
Knownhost Down?

Posted by Buffy807, 06-30-2007, 08:23 PM
Is anyone else who is with Knownhost having problems with their sites? All mine are down and I can't access either.

Posted by (Stephen), 06-30-2007, 08:26 PM
Down here, I checked and not sure on network overall, but DNS servers are 100% down, it could just be a DNS issue, but I am not sure. I am not a client, I just looked up the DNS IPs and tried to reach them ping and DNS requests.

Posted by Reseller Mike, 06-30-2007, 08:27 PM
Hi, Yes all our servers are offline.. happen about 15 minutes ago. Also cant get on Hope they get the servers back up! Soon....

Posted by mdburton, 06-30-2007, 08:28 PM Interesting to see how long it takes for them to get back up... Started about 20 mins ago...not to great so far lol but have to see

Posted by digisquid, 06-30-2007, 08:30 PM
Just noticed this myself. Hopefully things recover shortly. I just migrated all of my clients there a few months ago... :/ Last edited by digisquid; 06-30-2007 at 08:34 PM.

Posted by rdogg, 06-30-2007, 08:31 PM
They should be all over the problem right now geting it fixed, I bet its only some network issue and not server problems :p

Posted by toby06, 06-30-2007, 08:32 PM
Does anyone know what's up with KnownHost? All of my sites are down as well as their site. Any ideas? ETA: Sorry for this as my first post...

Posted by RaceJunkie, 06-30-2007, 08:34 PM
Hey I have the same issues..I am on the Texas data center, can't log in VPS or support their forums are up though

Posted by digisquid, 06-30-2007, 08:35 PM
Well I have to admit, service and support to this point have been *wonderful*. So I'm not that worried... yet.

Posted by toby06, 06-30-2007, 08:38 PM
just to add..... same here. All of my sites are currently down.

Posted by toby06, 06-30-2007, 08:39 PM
my apologies... This post my be removed. I didn't realize I posted it in the wrong place.

Posted by mdburton, 06-30-2007, 08:40 PM
Yeah, I've been with knownhost for a year and haven't noticed anything like this yet I'm sure that it isn't a 'server issue' also, but I only say this because I know multiple people that have a range of all their packages even up to their hybrids that aren't working so it is probably network. Been about 34 mins of downtime so far, good thing my site isn't to critical, although this is a Saturday night and it will take a small cut out of my profits since I tend to get the most traffic on saturdays...

Posted by invisioni, 06-30-2007, 08:43 PM
its too bad from knownhost side , someone should atleast come and update us about whatz happening , more than 40 mins gone

Posted by gamemaster, 06-30-2007, 08:43 PM
Yikes, I am surprised!

Posted by gamemaster, 06-30-2007, 08:45 PM
Did a tracert - cannot connect to servers via dallas ip - hope it is nothing serious.

Posted by cjseven, 06-30-2007, 08:47 PM
Mine too

Posted by (Stephen), 06-30-2007, 08:47 PM
Hrm.....I am looking at the forums, does anyone know if their own website is also hosted on a VPS? I am not 100% sure here, but if people are saying the main virtuozzo CP is up and saying login not allowed, this sounds like their VZ license(s) expired. I had this happen once due to a NIC change and it did the same thing as what you are seeing. I am not going to speculate about anything there, but I do know that SWSoft only issues us 1 year licenses and I have to ask my salesperson for a renewed license.

Posted by RaceJunkie, 06-30-2007, 08:48 PM
I believe there California servers are down as well. Can anyone on the California servers confirm their sites up?

Posted by mtgm, 06-30-2007, 08:50 PM
My VPS is down too. I hope this doesn't last long.

Posted by stormrider_may, 06-30-2007, 08:51 PM
I have 4 VPS with them ( 3 on california and 1 on texas ) with more than 300 domains. All of them are down. And i DO have some critical sites Knownhost, please tell us what's going on.

Posted by invisioni, 06-30-2007, 08:51 PM
they have ruined there reputation today :x

Posted by mdburton, 06-30-2007, 08:52 PM
50 mins... lol anyone know any other providers? maybe I should just go to a dedicated server now and this is the sign god has sent me

Posted by Buffy807, 06-30-2007, 08:52 PM
Can someone post the phone # for knownhost?

Posted by gamemaster, 06-30-2007, 08:53 PM
Can anyone call them? I am unable to.

Posted by Reseller Mike, 06-30-2007, 08:53 PM
We are on the California servers and they are down.. Going on 1 Hour.

Posted by gamemaster, 06-30-2007, 08:54 PM
Strange if Cali is also down, if so this is bigger than just a network issue.

Posted by cjseven, 06-30-2007, 08:54 PM
At least 50 minutes downtime and no way to get support. Let us wait and hope they are on the issue. Don't have answers to my clients.

Posted by RaceJunkie, 06-30-2007, 08:54 PM
Maybe they just got a little comfortable with the great uptime, caught off guard type thing. I'm defiantly not going to throw them to the wolves just yet..

Posted by invisioni, 06-30-2007, 08:55 PM
i bet they have run away and we all are died !!

Posted by Ben_G, 06-30-2007, 08:56 PM
Has anyone tried contacting their toll-free support? Registrant Contact: KnownHost LLC Billing Department ******** +1.8667855496 Fax: +1.7039918896 PO Box 292 Royal Oak, MD 21662 They appear to have a toll-free number in the whois for not sure if it's on their website or not but someone should definitely try giving them a call on that number.

Posted by invisioni, 06-30-2007, 08:57 PM
i m crying !! help me

Posted by cjseven, 06-30-2007, 08:57 PM
invisioni Why you say that?

Posted by True-don, 06-30-2007, 08:57 PM
yeah im having the same problam ,, its been 45 minutes !!! what a timing ,, right on saturday night when we are suppose to make money!!! i hope they fix this problam soon or they lose a good 40 dollar a month from my end and no referal to thier hosting ..some one tell them to chop chop with this silly problam.

Posted by Buffy807, 06-30-2007, 08:58 PM
Got their number, it's 1-866-785-5479 but when I called I just got a voicemail with their business hours.

Posted by (Stephen), 06-30-2007, 08:58 PM
Ok I see a reply from a quote from me on their forums, some don't know but all times in VZ are GMT, it seems that when July 1 rolled around in GMT the VZ licenses went out. This does NOT mean anything about them as a company, I am not commenting on that, it is just information for you; as it is knowledge I have on the subject.

Posted by stormrider_may, 06-30-2007, 08:59 PM
I can't call since i'm not from USA. It would be great if someone call them and tell us what's going on.

Posted by tsj5j, 06-30-2007, 08:59 PM
It may be because of a power failure, etc. etc. Not necessarily network downtime (though this is also a possibility).

Posted by gamemaster, 06-30-2007, 09:00 PM
I was just able to login to my vps but the CPU is reading 0% activity.

Posted by invisioni, 06-30-2007, 09:00 PM
1-866-785-5479 call them or complain to FBI

Posted by Reseller Mike, 06-30-2007, 09:01 PM is back online but our servers are not!

Posted by Buffy807, 06-30-2007, 09:01 PM
Complain to the FBI?? I think you're jumping the gun a little bit there. Things happen, and I'm sure they'll fix whatever went wrong, so just hang tight.

Posted by gamemaster, 06-30-2007, 09:01 PM
I was able to login to vps, nothing else works.

Posted by cjseven, 06-30-2007, 09:02 PM is back again

Posted by invisioni, 06-30-2007, 09:03 PM
Kh Site Up !!!

Posted by RaceJunkie, 06-30-2007, 09:03 PM
I hope you did not mind me posting it on their forums, I just wanted to let everyone it may be something like this, and that was all.

Posted by MarshallT, 06-30-2007, 09:05 PM
It couldn't be power failure though, there is downtime in both the CA and the TX datacenters unless they ran the same generator across half the country to power both places. I don't know what could have happened, we will have to wait and see what they say.

Posted by (Stephen), 06-30-2007, 09:06 PM
not a problem at all, and I have followed KH for sometime here, I felt pretty confident they would have it back soon, and it is not easy to get a license on the weekends from SWSoft. I had had to do it for a new launch once and found it best to get a 14 day trial until my sales agent was in on Monday.

Posted by Chris1973, 06-30-2007, 09:06 PM
From the Knownnhost Forums

Posted by RaceJunkie, 06-30-2007, 09:08 PM
I felt the same way everything is just to solid at KH

Posted by mtgm, 06-30-2007, 09:08 PM
Back online now.

Posted by mdburton, 06-30-2007, 09:09 PM
site is up now

Posted by redsky, 06-30-2007, 09:27 PM
I've noticed sites are back up including looks back now.

Posted by Crucial Web Host, 06-30-2007, 09:35 PM
This is a major problem with hosts whom have their support on the same network or segment as their clients. Problems are inevitable and the sign of a good host is communication during those outages. It's very difficult to support clients if when their network/server goes down, so does support. I would have thought this is common sense. Rick

Posted by db09, 06-30-2007, 09:42 PM
reseller acct was down for about 25 mins. all is fine now.

Posted by Rasher, 07-01-2007, 12:27 AM
My VPS was fine.

Posted by layer0, 07-01-2007, 12:52 AM
Their forums are offsite and updates were posted there.

Posted by coight, 07-01-2007, 12:55 AM
LOL are you kidding me, a host is down for ~ 60 minutes and your calling the FBI? People are down for three weeks and they ask what they should do. Go read the first forum. Sure any downtime hurts but from what I've read knownhost is excuse the pun known to have good uptime.

Posted by sirius, 07-01-2007, 12:24 PM
* Moved to Outages.... Sirius

Posted by bear, 07-01-2007, 10:30 PM
Situation appears resolved, so closing this. Should an outage recur, please start a new topic.

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