
IKCS Network Issue

Posted by CMWebHosting, 09-16-2006, 07:54 AM
IKCS facility in iPhouse seems to have some issues, ive spoken to Lawrence and he tells me that something has gone wrong with their hardware somewhere along the line, there sending someone to go and inspect and fix this issue Hopefully, this shouldnt be too long he assures me

Posted by lgeib, 09-16-2006, 10:23 AM
We've only just entered that facility ourselves, teething problems should be all resolved now though.

Posted by CMWebHosting, 09-16-2006, 10:27 AM
Thanxs for getting the problem solved quickly Lawrence

Posted by Justin - A1isp, 09-22-2006, 10:35 AM
Just simply going off line and not telling anyone? This is not all they do Anyone thinking of hosting with these guys think again. I ordered a full rack for the end of August. It was not delivered with the IP range I had asked for. No proactive contact from them saying 'sorry it will be this date' just no contact. I lost customers. I already have services in Redbus and needed to expand. In addition, I felt hosting with another company and in another location would add redundancy and therefore I tried to resolve the issue. I Contacted Lawrence and asked him when the latest was it would be ready.' Friday the following week' he replied. Therefore I made my excuses and told my customers next Friday was the latest it would be ready. The following Thursday I had heard nothing so I called. 'Will have the IP range etc tomorrow'. Friday came and went. So did Saturday, Sunday and Monday. On Tuesday I took a second Cabinet in Redbus as I simply could not wait and already had cost me more customers and more money. To add insult to injury, I have still not been refunded my money £525.00 which I paid up front. I have started proceedings with the small claims court in Brentwood Essex but have been advised it could take a little while to get them closed down/ my money back. To think I even gave them space on one of my servers in redbus to host their IKCS.NET domain and Email whilst they were in transition and I still get treated like this. I hope no one else has to go through the same unprofessional approach to business and hence, post this now. Knowing this 'Lawrence' as I do, I am looking forward to his reply to this post with no doubt a new set of excuses or something that was my fault. Let's wait and see... Justin Johnson

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