
host-frog down

Posted by jterrill, 05-04-2006, 12:01 PM
anyone else have any new updates on host-frog aka My sites went down yesterday and the previous days to issues of server moves, however everything from the forums said we'd be back and live by now. However as of this morning even hostfrogs site went down. Figured maybe start a post here to get some info on whats being done to correct this problem.

Posted by mrselnombre, 05-04-2006, 01:51 PM
From what i know, the upstream provider has a problem with a router, something to do with a card being needed... I'm afraid i'm not very technically minded. I think hostfrog are waiting for it to be fixed just like we are... If that is the truth

Posted by jterrill, 05-04-2006, 01:58 PM
tiz what I read as well, I understood that the part needed should have been installed this am. Just wondering if they have heard any news of a timeframe our sites should all be back up? Heres to hoping when I get back from work that things are up and running again, I am sure I am way behind on my emails, etc. Jon

Posted by mrselnombre, 05-04-2006, 01:59 PM
I missed that bit where it said is should be installed this morning. It was already down when i got up (7am GMT). I spoke to someone on AIM and was told they are working on it, that was 3 hours ago i think.

Posted by Ryan Smith, 05-04-2006, 04:03 PM
Looks like there DNS is down. Good Luck, as I'm sure it will be up soon. Try to PM them. They post allot here.

Posted by bear, 05-04-2006, 04:07 PM
DNS down? If the server is unreachable because of network issues, that's the most likely cause. DNS server could be working, but behind the issue.

Posted by mrselnombre, 05-04-2006, 04:10 PM
Can't pm them here as i think thier account is disabled.. i can get info through AIM but they are probably busy so i don't like to nag...

Posted by Ryan Smith, 05-04-2006, 04:21 PM
Thats a shame. Try him on AIM FrogNocLive or MSN sales ((@))

Posted by king620, 05-04-2006, 11:21 PM
Can't access their site. I want to talk to them about my purchase last Wednesday, May 3 because until now they didn't send me a reply. They said it is 6hrs setup time from date of purchase. Can anybody tell me if it is possible that I can still get a refund on my payment made? I think they would just get out of the blue and never be online again? You think so? What will I do to contact them?

Posted by jterrill, 05-04-2006, 11:28 PM
I know that they are experienceing some troubles right now, somewhat out of there hands at this point. I must say when they are up and running they are excellent, and FAST to get things done. Which is why this outage is buggin me so much right now. I will try and IM them to see what the eta is Jon

Posted by jterrill, 05-04-2006, 11:39 PM
heres the update from hostfrog: FrogNocLive (AIM) 11:35 PM Hello Jonathon, yes we have now all went down. Unfortunately, the problem is completely out of our hands as it is an upstream issue. Basically, we are waiting on response from them as to time frame. We are notifying our customers by email as soon as we get word, last we heard it was going to be up by morning EST.

Posted by mrselnombre, 05-05-2006, 12:38 PM
Still down... Getting no response on AIM

Posted by Tayro, 05-06-2006, 10:28 PM
You know, up until day 2 I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. However, here it is, Day what..4? 5? This is unbelievable. Not one single email to explain this extreme downtime. Forums are inaccessible, thereby cutting off any online info. The phone and support tickets are going unanswered. All the while, I'm losing clients left, right and center. I see that they have most of their sales site back up..minus the Community forum and Live Support. I can't begin to express how disappointed and angry I am at this point, having been so happy with them prior to this fiasco.

Posted by sgarbus, 05-06-2006, 10:33 PM
Their site appears to be up for me... I'm not sure if yours are on a different server?

Posted by Tayro, 05-06-2006, 10:40 PM
Can you get tto the Support forum there? I couldn't. And the Live Support just takes me to a page not found error. the domain that I use on their servers is, and has been absolutely inaccessible for almost a week now. I haven't received a single email regarding any of the downtime.

Posted by jterrill, 05-06-2006, 10:59 PM
hmmm - to think I even left for 2 days and thought that when I got home tonight (Saturday) things would be back up and running surely because of the last chat I had with them on AIM he said that they were installing the part that was sent overnight on was it thurs or friday morning? Anyhoo I will post any new updates - 11pm Saturday night I IMed him again. Hes showing active status. Jon

Posted by jterrill, 05-07-2006, 09:49 PM
Just an update for everyone - after much disgust over this situation of no hosting, I have finally gotten a response back from them from a support ticket I filed last night. to me More options 10:15 pm (0 minutes ago) -- Reply Above This Line -- Sites will be running smoothly on Tuesday. We are switching providers, as we are not getting any answers from them aswell. We will credit your account next billing cycle. We thank you for your patience with this matter. It appears that if we are still out tuesday then we should be very worried. I dont know about anyone else but I feel they need to do more than this, and should have something in place to make us feel secure that this wont be happening again...

Posted by Tayro, 05-07-2006, 09:59 PM
So, then they ought to understand when we, as their customers, feel the same way about how little information we've received. My patience ran short a couple of days I'm out of it altogether.

Posted by jterrill, 05-07-2006, 10:33 PM
exactly - I am stuck though waiting for them to get back up to download a backup of ALL my info, I just had switched to hostfrog for a week and a few days when this mess happend. My last host became unreliable in the end and I read rave reviews on hostfrog hence my switch, and getting things setup the right way... or so I thought. I am out of patience on them, I called 3 times - left messages no answer... however the answer machine said they were up and running 100% with no reported outages. What a joke. I sent several emails - IM's and no response until today when they finally replied to my support ticket. I am not sure what to do - I am getting it from my clients - family etc that I run sites for, I like them run my email through my domain etc. For future notice any idea how I can get all my mail that goes through my domain to also go through say gmail? Well thats it for now Heres to waiting until Tuesday. Jon

Posted by freebsdmike, 05-07-2006, 10:36 PM
Just a question, but why would a data center let a router stay down for over 4 days? I have experience with big datacenters and when stuff like that would break they'd replace it that day or over night something in.

Posted by RyanD, 05-07-2006, 11:35 PM
They host with half of their site doesn't even work, so it doesn't surprise me that routers and critical equipment would be down for days

Posted by jterrill, 05-07-2006, 11:58 PM
I too would have thought that they would of overnighted the part had it going, or better yet they are a datacenter, from my IT coursework shouldnt they have a few spares just incase of incidents like this. The fact that its the "upstream providers" problem still does not let hostfrog off the hook, they should have taken a more active and forcefull role with the provider to fix this problem, not wait for its hundreds/thousands of clients to get royally ticked off before they took action to move to a differnt provider. Maybe its time again to find a host ... 3rd try... in a month? Ugh. Any other hostfrog clients staying with em or moving?

Posted by Ariel74, 05-08-2006, 02:26 AM
Just out of curiosity, why was Hostfrog's WHT account disabled? That seems odd.. they came out of nowhere a couple of months ago, posted hundreds of messages, then right before their outage, their account gets disabled.

Posted by RyanD, 05-08-2006, 02:39 AM
They claim to have been in business for years and lost their domain... a few months back. Not sure on whats going on with them....

Posted by David, 05-08-2006, 03:01 AM
Why any client would stick around with a provider after zero communication for days on end is beyond me. Nonetheless good luck and keep us up to date on the situation (as Hostfrog certainly isn't)!

Posted by freebsdmike, 05-08-2006, 09:48 AM
What was their old domain name?

Posted by RyanD, 05-08-2006, 11:05 AM apparently it got "stolen" check his posts about it.

Posted by SoftWareRevue, 05-08-2006, 11:30 AM
This thread is about an outage. Let's keep it to that.

Posted by king620, 05-08-2006, 09:06 PM
I think their site and is now online. Check them.

Posted by Ryan Smith, 05-08-2006, 09:21 PM
The websites look like they are up and running, however, looks like the forums are still struggling to stay up (MySQL), links are broken, and when you click the live chat button, it take you to a 404 error page.

Posted by The3bl, 05-08-2006, 10:59 PM
The question is now. Is the customers sites up and running now?

Posted by jterrill, 05-08-2006, 11:20 PM
no the customer sites are not working, I am waiting for the day to see actually show up again, its been well... a good LONG week. They claim tomorrow *tuesday* we should be back?

Posted by stayalive, 05-09-2006, 02:06 AM
Well had ur site always used ns3 and ns4 as nameserver if so did hostfrog always use ns1 and ns2 as nameservers? Try to change ur nameservers to ns1 and ns2 and see if that works or not.

Posted by gumpy, 05-09-2006, 03:25 AM
Heres whats going on short and sweet, and why HostFrog isnt here responding. Got a new server for the shared hosting and reseller customers on quite a few boxes transfered them over, no problems, no customers were down, the first day after the transfer the server went offline at around 11:41 am for some unknown reason, I think it crashed cause after it came back up after almost 8 hours I logged in and checked out the logs all the logs even the /var/log/messages. Nothing showed up after 11:41 am, we were getting ready to move our business elsewhere and the box came back up. We waited for the customers to come and see if any were going to be unhappy noone was unhappy so we decided to stay and make things work the next time the box went down and that time it was down for 24 hours we were fed up. Now even after all that for some reason our network went down and to my knowledge that was a bad oc card at least thats what I have been told. So we went looking for another provider and we did find one. Ok let me shorten this up. I have ordered quite a few servers the one you are going on Jterril is supposed to be up Tomorrow I have been on the other provider's phone and ticket support making sure it goes up. I apoligize for everything thats going on and HostFrog would be responding except I think hes still banned from this forum. basically this has been a nightmare for our company and I hate seeing customers down. I have been working hard to try to get everyone on other servers. and yes I know this is like only my first or second post but I have been around for a long time, I just never posted till now cause I see unhappy customers and I didnt know that my boss was banned from here. That is why things are down at HostFrog. We are working hard on trying to get things back to normal. Last edited by gumpy; 05-09-2006 at 03:35 AM.

Posted by whmcsguru, 05-13-2006, 05:35 PM
Agreed. Discussions of this business and their practices (even speculation) should be taken to any of the appropriate forums, but let's keep this to the outage itself.

Posted by king620, 05-17-2006, 04:31 AM
Hi, Can anyone advise me to whether or not to get back the money from Hostfrog? I just purchase a reseller plan a day before they disappeared. Thanks

Posted by Jedito, 05-17-2006, 06:30 AM
They should, however, I think that you can contact them back again, site is online so does their live chat.

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