

Posted by Colin Behr, 02-24-2006, 02:44 PM
Well, I've come here to warn WHT members about this webhost. I was with TT for a period of about 3 months, the last one of which was hell and involved me losing a site which was going to hit $300 of revenue in it's third month, and was set to increase by about $150-$200 per month. I wanted to move away from TT, mainly because the VDS I was on wasn't powerful enough and their Dedicated prices were a bit too high. I emailed TT halfway through the month which I had paid for, asking them to not bill me for the next month as I would be moving out. Afer 2 days I got an invoice from TT asking me to pay for an extra IP address. So I emailed back asking them why I was being billed as I had asked to cancel the account (In my first email I had made it VERY clear that under NO circumstance were they to take my server down before the end of the month which I had paid for, and also that I may even wish to pay for an extra few days if possible) Within a few hours of me asking why I had been billed, my VDS was down. I email "support" (joke) asking them why it was down. They replied saying that I had asked to cancel and that it was too late to put back up because the server had been given to someone else. Of course, I was not very happy. And I said I would be doing a chargeback for the half month that I lost. I also asked them for the backup for the day they took my VDS online (they say on their site that they do daily backups). Ryan (who seems to be their only support worker) emailed back saying that he would get it for me. After 4 days, I still did not have my backup. I sent repeated emails and after 3 weeks they replied telling me that they only keep backups for 1 week. Now that's just disgusting. Please, for your own sake do not deal with this company Before "theWiseOne"(now there's an oxymoron if ever I heard on) accuses me of being a rival who just wants to defame him. Please do a search for "Colin Behr" in Google. I am a webmaster and not a webhost. Just some friendly advice to stop people being burnt like I was. I lost a site with at least $2k, because of the incompetancy and Tektonic.

Posted by Alex, 02-24-2006, 03:41 PM
That seems to be their reputation around here. Amazing how hard it is for some people to read simple requests.

Posted by Colin Behr, 02-24-2006, 04:25 PM
I did a search and found that most of the posts here about TT are negative. Plus in one post I noticed the owner flaming someone who complained. Not the way to do business.

Posted by bdsnyder, 02-24-2006, 04:34 PM
Or, amazing how easy it is for some people to be spiteful.....

Posted by Colin Behr, 02-24-2006, 04:53 PM
How do you mean?

Posted by bdsnyder, 02-24-2006, 04:59 PM
What a coincidence...

Posted by radzima, 02-24-2006, 06:11 PM
There seems to be confusion here. We would never delete a customer out of spite. I have reveiwed all of the tickets regarding the account. You requested a cancellation at the end of the month, we obliged the request and had a ticket set to re-open on a date 2 days prior to the next billing cycle to alert us to close it. Then you received an invoice for one of your extra ip's that was out of sync with the VPS billing cycle. You wrote in a new ticket, not the one we had been communicating that had all previous talk of extending he account to the end of the billing cycle in: "Hi, I thought I cancelled my account? Thanks, Colin {copy of invoice containing personal information removed}" Someone else (not me, as we have several sales staff, but I will address that momentarily) saw the ticket and improperly assumed that you had requested the account closed immediately, so they did. The reason you think I am the only "support" person is very wrong. I am sales and billing, as are a few others, we have a whole support staff on top of that. You only spoke with me because I was assigned your ticket. We do that so no one crosses paths or gets involved in a situation which they are not familiar with. We were working on getting your backups, but when you started threatening with chargebacks, lawsuits for lost data, etc... it got lost in the fray and the ticket kept coming back to sales, instead of engineering where it should have been. After a server is removed from our system, yes, the backup is only kept for a week All current servers are backed up weekly, with daily incrimentals. The weeklies are kept for 1 month, and the dailies are kept for seven days. This is an automated system. I did, and still do apologize for any problems caused by the miscommunication, but I thought our side should also be heard to stop the "spite" speculation.

Posted by Colin Behr, 02-24-2006, 08:05 PM
Ok, thanks for clearing that up Ryan. But I'm afraid that there is no way you can justify why you gave no reply for 3 weeks(!) about the wherabouts of my backups. I didn't threaten you, I told you that I would do a chargeback for the amount of $25, which was half a month of the VPS in question. Only fair as the incompetancy of your staff led to my server being taken offline. Isn't it amazing how within a couple of hours it had been sold on? And no longer available. I think, you guys like for an excuse to take a server down, and reseller it ASAP after a client has gone. That's why you guys were in such a hurry to sell it on. You needed it, and just deleted me. You never intended to give me any backups from the start, I highly doubt that you even keep any at all. I asked for backups to be restored before, however you wouldn't restore it because of a "techincal issue"..... Some support tickets don't get answered, some get answered with "I'm transfering this to the right department" and never get answered after then... Like I said before, to stop you from having many hours of pain and anguish, just stay away from these guys.

Posted by welshdemon, 02-28-2006, 02:55 PM
I wish I had seen this thread before signing up with TT. I saw a thread somewhere else where somebody was saying that they were good, and somebody else agreed with them, so I jumped in feet first and signed up with TT, after asking somebody via the "live chat support" how long it takes to get the server online, the reply was "24 hours max", well, it took 48 hours, and this may have been because I had to send them an email saying hurry up or give me a refund. Oh by the way, live chat support is not for "support" so I was told today when asking why my server was down. It is " for sales queries only"... lol Since it has been up, about 24 hours in total, it has been offline 3 times so far, bearing in mind that I have been out and asleep, so it has died/crashed/whatever 3 times while I have been accesing it, for no apparant reason! I have done nothing to prevent the server from working, all I was doing this time was unzipping a file and the server died. The other 2 times the server died, I had to email them to say the server is down and can they look at it. Ive had no replies, but the server has come back up a short while later usually. Oh, I forgot to mention, once the server was set up, I couldnt log in via SSH as root, was getting password errors! Had to email them and they fixed it. I still cant log in via FTP whatsoever, despite adding a user to the ftpusers group, Im not sure who's problem this is, and Im not even going to bother asking support about it, I'll just manage without FTP ss I am going to find another host now anyway. Oh well $15 down the drain, it'll help teach me to do more research before signing up with cheap companies.

Posted by adclow, 03-03-2006, 02:32 PM
I don't know if you're on the unmanaged plan or not... I just wanted to add my $.02 here, as I have a Unixshell account for about a month now and for the price am totally happy with it. I know they are in the process of upgrading some of the servers to the latest Xen version, so there have been a couple hiccups, but each support ticket I have entered has been answered within 12 hours, with a REASON why the server was down. If you are getting password errors with a server on an unmanaged account, that wouldn't be TekTonic's responsibility to correct, nor would it be their responsibility to figure out why you couldn't log in via FTP. Is TekTonic/Unixshell having growing pains? Yes. Can I deal with them at the price levels they offer? Yes. And as for $15 down the drain, that was one of the things I found amazing about TT/Ushell, was that they only make you pay a month up front. Most other providers I looked at (and two of which I tried before switching to Unixshell) mandated that I pay a year up front. Just trying to balance things out. No, I am not an employee, just a happy Unixshell customer.

Posted by welshdemon, 03-03-2006, 02:59 PM
Well, it is their problem if I cannot log in to my server which I have paid for, even on an unmanaged plan! Anyway, loads of problems within the first 72 hours so I have had a refund and have moved on to a better (imo) provider

Posted by joemadeus, 03-17-2006, 12:42 AM
I've been with Tektonic for about three years and it seems to me that there are some growing pains there. I was on a UML machine for the two years or so and it was rock solid - no complaints, except for some networking problems that were apparently a problem with their colo. They switched to Virtuosso and moved me to another machine in another colo -- and it's been downhill since there. I've been seeing one or two restarts a week (on average - sometimes it stays up, sometimes it doesn't); my machine has been down for nearly the entire day today (luckily this is a personal server, not a business.) Support has been fairly responsive, but it's nothing like what I saw when I first signed on. I've also noticed some performance problems. I'm on the cheapest plan they have ($15/mo), but things definately slowed down after I was moved to Virtuosso. I don't know if the problems are related to Virtuosso, to the colo I'm in now or Tektonic. Things aren't so bad that I've felt the need to b*tch to the support folks (except today), but it's getting there. One more thing: I changed by sshd.conf to exclude root access from the outside. I went back into that file after a couple months and found that someone re-enabled root. Bad. Very, very bad. At the very least I should see an email saying they changed this file. -j

Posted by KnownHost, 03-17-2006, 12:48 AM
Virtuozzo doesn't cause performance to be lacking. It would need to be server load or possibly your resources are hitting their max. Are you using Cpanel? -Jay

Posted by adclow, 03-17-2006, 12:49 AM
There were quite a few glitches when I first signed up with unixshell. A couple weeks of reboots, downtime, etc. Each one was well explained though, and when it wasn't, it was answered when requested. This all coincided with an upgrade they did to Xen 3.0 I think... Since the initial few weeks of flakiness, I'm now at 17 days uptime. No big feat I know, but my beginning of that continuous uptime began as soon as they finished their upgrades. It's been smooth sailing since, knock on wood...

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-17-2006, 08:12 AM
Hi, Since i've ben up all night i'll post here also. We have a host 'vz20' down right now. We have full remote console/reboot. In the dmesg we were seeing very odd disk errors (JBD, journal corrupted, bad linked list, etc), I knew this could not be the case as the system is hardware RAID-10. Long story short, since it's a volume with 450GB of DATA and a small 1k (SW Soft recommended) inode size it is taking over 12 hours to run the fsck to fix the errors! 4k blocks would be much faster, but SW Soft says half their files are links and they just waste disk space. In the future i'm just doing the 4k blocks and see how it works Anyhow, until /vz is CLEAN, nothing will work properly. The contrast to Xen is each VM runs it's own filesystem / fsck so in event of something like this, well, this would never happen... but in a similiar situation most VM's would boot and maybe 1-3 VM's would require manual FSCK's. Note the ever growing pro's and con's to each system. (Psst, TekTonic un-managed customers can migrate to a Xen for free!)

Posted by Alex, 03-17-2006, 08:51 AM
Yeah, fsck's are hell on VPSes apparently.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-17-2006, 08:58 AM
I'm going to have extensive testing with block sizes, a dataset, and fsck times today to see if SW Soft has been steering people incorrectly all these years. I'd rather only be able to use 66% of my hard disk space and have a 60 min fsck! Hard drives are cheap, downtime is not! This is completely unacceptable (yeah, I am saying that about the company that I personally own).

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-17-2006, 09:06 AM
Joe... that root access part was due to the Virtuozzo p2vz script. It needs root to be able to login. If you were really happy under UML, you would love Xen. Hopefully we can get your server back up soon. I remember arguing on these same forums a few years ago and hate losing reliable customers.

Posted by luisg, 03-17-2006, 09:57 AM
Hi Matt, Is the testing going to be done with the server that's down? What's the ETA for the fsck run as of now? It would be a good idea to reply in your tickets with this info, and perhaps provide updates every few hours. I bet a fair proportion of your customers frequent these forums, but I'm sure a lot do not. Thanks, Luis

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-17-2006, 10:42 AM
Testing will be done on a development server. fsck is not running with a progress bar so there is no way to tell (it is on Pass 1C. All tickets were updated, we pay people to do that. It is possible some slipped through . We also sent out a mass e-mail to ALL clients (even those not on vz20) describing the problem and our resolution.

Posted by luisg, 03-17-2006, 11:03 AM
Bear in mind that a lot of those people experiencing downtime do not have access to email right now... :-) The ticket reply, which was timely, did not give any info though, it just said something like "Server is down, we are working on it". So i'm thankful that you posted more details in here.

Posted by joemadeus, 03-17-2006, 03:06 PM
Matt - I know you're having problems there. I see your posts about it here. But, once again, I've written twice to about the problem and haven't received a response. This is a perfect example of the support problems other people have mentioned on this site, and that I (I think) mentioned in my earlier post. (Keep in mind that I'm one of those people whose email is on the affected machine.) -j

Posted by wizman, 03-17-2006, 05:52 PM
Now seems like a good time to point out how bad of an idea it is to use your hosted email server as your hosted VPS downtime support mechanism. Not just for tektonic, but for anyone you use. It would be wise to update support with an alternate contact address if you haven't yet done so.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-17-2006, 05:52 PM
Joe, I looked at your account and see 0 open tickets. Please make sure you get our confirmation e-mail or use the web interface..

Posted by luisg, 03-17-2006, 06:54 PM
So my server is back up. Did fsck find anything in particular? Was there any data affected? Thanks!

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-17-2006, 07:09 PM
I do not believe there was any data loss as /vz/lost+found contains nothing.

Posted by ssj4gogeta, 03-20-2006, 08:40 AM
is there somthing wrong with tektonic at the momment I cant access my server or tektonic itself. Even by using the ip address.

Posted by mr. green, 03-20-2006, 09:39 AM
I'm experiencing exactly the same problem here. It has been like this for at least a few hours now.

Posted by ssj4gogeta, 03-20-2006, 10:02 AM
I wonder if the whole of tektonic has blown up or somthing I can't get to there site or mine in any way at all. Edit can get to the billing bit going to do a support ticket. Last edited by ssj4gogeta; 03-20-2006 at 10:07 AM.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-20-2006, 11:10 AM
It was another GNAX related issue. I will be speaking with the GNAX owner shortly to address my concerns over all of their problems lately. The story I was told was that their coolant system went on their 8th floor. Everything is on it's way back up... some servers were back up 2 1/2 hours ago. Others are still fsck'ing. The thread on their forum is Mods: I apologize in advance if posting to the GNAX forum is against rules. It does provide insight into the issue and offers proof this was not something related specifically to TekTonic / unixshell.

Posted by ssj4gogeta, 03-20-2006, 11:17 AM
Ok thanks for the update my server was working again for a bit but now does not seem to be working I can only access my server via the ip.

Posted by kyun, 03-20-2006, 02:08 PM
Not even the ip is working for me. Noticed the downtime at around 0400 PST, now it's 1000 PST, 6 hours gone, still not sign of my sites running, though tektonic and unixshell are back now.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-20-2006, 02:12 PM
Please contact our support. They will answer you and let you know if something is wrong with your VPS. Some hosts are still performing a filesystem check, only 2 of them are still doing this though. Support can let you know if you are on one of those hosts or if it is a problem specific to your VPS.

Posted by kyun, 03-20-2006, 02:16 PM
Everything is going smooth now. Brilliant.

Posted by samjam, 03-20-2006, 04:31 PM
I'm still stuck, so after waiting for tektonic to bring things up (as I noticed their servers comeup) I've taken wiseone's advice and filed a support ticket. Here's hoping... Sam

Posted by webcs, 03-20-2006, 06:35 PM
Yeah two of my VPS's are down. Have been all day. If there is anyone from tektonic see ticket 53750 Getting host unreachable. PS, someone tell the people in sales live chat to stop hanging up on people. Why? It doesn't even say SALES CHAT on your site, it says support. So its not my fault I keep clicking there or anyone else does.

Posted by KnownHost, 03-20-2006, 06:38 PM
I know they were on here earlier with an update. If this is a Virtuozzo server then each VPS (after a file system corruption) needs to reboot one at a time. I didn't read into it but that is my assumption. -Jay

Posted by kyun, 03-20-2006, 09:30 PM
My VPS is DOWN again after it was up hours ago?! If it's GNAX problem how could this be possible? Anybody facing the same problem.

Posted by webcs, 03-20-2006, 11:08 PM
At least your was up for some period. I have 2 VPS's totally down for 18 hours now and I've gotten two canned responses that some servers had the power cycled. 18 HOUR POWER CYCLE! What is going on!

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-20-2006, 11:14 PM
We have 1 host down still... it's fsck'ing. That's all we can keep on saying. Linux will not mount a dirty filesystem so it's not even possible to bring it up and migrate VPS's. We just need to let the fsck finish. I just checked on the console and since the fsck found some errors it needs to re-run (pass #2) and it is 22% on that. What we are dealing with here is something Virtuozzo will need to address in the future, filesystems are only getting bigger and their recommendation of 1k inode/block sizes on 1TB filesystems causes extremely long fsck's if it is needed. The answers sound canned because they are, we have the same progress now as we did hours ago. It's running a fsck -- it can't continue booting until that is complete.

Posted by webcs, 03-20-2006, 11:21 PM
No in fact your answer above is NOT canned and is exactly what I and others want to hear. And I wish we would hae gotten something like this in the email. We want to know that someone is taking the time to UPDATE what is going on. Which you have done. Progress is progress and we want to hear things like this. I'm beside myself why I have to go to a 3rd party forum to get this update though? I wish you guys wouldn't have taken your own forums down.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-20-2006, 11:28 PM
Support is updating tickets as they can, it may not be at great of a detail as I posted but they should be responding to let you know it is still running the fsck.

Posted by Kase, 03-20-2006, 11:29 PM
Sorry, if you're making that much money, get your own server.

Posted by webcs, 03-20-2006, 11:36 PM
Well your reply was a good one.

Posted by webcs, 03-21-2006, 09:30 AM
Ok now 24 hours later where do we stand? The server can't possible still be in fsck? Am I the only one down?

Posted by grayprog, 03-21-2006, 09:41 AM
This is plain outrageous. 24 hours with the server down. To the WiseOne: What's going on now?

Posted by webcs, 03-21-2006, 09:45 AM
Give us a time table for godsake.

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 03-21-2006, 10:06 AM
Wouldn't you rather they be fixing things instead of watching this forum?

Posted by grayprog, 03-21-2006, 10:10 AM
While the tech guys are fixing, I expect the management to watch this forum. They have been doing this yesterday with no problem.

Posted by webcs, 03-21-2006, 10:35 AM
No I'd rather they post progress reports on their website and not have taken down their own forum server. Then I wouldn't be here looking for answers.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-21-2006, 11:42 AM
Last I checked the fsck was as "Pass 1B" on it's second run.

Posted by webcs, 03-21-2006, 11:44 AM
Sorry but what does that mean time table wise? Most of us have no idea what the above actually means. Your response is appreciated

Posted by kyun, 03-21-2006, 11:47 AM
I have about few dozens of non-active websites for this VPS but I already received more than 10 phone calls today. I couldn't submit a ticket because I lost the login info (apparently I couldn't retrieve the email too), sent a PM to TheWiseOne yesterday still waiting for reply. Please tell me what else to do besides watching this forum?

Posted by kyun, 03-21-2006, 11:52 AM
agreed with webcs. What does that "Pass 1B" mean?

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-21-2006, 12:01 PM
Disclaimer: I know the first paragraph will come off as sounding arrogant to some. I've weighed my options and decided to keep it "as-is". Exactly! This is why support will just let you know a server is performing a fsck and consider it a perfectly acceptable answer. Most VPS customers have no notion of what a fsck is, if it's good or bad, or what affects how long it takes to perform. A fsck can be short or long, but usually it's very long. It depends on many things. 1) The filesystem used, some recover faster than others. 2) The inode/block sizes. Virtuozzo uses ext3 and highly recommends a 1KB inode/block size which is the smallest possible. This is also the setting for the long fsck times (ie. 2kb would be 2x faster, 4kb 4x faster, etc). The default is 4KB. Other filesystems such as reiser have no notion of a pre-determined inode/block size and files use on disk exactly what they should. 3) When a fsck takes very long it means it is on a very large partition or it has many small files. I think in vz16's case it has both. Other hosts had to perform fsck's that only took 4-6 hours to run. 4) Until this issue is fixed by Virtuozzo it will continue to happen in the "dirty filesystem" situation. ext3 is journaling though so in most cases it does not need to happen. 5) ext3 has pre-set limits for max mount counts and max days after which a fsck is required. You can reset these to 0 to by using tune2fs, except in the case the fsck has started and already found an orphaned inode (or some other error). In that case the FS is marked dirty and a full fsck must complete. I have gone into great detail here to show that we fully understand the problem here down to the kernel level, but even with all the knowledge the fact is -- vz16 will not be back up until the fsck completes. I've never seen one take more than 18 hours before so this officially makes it the longest one ever. GNAX had cooling/power issues and this never really should have happened in the first place. I will be waiving our normal SLA which maxes out at 50% account credit for services affected and those that contact sales (via phone/live chat/ticket/e-mail) can have a full monthly hosting fee credit.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 03-21-2006, 12:11 PM
The title is a question support has been being asked a lot so I thought I'd address it here. What is an inode? According to Google...

Posted by kyun, 03-21-2006, 01:17 PM
Appreciate for the technical explaination. How long will it take to get our VPS back? It has been about 30 hours now and we're still waiting.

Posted by samjam, 03-23-2006, 12:11 PM
Just to finish the story; my site came back a few hours later, about midnight my time, around 12 hours downtime in all. thanks guys; I'm looking at your xen hosting... hmm.... Sam

Posted by samjam, 03-23-2006, 12:16 PM
I have to make 5 posts before I can post a thread about joker having dns problems (story has a url in it) so please forgive this waste of space. Sam

Posted by unhappysa, 04-19-2006, 09:49 AM
I have had a terrible experience with Tektonic. My fully managed VPS server has been down for more than 48 hours with only two responses from support. "We are looking into the issue". I have always received good support for their staff and usually problmes are resolved within a couple of hours. My problem boils down to the fact that I am getting no response from them and the service is totally unavailable. I have already lost a customer and a couple of people are highly pissed off with me. It really does not leave any faith within the business. Does anyone have any suggestions? i will keep you posted. Last edited by unhappysa; 04-19-2006 at 09:55 AM.

Posted by KnownHost, 04-19-2006, 09:56 AM
My suggestion is to be peristent and demand answers. This is all that can be done. It is your business and your customers so you need to treat them as you would them to treat you in the reverse situation. Best of luck. -Jay

Posted by unhappysa, 04-19-2006, 10:03 AM
Thanks for the luck knownhost, unfortunately you can demand as much as you want. i have left voice messages and sent numerous emails. I have eventually sent emails through to all their listed email addresses aswell as trying to leave messages on line. No response. I am lookiing at alternative plans to get my customers up and running again.

Posted by unhappysa, 05-15-2006, 02:57 AM
my server has been down for over 24 hours. the only response i have had from tektonic is "we will ook into it", besides the numerous updates by myslef that is all i have heard. All servcies are unavailable. Amazingly I am subscribed to the managed services, support 24/7. The last issue I had led me to having about 2 weeks of data being lost, the plan I am on includes daily backups. What is goign on with tektonic, why has their service slid to a level that no company would be happy with?!

Posted by unhappysa, 05-15-2006, 03:45 AM is not valid email address: A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:: host []: 511 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkuser)

Posted by unhappysa, 05-15-2006, 08:54 AM
i have still not had a response from tektonic, it has been over 24 hours since they stated they are looking into it.

Posted by unhappysa, 05-15-2006, 09:30 AM
I have eventually had a response from tektonic, "the engineering dept are looking into it". I am sure I heard that same answer 28 hours ago.

Posted by unhappysa, 05-15-2006, 09:31 AM
double posting Last edited by unhappysa; 05-15-2006 at 09:34 AM.

Posted by kyun, 05-17-2006, 01:18 PM
my VPS has down for more 24 hours too. What's wrong with them? No response no nothing from Tektonic. What happened????

Posted by TheWiseOne, 05-17-2006, 01:43 PM
We have full staff on right now, it is our busiest time of the day. If you send me a ticket number I can give support a nudge. I also know phones are sitting here waiting to be answered, if there is something major you can definitely call sales to have the ticket escalated. Why would you come complain here in hopes that someone would see it rather than actually call us up??

Posted by kyun, 05-17-2006, 11:41 PM
Will you allow the VPS to down for more than 36 hours, and it's not the first time. It happened few times before, in March we had another downtime for over 24 hours. I sent you private message, you should at least respond to it, how many messages I sent you? I paid $100 for quarter bill and you promised an extra month credit for March downtime problem, now I don't want the extra month anymore, I just want my VPS back until end of the quarter then I'll definitely LEAVE tektonic. You don't seem to know how to deal with customers, even if I am wrong, you should at least sound a softer at least that's what I did to my customers. I am not complaining, not worth my time. Please give me my VPS back, I'll move away after end of the bill, you keep the refund, no need for it. Thanks!

Posted by kyun, 05-17-2006, 11:50 PM Not reachable for over 36 hours. Also, the last few times I asked for support, there were no immediate helpful answers until I post on Webhostingtalk, seems to me you would only act when ppl complaining here. Please, I don't want to argue, I just want the VPS back.

Posted by TheWiseOne, 05-18-2006, 10:24 AM
Conclusions are being drawn that just are not true. I'm not really sure what to say about most of your comments, I know I didn't read your PM to me until now and mentioned the name to a support person and they said everything was up. Only thing I can say is whatever problems you have can most likely be resolved in a 10 minute phone call instead of what you appear to want to turn into a flame war on here. 888-835-1003 toll free or 484-948-1123 for international.

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