You for everyone who helped to solve this HUGE mess

Posted by Echelon, 08-02-2007, 09:23 PM
A few questions for Tina, just out of curiosity. I am still, by force, a current client of BuyAVPS. I filed two cancellation tickets, one ignored completely and closed with disregard to its content, and the second one completely ignored and left alone. How long would it take to get these taken care of? I understand there's a large number of customers to deal with, but I also would like to prevent myself from being charged for a VPS i asked to have cancelled long before i was due to cancel it. My second question is how will you guys manage with all these free months of hosting that Navid had promised all customers? I know this is going to be a sinkhole of money, but does this takeover invalidate the free month that Navid had promised customers? Just curious. I am glad BuyAVPS hadn't "COMPLETELY" lost their minds... otherwise they may had barred this move. I know this is at a loss, but if the brand BuyAVPS gets rebuilt, maybe you'll make it back and then some.

Posted by YYamagishi, 08-02-2007, 09:23 PM
Ah... very good thing you are doing for BuyAVPS customers Keep up your work I may as well get a VPS from Tina's new version of BuyAVPS

Posted by Tina J, 08-02-2007, 09:30 PM
We're not going to charge ANYONE'S credit card on file (not taking that risk) and if anyone has Paypal Subscriptions setup with BuyaVPS, I suggest you cancel them immediately. We're starting over fresh. Over the next several days, I will be doing billing audits and anyone with outstanding invoices will be asked to submit payment information. Anyone wishing to cancel, will only need to either not log in and pay their invoice or submit a HelpDesk ticekt and let us know. Obviously, we hope you'll stick around. Again, we are not going to use ANY of the credit card information that BuyaVPS had on file. Its just too risky. We'll send out an announcement to everyone in billing shortly. We literally had all of the billing, account, server, customer information dumped on us within the last hour or so. So, we appreciate everyone's patience while we sort this out. --Tina

Posted by layer0, 08-02-2007, 09:44 PM
I wouldn't use that as a sole reason against them, especially given that English is not their first language.

Posted by RyanD, 08-02-2007, 09:52 PM
My understanding is he's British.... his english should be good

Posted by carabs, 08-02-2007, 10:58 PM
He isn't a Brit. He moved to England after he had some problems with some people in Iran (I believe). He boasted for a long time how he speaks 5 languages. And even added that to his signature.. to not hold his poor English against him. Kinda silly. Back to the subject of this thread.. I think its a great thing what has been done here by Caro and AH. I hope that you can actually keep some business out of this whole mess. And I am sure your name will help keep them there

Posted by lottos, 08-02-2007, 11:00 PM
Firstly, well done Tina... Secondly, may I suggest the notice on the BAVPS domain be replaced with something that explains what's going on for ppl that may not be WHT regulars?

Posted by carabs, 08-02-2007, 11:04 PM
They already posted a message.

Posted by lottos, 08-03-2007, 12:48 AM
I'm still seeing the 'we apologies...' message.

Posted by RyanD, 08-03-2007, 12:50 AM
this is what I see on the buyavps site " has taken over all of BuyaVPS customer accounts. has a 10 year history of excellent customer service and rock solid server performance. We look forward to serving you for a very long time to come. Please contact us with any questions, suggestions or concerns. Thank you! "

Posted by Host4Cheap, 08-03-2007, 01:04 AM
WOW! just woke up and see this awesome news Kudos! AH and CaroNet.

Posted by Echelon, 08-03-2007, 01:20 AM
Probably old cache. Give it time.

Posted by Host4Cheap, 08-03-2007, 01:24 AM
Old DNS cache. Just a suggestion, try OpenDNS service

Posted by 693vm, 08-03-2007, 02:42 AM
Interesting news indeed. 1. Clients of BAVPS would be glad to have their data back. 2. WHY is AXIS throwing good money away for BAVPS's X-clients' data? The answer would be quite "interesting" to note.

Posted by 693vm, 08-03-2007, 02:45 AM
What has CARO got to so with AH taking over BAAVPS?

Posted by dean1012, 08-03-2007, 02:52 AM
Tina is a kind person. She chose to lose money on this deal to help others. It isn't always about business or money. You see, Tina has been following this BuyAVPS issue since day 1. She has been hoping it would turn out alright for all of you guys and has consistently tried to talk Navid into admitting his mistake and doing something about it. Eventually (today) she decided enough was enough and decided it was worth it to lose a lot of money just to make sure everyone had their data. Tina would be happy with this deal even if all clients left and she never made a cent and never got a new client. It simply isn't about business or money.

Posted by dean1012, 08-03-2007, 02:54 AM
The issue was that Navid didn't pay his bill to CaroNET. AxisHost had to work out a deal with both CaroNET and BuyAVPS to take over BuyAVPS and start the servers again. That's how CaroNET fits in.

Posted by LaserSpec, 08-03-2007, 06:05 AM
Risky, but bold move Tina! At least now the company will be in long standing, and reputable hands; I hope your gamble pays off for you! I'm not worried about the clients because I know they will be taken care of.

Posted by Mini, 08-03-2007, 08:59 AM
Tina, I'm just curious -- Was what you predicted correct? (ie. that Navid didn't have enough money to pay for his servers). Regards, Jason

Posted by Wittchow, 08-03-2007, 09:59 AM
will you offer the same specs we had at the same price? I just paid for a full month before this all happened. How are we able to grab our data? will we have the same ip address as before? or will you send us new information?

Posted by beebizz, 08-03-2007, 10:15 AM
Great Any special offer from, I need a reliable VPS urgently

Posted by RyanD, 08-03-2007, 10:17 AM
Yes, He owed both providers large sums of money.

Posted by SoftWareRevue, 08-03-2007, 10:38 AM
Please contact providers directly. Forum Guidelines prohibit them from making any offers in this forum.

Posted by Tina J, 08-03-2007, 11:38 AM
We were able to get these servers back online, in the two separate datacenters they are being housed at (Caro and Peer1) by assuring them that we are now responsible for all billing matters. I can't talk about specifics, but I will say that I am amazed that these 2 DCs were kind enough to hold these servers online as long as they did over the last month or so. Everyone involved has lost quite a bit of money in the hopes that things would eventually work out. PS: Caro has not asked us for any customer contact information and doesn't require anything of the sort for IP allocation. --Tina

Posted by seankoons, 08-03-2007, 11:40 AM
I'm sure others are curious to know as well Tina, was it difficult bringing 650 (as Navid once claimed) VPS's back online?

Posted by Tina J, 08-03-2007, 11:45 AM
We're still in the midst of trying to sort out where all of these accounts are. If anyone has an account that is NOT online, please get ahold of us with your name, host/IP. Everything that we have found, so far, is now online. If you're not online, we need to know about it so that we can track it down for you. --Tina

Posted by Wittchow, 08-03-2007, 12:00 PM
mine is still not up. I sent you pm

Posted by Navid1, 08-03-2007, 12:27 PM
Navid Nadali here, I felt i really do need to make a reply here and have a kind good bye to everyone, While i do know many people will be very angry with me, Before saying good bye to everyone and asking you to accept my kind apology, Let me go through everything from the start! Our ( 3 Main Partners ) VPS Plan was started almost 2 years ago, With tests from different Raids to different systems such as Xen and Openvz! BuyAVPS was officially started 8 Months ago! First 4 Months everything was going very great, We had almost 500 Clients in 4 Months by very small advertising and mostly at WHT , We had a Solid reputation and old threads here can back me up on this! Until we started to be getting very big and started having problems with servers and etc, I do have to admit as a Co-Founder and who manages this things i may have not been a good manager, Our problems with Caro were not Billing at all! We were ready to pay them with no problems but had different problems which does not worth being mentioned anymore, Just for confirmation, No i am not British, I am a Iranian Doctor, Have been moved to UK several Years ago, I do apologies from everyone here, Please just relies, We have put our lives into Buyavps, I have personally lost My wife on this business, Something which you cannot get back .. I have lost my Life and almost 2 Years time! I will be going to be working in a Clinic in Surrey once again as a Vet ! Once again accept my kindest apology, And please do not be too unhappy with me! Please close your disputes with BuyAVPS, All payments and disputes details will be passed to Tina, And i do want to Thank her for helping us here, Edit: As many people were asking why we did not contact them with a newsletter or so while we were having problems, Please relies we had no Database of our Clients whatsoever, Once again our problems with Caro were not about billing, Kindest Apology, Navid Nadali Last edited by Navid1; 08-03-2007 at 12:31 PM.

Posted by Dougy, 08-03-2007, 12:56 PM
It's good to see you here giving some input Navid. Good luck in the future. Last edited by Dougy; 08-03-2007 at 01:02 PM. Reason: Removed unnecessary content.

Posted by viva4google, 08-03-2007, 01:26 PM
mine isn't up too. I just emailed you.

Posted by Wittchow, 08-03-2007, 01:43 PM
Navid1 you should of kept us updated here on webhostingtalk. when you type buyavps in on google this is at the top of the list. If you were unable to contact your customers directly, it would have been nice to leave a message here. I hope everything works out.

Posted by viva4google, 08-03-2007, 01:53 PM
agree.. I really don't want to post what I think but all I can say is "I should've listened to some people over here"

Posted by Nnyan, 08-03-2007, 04:28 PM
I won't comment on Navid's post. I don't think there is any excuse on not communicating with your customers and leaving them to hang like this. But on the good side from everything I've read Tina is one of the handful of people that think can turn around this mess, so I'm surprised and happy to see this turn of events. Good luck to you Tina and a big kudos for bailing out a bunch of customers.

Posted by subkelvin, 08-03-2007, 04:46 PM
Hi all! I'm a costumer of buyavps and i'm a little lost, since i registered by now at this forum i can't see Tina profile and get an email adress to contact about my VPS (it's offline), could AxisHost please edit site to put an email link on it for customers like me? And thanks for taking over buyavps, hope you grow a lot, i personally didn't have any problems with buyavps, but i had only one month on it, only this downtime Regards, Vinicius

Posted by BigGorilla, 08-03-2007, 05:15 PM
There is on the homepage already: If you don't see it, you may still be getting old DNS info.

Posted by dean1012, 08-03-2007, 06:50 PM
In response to Navid, You are a huge liar. How can you not say it was billing issue? It's been proven more than once now that it is a billing issue. You shouldn't be in the hosting business - thank goodness you aren't anymore. I'm not so sure you should be a vet either - I know I wouldn't trust my pet with you. Who knows what would happen if the poor dog decided to look at you wrong. Perhaps that would spark a disagreement that caused you to let it die and then lie and say it was complications? Vet4You v2 coming soon.

Posted by Echelon, 08-03-2007, 09:02 PM
Either way, everything is said and done. No use bashing him anymore, as it wont change things. Lets look into the future of BuyAVPS, and lets see it become a strong one.

Posted by theBleeber, 08-03-2007, 11:57 PM
I couldn't be happier. As most of the BuyAVPS customers that contacted us know, we really did want to do anything possible to resolve this issue as fast as possible. We all have our own personal/business sites as well and truly felt horrible about the whole situation, which is one of the reasons these servers did not get re-imaged right away like any other server that gets canceled/suspended/etc. I am glad that someone was able to step up to the plate and take control. Everyone following this thread, and the many other BuyAVPS threads, should have definately learned something from this whole situation. No matter who your provider is, from a momandpop reseller account to the big datacenters, always, ALWAYS keep current backups. If the data is important to you make sure you have a copy somewhere. A huge congrats goes out to all BuyAVPS customers. You are definately in good hands now!

Posted by @Matt, 08-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Would you tell your patience animal that the are about to die or would you just leave them to find out by them self?

Posted by tanfwc, 08-04-2007, 02:00 AM
Submit a support ticket here.

Posted by kodis, 08-04-2007, 04:01 AM
the support ticket url is not louding for me.

Posted by dean1012, 08-04-2007, 04:04 AM
it loads for me

Posted by kodis, 08-04-2007, 04:56 AM
maybe dns is still not refreshed to me.

Posted by che1959, 08-04-2007, 05:11 AM
I think I'll stick with Buyavps under the control of Axis Host. I guess I understand that it will be a budget brand under Axis Host now. I will be sticking around with them as long as the prices don't increase a whole lot. I understand some increase may be needed to bring them back to profitability, but I am one customer who will stick around.

Posted by RyanD, 08-04-2007, 09:39 AM
Wise choice, we've been working with Tina as both a client and a vendor for over 4 years and I've got nothing but positive things to say about her and her company(ies). You all are now in very good hands.

Posted by viva4google, 08-04-2007, 10:14 AM
same... hopefully my VPS will be up soon. I know Navid left a hell of a mess so I'm crossing my fingers hoping that everything will be solved soooooon.

Posted by Tina J, 08-04-2007, 11:57 AM
Just a quick note to let everyone know that we're working on getting everything organized. We have a TON of tickets coming in and I appreciate that most of you are being incredibly patient with this. Most of you are back online, but I know that many of you still are not. Realistically, I expect that we should have everything completely sorted by Monday. For anyone who is still not online, please post a HelpDesk ticket to that URL that someone else posted a few replies back (I'm not allowed to post a URL that we own...grr). Thanks! --Tina

Posted by csparks, 08-04-2007, 01:18 PM
Why are you not allowed to post the url? Not a customer just curious. And good job AH-Tina! Makes my decision to go with you for a server sooner or later a solid one

Posted by tanfwc, 08-04-2007, 01:22 PM
I believe Tina means this link which I posted previously Here you go again Tina

Posted by csparks, 08-04-2007, 01:44 PM
OH ok, makes sense. Thanks

Posted by Tina J, 08-04-2007, 04:14 PM
It appears that the IP allocations on several of the servers are messed up, possibly due to previous instances of data being migrated to different datacenters. I know a lot of you are wanting to know "when will we be back up!?" - just know that we're working on cleaning this up ASAP. When I finally get a chance to sit back and breathe for a minute, I'm going to be posting a list of people and businesses that deserver a big THANKS for all their help and support. --Tina

Posted by viva4google, 08-04-2007, 04:32 PM
I'm one of them Everyone should really appreciate all the efforts you guys put in to fix up all this mess, as for me I'm going to stay with this company and I hope a lot of others will too. Thanks a lot... and still waiting

Posted by krystofo, 08-04-2007, 06:35 PM
Well well well well.... My sites have been offline the better part of a month. But, a carpenter I hired to make cages to keep birds out of the blueberries (we depend on for health) dropped his airconditioner on his foot so I had to finish the cages and we have a drought and I caught 4 stray kittens and am trying to get them adopted... and... I spend a week reorganizing my vitamin-ordering spreadsheet... and... BuyaVPS did not answer my last support ticket and I also forgot to change the IP address (as if it mattered?) so... if you techy-types are totally confused you can just image how I am... So, now I have a new bill from and... glad to hear they have a good rupation and I will be happy to work with them but... I just hope they won't erase my websites before I can put in another support ticket... hopefully tomorrow but... maybe not if someone else will drop an airconditioner on his foot....? P.S.--with regards to the internet: never do today what you can put off till next month. The problem will either go away or will change to a totally different problem. (Well 'I think' I am just joking but so often this turns out to be the reality, so what am I to believe....?)

Posted by dean1012, 08-04-2007, 06:39 PM
krysto, AxisHost is still sorting through everything. Tina has posted she hopes to realistically be done on monday. I am sure that it will be another week or so before any sites are terminated/suspended or bills are expected. You are definitely safe.

Posted by Tina J, 08-04-2007, 09:28 PM
Actually, that's not from us. Do NOT pay any invoices until you see an invoice that is CLEARLY marked from AxisHOST. We've removed the CRON from the old BuyaVPS ModernBill, but it looks like something is still sending out invoices. --Tina

Posted by Navid1, 08-04-2007, 09:53 PM
Just to confirm here, All Subscription to BuyAVPS have been cancelled on 2nd of august, We have recieved almost 3.5K USD of Chargebacks and Paypal Disputes in less than 72 hours , Please note all this information will be securely passed to Axishost as soon as they request this information, Thank you,

Posted by Tina J, 08-04-2007, 10:00 PM
We don't need any of that information from Navid. Your problems with Paypal and your CC processor don't concern us. We've managed to completely shut down all invoicing and payment processing that was set up under the old BuyaVPS management. We'll start everyone out with fresh billing accounts. --Tina

Posted by 693vm, 08-05-2007, 06:22 AM
1. Its great to see Santa coming early ahead of christmas, I am sure all of BAVPS clients would be looking forward to getting their data or VDS back online. 2. As of this moment, a chat with 3 of BAVPS clients indicates that SOME VDS are still offline and inaccessible. Any dateline as to when ALL VDS can be fully fucntional and restored, if ever?

Posted by 693vm, 08-05-2007, 06:30 AM
Hello, thats a very heavy accusation you are throwing at Navid there, you claimed you have PROVEN FACT thats it WAS a billing issue afterall and not as Navid claims. Where or Who then may I ask can PROVE that its a Billing Issue? Can we hear someone or see some physical invoicing evidence?

Posted by mripguru, 08-05-2007, 06:34 AM
There was a post that appeared to come from CaroNET that stated this specifically (by way of another member here).

Posted by lottos, 08-05-2007, 06:43 AM
unless you are a BAVPS client, how about butting out and letting axis get on with the great job they are doing, which far exceeds anthing BAVPS ever did. at least they are here communicating. your posts are starting to sound like you either are related to the owner of BAVPS or a disgruntled axis client. if you really chatted to 3 BAVPS clients, tell them to lodge support tickets. Last edited by lottos; 08-05-2007 at 06:57 AM.

Posted by Echelon, 08-05-2007, 12:21 PM
There was a lot done to the servers that prevented a lot of the vpses from coming back online. A lot of it is easily fixed, and is being done as we speak. We came into quite a mess, and as such, we're working hard and fast to ensure that every last customer's vps is back online.

Posted by RobertMaltby, 08-05-2007, 11:48 PM
So, Im guessing that Partnership Navid was looking for a few weeks back was just to get "caught up" in billing with Good Luck Tina. If you need and help, let me know -- I have alot of experience working with VPS (as you can see from my past businesses). I also have a Client / IP Management script that I wrote for SelectVPS -- I dont need it so I'd be willing to let you have it, granted you wont give it to anyone else.

Posted by sirius, 08-06-2007, 01:57 PM
Yeah... I don't think that's going to happen. I've cleaned the thread and banned a few people from the thread... let's remember that this is a place to discuss the current status of BuyaVPS, anything outside of that will be removed. Sirius

Posted by Tina J, 08-06-2007, 02:27 PM
Its been removed that it was discovered that 693vm was a former owner of BuyaVPS. Just wanted to make sure that was clear, for anyone else stumbling across this thread. --Tina

Posted by carabs, 08-06-2007, 02:34 PM
You are making it clear he 693 was not an owner? Or clear he was? I am assuming that he was not. But you know what they say when you assume

Posted by dean1012, 08-06-2007, 02:36 PM
I didn't think she could make it clearer than that

Posted by carabs, 08-06-2007, 02:48 PM
Yeah I am retarded. I'll read more closely next time. Last edited by carabs; 08-06-2007 at 02:53 PM.

Posted by -OY-, 08-06-2007, 05:38 PM
So why isn't 693vm banned for making false accusations? Or am I missing part of the story here?

Posted by Tina J, 08-06-2007, 05:40 PM
I don't know, but I can't believe none of us noticed his profile homepage. --Tina

Posted by RobertMaltby, 08-06-2007, 06:07 PM
Sure hope its not Navid.. Anyways, You got my helping hand on getting things settled.. Im thankful for those who helped me with the whole SelectVPS / OmegaVPS fiasco back last year.. So here's my chance to help another good, honest person out.

Posted by -OY-, 08-06-2007, 09:58 PM
His english isn't as good, so it can't be him.

Posted by Tina J, 08-06-2007, 10:40 PM
Its the former co-owner of Buyavps - Joe. --Tina

Posted by -OY-, 08-06-2007, 10:58 PM
Great detective skills... why would he try ruin a company that they sold?

Posted by iand, 08-07-2007, 02:34 AM
maybe joe didnt sell navid did

Posted by jiggerbit, 08-07-2007, 04:25 AM
Hello, Just to make things clear, I am Joe. 693vm is not me and I don't know where Tina came up with that (anyone can set their homepage to I have very little to say over this whole ordeal, as everything was orchestrated by Navid. I will, however, tell you that Tina is giving you false information, saying that 693vm is Joe, referring to me. It's also incorrect for Tina to call me a former co-owner. I did not agree to any sale, because I had no stake in the company. I was a glorified support tech and troubleshooter that was promised many things by Navid that were never delivered.

Posted by Tina J, 08-07-2007, 08:14 AM
Kayako licenses and payments were in your name and email address. ModernBill license and payment are in your name and you and Navid were the only ones with level 9 (super admin) access in MB. The WHT username 693vm had your personal email address attached to it and there are other indications as well (remember, I own all of email accounts now). --Tina

Posted by Tina J, 08-07-2007, 08:17 AM
Since the mods removed my earlier post and this information may have been lost on some: ----- Original Message ----- From: "Web Hosting Talk" To: Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 10:43 AM Subject: Action Required to Verify Email Change for Web Hosting Talk > Dear 693vm, > > Since you have recently changed your email, we require that you verify your new email address. You will only need to visit the url once to have your account updated. > > To complete reverification, please visit this url:

Posted by seraph1, 08-07-2007, 09:16 AM
Man, joe and navid, even after the fact you cannot come clean. That's truly sad, but it's a pretty clear indicator of your character, or lack thereof.

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 10:13 PM
Navid Nadali is here, Ex founder of, This is just Horrible, So what your doing Tina, I am done being quiet, I will share all that has happened to me and my life with everyone here at WHT , Please decide your self, If you are going to read this post , Please read it in Full or do not do so at ALL , I am going to reply to everyone one by one! I am a Honest Business Man, I blieve what i have done was the best so far, I agree my project has failed but by no means has anyone to call me names such as liar, Scammer or so, Whatsoever! Under no circumstances Will i have ANYONE to Lie to people and I to be quiet, I am sorry if i am going to effect any company in this posts, To Who i believe i do swear is all True information with proofs to support my points, Once again i repeat: If you are going to read this post , Please read it in Full or do not do so at ALL , BuyAVPS was started around 2 years ago, The project was started with I, Navid Nadali ( UK ) and Amin Talai ( Germany ) , In december as our beta testings were finished, We have officially started BuyAVPS back in December! I have Build this business as my Kid, On the Christmas eve and Christmases day, I did not go out of house, i did not sleep for 5 days as we were having a Huge sale .. [ Proofs : old threads here at WHT , Its back in December, Easy to search : The first thread which was on December was removed because of us failing to mention the website Address in the main post! ] This also continued for over 15 Days and i was Powered with Red bull only, Why ? Because i cared for my customers! Because i wanted everyone to receive their account info in less than 30 minutes and this goal was archived almost in 90% of cases! Early in January, I came across Joe, After a lot of talk, Joe was hired as Full time Tech level 2-3 also with few other part time techs! Everything was going good until we decided to move to USA and take our business one time ahead by using better hardware! Thats when i contacted my very close Friend, Evan K over at H4Y, He immediately setup us few servers and we started moving all clients over to USA , Peer1! We had a Great Business Ship with H4Y for over a month! Evan K and their team including John as i can remember was very helpful, In monitoring and resolving issues with the servers, Until at the second month over at H4Y ( May or so ) We had a Very big Disk Failure, Over 8 SCSI Disk was failed at the same time and our Raid10 Arrays were totally corrupted! This was an unknown issues and until now we did not find why this has happened, and it was the begining of our hardware or Software problems ( unknown ) over at H4Y! We had over 2 raid cards failing in the same month! Until we decided to gave up those servers and setup new ones in a New Rack [ Proofs : Old customers here can confirm as the servers name were totally changed and they had a short downtime being moved! ] , However this move did not result in a very good result! Every 2-3 days we used to have a Server being locked up! That means the server stopped working! Nothing was on screen, No keyboard response whatsoever! Server was back online with a restart! After 10 of this lockups randomly on totally different servers! We expanded our investigation! We were sure it could hardly be a hardware issue as servers all had different motherboards, Rams , Disk, and even CPUs!! So not same hardware on all servers was repeated ! We tried upgrading Kernel on all servers which was a HUGE job, again no different, We downgraded our kernels, and tried MANY MANY different methods until 90 days ago or so, I decided this is not going anywhere and i need to protect my Business! Therefor i setup a meeting in Central of London, in the small office we used to had in Commercial road, To discuss the New DC options we have and were going to be upgrading all our systems, Move from Intel and also upgrade to Centos 5! After alot of meetings and the talks I had with The sales manager of CaroNet, After 30 we Days decided to move everything to CaroNet! This was one of the biggest mistakes i have ever done, With all the due respects to CaroNet! And Yes please read on for proofs! 7 Servers was setup at caro, So we can start moving some of our clients to test this servers and network and etc! This process was started, Almost 200-250 Clients were moved until we started to have the problems! , First thing we did was to request our IP allocations which was a huge one due to us being a VPS provider, This request was made and after 4 days it was accepted by Caronet, and we were given the IPs in 4 Steps, Until after a week we were asked to provide all our clients full name, address, phone number, email, usage of IP and etc, This was a Huge job for us to get the info for hundreds of clients, please relies all your IPs and accounts are stored in Hypervm and names and phone numbers and etc are stored in our billing system which is Modernbill, Also this was going to break our Policy by giving private infos to a 3rd party, I immediately contacted our lawyer and he asked me to Ask caronet if we can provide this info direct to ARIN as this cannot pass a 3rd party with all due respects to caronet, I contacted our Sales / Support rep [ Hesham ] , after a lot of talks with him he asked me just to get Name / IP of each client which was again a Huge job for us, But yes I did get our techs on it and about 60% of it was completed in 48 hours which was when Caronet decided to suspend our servers J We sent them the file which was completed by about 60% and got a reply from their IP / Networking department stating that this info is not enough at all and they need full info such as name and phone and etc, We were very angry at that point, we were told to get info A – spent days getting it ready and now they asked us for info B!, I contacted our Sales rep again he did not reply to me and stated to talk to their IP management and there is nothing he can do, What I was concerned about is that he told us to get this info and it will be enough! After a lot more talk with Caronet, our team, our lawyer and the fact that caronet refused us to provide the info direct to ARIN we refused to provide them this info and has announced our end of business ship with them, This was only to keep your private info , private and not share it to a 3rd party, Again with all the Due respects to CaroNet, I immediately setup a conference with my team, we talked about our options and started building our own servers once again to be able to rent our own Cabinets in a Tier1 DC So we can have full control on our hardware and servers once again! This process was started but I am sure you know building this many servers and with all the hardware tests we have does take a lot of time, And we had many reasons why not to buy our servers from companies such as Dell and etc, So on about 20th Caronet told us all servers will be suspended on 25th, I talked to our Sales rep again on 21st and was told that we can keep our servers there if the payment was fully made on 25th which was our renewal date! This is when our second problems kicks in again, On our first few days which we ordered our servers, The contact email was a free hotmail account of mine, which was only being used to contact family and friends on MSN – I immediately asked our sales rep to change this info as I was not be able to and he told me it does not matter and it will be taken care of, Second day I noticed the same email again, Once again I asked and he stated it will be taken care of! Until on 21st or so which Caro sent a Abuse email regarding one of our clients to the old and wrong Email address, After about 24 or so our servers was again suspended and we began to get notifications, we checked and found all servers to be down, We began contacting caro by email , phone and etc and after 6 hours or so got a reply stating why this have happened, which did make myself very angry as I have asked many times for the email to be changed, and it wasn't done so, After suspending the client from our servers I contacted our Sales rep asking him why this info was not changed and he stated that he has asked me to email / open a ticket and it was not done so, However I do have full logs of our talks with him asking him to change this and him replying by saying it will be taken care of J On 22nd or so, I sent a email to CEO of Caronet which was more than 3 page explaining the problems, his reply after 24 hours was few lines which was indeed very rude to me stating that he is refusing to do business with us because of following reasons: 1- Abuse email was not taken care of which was indeed their fault, and their Sales manager who failed to change the email address, 2- IP justification forms, which I did explain earlier in this letter 3- Few small unpaid bills which was due to a Disk changes we had on 5-7 servers or so which have a different story and it took them over 15 days to change this drives, And this is one of the facts that i decided to stop doing business with Caro, We could not believe it will take them almost 15 days to change few disks! On 24th I have asked Caro if we can keep this servers for 30 more days until our own servers and cabinets are setup and a reply from them stated yes if full payment was Received, This was at about 11 PM GMT – Of course we could not make any payment to them until the next working day ( please relies Buyavps is a UK based company ) And in the morning I found our servers suspended once again! After trying to contact Caro over 16 times total by phone, and leaving messages which was ignored, I received a email again on the wrong email which now I started to monitor stating that they will not accept any payments via Paypal due to chargeback risks and payment should only be Wired to them , This was VERY strange for me, and of course offended me, But I accepted, Asked for 5 working days until I can transfer the funds to our bank and Wire the payment over, But they refused to turn on the servers until then and of course they will only keep servers for 4 days when suspended, Since 24th They started to totaly ignore us for over 5days, I personally made over 20 phone calls to them , and left over 15 messages! All was ignored! My co adming called them 6 times and once as he got to someone he promised to give us a call back in few minutes which was not done so and from then his phone number was being ignored too!! We did everything we could to contact caro, from emails to phones and everything was ignored, Until after i sent them a final email stating what they are doing and that i will share it with Public and thats when they decided to give us 12 hours to move all data! We moved almost 50-60% of the data and thats when we got suspended again! While we were emailing updates to them every 30minutes! We WERE ready to pay them in full, We did not have any problems to pay them, First they said no paypal i said then please give me 5days so i transfer the funds and i can wire you this! They said No, and then they just ignored us for 5-6 days! Until again 6-7 days ago, i sent them another long email stating all the things that they have done to us, and i stated that i will copy the email on WHT and other forums if they do not reply to me and thats when they said i do not say anything about them, and just have positive feedbacks for them, they will unsuspended the servers for another 12 hours so we can get the rest of the data!! So, Everyone asked me why in the hell i did not contatc my clients in this days when servers were down? 1- I did not have any database of emails, Everything was at caro and we could not move that database until all vpses are moved otherwise our Master server/s would get messed up! 2- I could not contact anyone on WHT becuase i was scared if we do share anything that has happened to us, Caro would not give us the data and just format the servers! Until Tina comes in! Everyones Hero!! She seemed VERY nice! I knew her for over a year, I trusted her and passed her everything for : Her to get the data from Caro, and yes she had to pay them , And also a fee for the ownership of, Clients base, Lisences we own ( Fantastico, Rvskin and etc!! ), She promised to wire me the payment in the morning . As soon as the info was passed to her! She turned into another person! Please dont even say she cleaned up the mess, Yes she did get everyone online but she did NOT do this for anyone! She did this of course for a good amount of money, Yes i do underestand since March or so we have lost over 60% of our data and had 200 clients left or so But she was buying clients for 6-12 month bases here on WHT, What she got was a VPS company, 1k Worths of lisences, , And also all our clients! To be Continued in next Post - { limit }

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 10:24 PM
So, She cleared up everything with caro, Sent 1k to H4Y because of small debt we had to them and then she started ignoring me! She ignored me for 2days, then replied by saying the income is not what i told her !! Calling me a liar!!! i provided all kind of proofs to her! Then she started ignoring me again! She posted here at WHT that they do not care about the past payments ( Indirectly telling everyone to charge back their payment! ) Since then we received 4k of Disputes/Chargebacks!! Then she ignored me again for another 3 days until today she replied with one line saying she is busy and she will reply soon! She indirectly told me before if i do share anything with WHT, She will basically not pay us any payment, And she hasn't done so! BUT I am not worried anymore, I want to tell everyone everything and prove my honestly, @ Everyone who said i did a good job getting a good money and run off? Read all the problems, Did i run off? until the last day i was doing my best to keep this business up! We moved 3 DCs !! This is just HUGE!! But something was not working out , Therefor for the sake of all our customers data i gave up, Good money? You must be joking, Until now i am in 17k Debt due to BuyAVPS + 4k of charge backs/Disputes we received + 8K which was invested by Amin @ People who are complaining so much about my English! Come on, I live in UK, I have a Great English! But due to speaking over 5 languages it is very hard for me to keep up! I aplogies for all my Spelling mistakes! Please understand the time is : Great Britain — Current local time: 3:20 AM on Saturday, August 11 I apologies to all my kind clients, To everyone that had a Account at BuyAVPS, I do know you had the worst time! Just understand, I did what i could to bring up this business! I am a Honest UK Business Man, And my project Failed this time, However I will not be quiet anymore and being scared of Tina, Caronet and other people , I will share what i have to, I would like to take the time to Thanks, CaroNet, and specially Tina and i aplogies if i did make anyone look bad, I shared the truth which may not be very nice! But i underestand everyone did their best, and once Again Thank you tina for taking over BuyAVPS and Have a good time! By the way, Yes i am a Vet, My new clinic will be in Surrey, Croydon near to where i live! If anyone wants to visit! you are more than welcome too! Edit: Also how dare you Tina, to try to make us look bad, Btu saying some one is a management of Buyavps! Joe was a Tech at Buyavps , but he worked much more than that, He had control on everything! Yes he used to order us the Lisences and etc, I do know who is that user, I will now submit a ticket and submit all his information, Nothing to do with us! Have a good time

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 10:39 PM
Correction to the first post last paragraph, I did mean 60% of our Clients not data, My apology

Posted by Tina J, 08-10-2007, 10:46 PM
Small bill at Caro? I don't think so. That plus what you owed your "good friend" Evan was quite a substantial amount. I've purchased decent cars for less than that. As for me making a "good amount of money" - I certainly hope so eventually, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Right now, this has cost me far more than anticipated. My guess is that this will break even. If I can untarnish the brand (Googling turns up lots of bad reviews and outages) - there may be some hope. Navid, at this point I honestly believe that you think you're the victim in everything. Nothing is ever your fault. I actually started writing a reply to your post - picking apart your inconsistencies until it just became too tedious. I told you, I would pay you a little more than 1 months revenue for this, since we would have to spend a lot of our own money, time and efforts into cleaning this up. The amount of money you claim BuyaVPS made in one month is not believable in any way. I also told you that once the dust settles on this in a few days I would contact you. I'm not going to go over your sad tales of woe and how everyone always dumps on Navid via email. Frankly, I don't care. Caro has lost money, your "good friend" Evan has lost money, your customers have lost money and, so far, I have lost money. Now, I have access to all email. If you *really* want to keep this up, and continue to throw mud at people who've done a wonderful job at helping clean up your mess, I'll be tempted to copy some interesting things that's been coming in. I think that would cast even more shadows on your character. Hint: eBay is none to happy with you right now. --Tina

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 10:54 PM
You have only paid 1k to Evan, None of my other debts has to do anything with anyone whatsoever, All those have been taken care of , Evan will confirm here shortly i am sure, Tina all i am saying is PLEASE stop trying to act as you have just paid everyone just to get everyones data! I admitted that i failed in my project, I apologized from everyone! What i did make this post was to show everyone , No all parties have done many wrong things here, Caro did not lost money, Evan did not lost money, I did and all my clients Tina, I will sou you for this You have been illegally monitoring my emails while the first thing i said was : ( quoted originally from my email sent to you on 02-Aug-2007 19:13 ) ( quoted originally from your email sent to me on 02-Aug-2007 19:13 AGREEING to the above, ) Then i agreed to this and you said YOU have set the forwarder in Yahoo, I have full logs, How dare you monitor my personal emails, You have broken ALL your deals, You have broken my Trust tina,

Posted by Tina J, 08-10-2007, 10:58 PM
I'm assuming you mean "sue". In which case, we have nothing further to discuss. --Tina

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 11:01 PM
Tina, How many times i have to apologies for my Bad english? Here is a picture of you confirming that you have set the forwarder, How dare you to monitor my private emails, This is JUST wrong and you have broken your deals, And yes we have nothing further to discuss! Proof : I cannot even blieve you have done such a thing! I told you i have 3 conditions to sell buyavps for, First one was for you to keep this email, You accepted, Then you confirmed its done while you have not done it and you been monitoring my private emails? How dare you,

Posted by Tina J, 08-10-2007, 11:06 PM
When someone makes an agreement, they are generally basing that agreement on the facts that are presented to them. When the facts turn out to be questionable, at best. All bets are off. --Tina

Posted by Echelon, 08-10-2007, 11:08 PM
So, to take into perspective, you wanted to blame the data center over your servers locking up regardless of the hardware? Have you ever thought to look at the strain you put on the servers? You oversold on your servers like crazy, and the servers were completely and poorly configured. It was nothing short of a nightmare cleaning some of them up, and we had to reboot some of them repeatedly as the vpses idling on the server alone brought it down in no time. I'm surprised your company lasted this long with the mass amount of overselling that was going on. The memory was oversold at outrageous amounts. This was nothing more than trying to maximize profits.

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 11:09 PM
Dont even start that Tina, There is NO REASON for you to monitor my private emails whatsoever! You have not paid ME for anything yet, What deals! I simply trusted you, Made 3 conditions and passed you the info! I never gave you any false information, Check the 10 emails i sent you since yesterday with all proofs of what i said! There is NO reason , NO explanation for you to do such a thing, I have faxed all information to my lawyer and will give him a call in the morning to follow this, Not what i expected from you at all,

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 11:11 PM
What are you talking about? We oversold our servers? Our servers was ALWAYS on best performance, I never blamed my DC for the Hardware problems as i still believe it was a bug in Centos4 on TCP connections which im following up, When you had the servers, everything was packed into 10 servers, and they were not running! Every customer of us can confirm the performance they received, I have full graphic logs of all servers including Disk I/O , Load , Cpu usage!! When you see those you will think as the servers were Free!!! Navid

Posted by Tina J, 08-10-2007, 11:12 PM

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 11:14 PM
Right, And i replied to your email, So we were having a Deal while i was proving all i said!, And you borked all conditions and went ahead and lied to me by saying the forwarder is Set and then started monitoring my private emails? I repeat, There is NO explanation for what you did, No excuse, No reason

Posted by kamran421, 08-10-2007, 11:51 PM
y dont you discuss these things through aim or through chat or through phone calls ???? bashing each other here in WHT not good

Posted by Navid1, 08-10-2007, 11:54 PM
I have sent almost 10 emails to tina, I do understand she is busy but i can see her online in forums all the time, Replying and trying to make me look bad, I decided to wait a little more until i saw her trying to say someone is the owner of BuyAVPS, I added her in AIM and i believe it was ignored!

Posted by Echelon, 08-11-2007, 12:06 AM
This is very untrue. I have been busy helping clean up this mess, and I'd be lucky to see server load averages sitting at 4. They've peaked and slammed out at around 30, 40, and even 60 before crashing and burning. The memory was horribly undersold. Each server had a total of 4 gigs, and this was oversold by 2, 3, or even 4 times more than the amount. This doesn't work. Having the servers online for so long without crashing was a fluke. Also, I do not work for CaroNET.

Posted by RyanD, 08-11-2007, 12:21 AM
Navid, You should stop bringing these thigns to the public forum. You aren't winning anything here, if anything just further damaging your reputation. I have first hand knowledge of all the issues involved in cleaning up this mess, please spare us the stories.

Posted by Justin, 08-11-2007, 12:35 AM
Considering, That said /thread. Guys you need to take this matter up directly amongst yourselves, this thread is clearly getting nowhere and has gotten out of hand.

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