
Steadfast down?

Posted by David, 02-08-2006, 11:36 PM
Having trouble getting past:

Posted by ceridius, 02-08-2006, 11:43 PM
I trace in via level 3 and all looks good to me , maybe an issue on the savvis link.

Posted by David, 02-08-2006, 11:45 PM
Yeah, it was just the savvis link. It's back up now. These continuous maintenance windows and/or issues are getting real old however.

Posted by ceridius, 02-08-2006, 11:51 PM
these things hapen to all hosts from time to time , matter of fact we are having one tonight at 1am EST ourselves

Posted by David, 02-08-2006, 11:54 PM
HiVelocity, What you do and what my provider us are two entirely different things. Nonetheless if it continues I'll find my merry *** a new provider.

Posted by David, 02-09-2006, 12:31 AM
*does* Nonetheless the issue appears to be resolved, even though it's still unacceptable. Time to kick it up a notch and choose a less budget-oriented provider. I'll admit it was my own fault for choosing steadfast in the first place.

Posted by robbo, 02-09-2006, 01:57 AM
Hyperspin reported about a 7 minute outage to one of our servers there. Probably something to do with the datacenter move.

Posted by robbo, 02-09-2006, 01:59 AM
oh and in case you didn't get the notice earlier today, Core Network Maintenance Scheduled Core network maintenance will occur between 2 AM and 5 AM Central Time on Thursday, February 8, 2006. We will be performing core network maintenance on our core routers and switches to complete the move to our new data center. This will occur between 2 AM and 5 AM CST on Thursday, February 8, 2006. This maintenance includes physically moving one our core router sto its new location, as well as rebooting our core switches to install an update software image. During this maintenance window, we will also be moving two of our carrier cross connects to their new locations in Equinix. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this move, all customer will be affected by this maintenance. Total downtime for all customers will not exceed 30 minutes. We expect that the bulk of the downtime will be during the rebooting of our core switches, and this should last approximately ten minutes. Upon the completion of this maintenance, our data center move will be complete. All colocated and dedicated servers, as well as all shared hosting and VPS servers have been moved prior to this maintenance. We thank you very much for your patience during this move, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the future. Any questions regarding this maintenance should be directed to URL:

Posted by KarlZimmer, 02-09-2006, 02:07 AM
Issues happen with a data center move. This issue was entirely related to the core routers being located in two different locations, in a non-standard configuration for our setup and was resolved with a reboot and slight reconfiguration of one of the routers. The final core router is being moved tonight and then the migration will be complete. From what we have seen, during the move there have been zero complete network outages though there have been about 25 mnutes in which there has been some lost connectivity to certain providers, etc. I definitely do not feel that is excessive for a complete data center move and core network upgrade. I have not seen many migrations that have gone any smoother.

Posted by David, 02-09-2006, 03:34 AM
I do agree that it has been handled well Karl -- it's obviously a very massive move. Perhaps I have some unrealistic expectations: That's something I'll have to figure out on my own! Nonetheless I've always considered downtime unacceptable (and always will). I know you're what would be considered a budget provider (and for the price I'm thoroughly satisfied) and the majority of companies in the same 'class' and offering as Steadfast can't compete with you on quality. Either way: Random outtages don't cut it even if they're pretty infrequent. The major part of the problem is that even if I were to increase the amount of hardware I have rented at steadfast -- the entire network would go out each and every time, thus I have to find an alternate provider for both dns and my own sites. Thus 3 providers (or more) would be needed: And I really don't feel that should be the case (although DNS I don't have a problem with segmenting and ensuring it's in different locations/different providers) but if I'm to build my customer base with Steadfast and the entire thing goes out at random -- even if just for a few moments in time: That's 100% of the customer base simply 'out' and me left explaining what went wrong.. I'm looking for a company I can build on -- not fall on. Last edited by David; 02-09-2006 at 03:39 AM.

Posted by KStange, 02-09-2006, 07:27 AM
I take some issue with your mention of everything going down at random. We certainly don't have any monkeys (or employees...) loose in the datacenter randomly unplugging cables and rebooting core equipment. Wherever possible we pre-plan and announce outages before they are going to happen. If for some reason something does go down unexpectedly, we certainly make it our top priority to fix it, figure out why, and do what we can to make sure it never happens again... and you've always got the opportunity to request SLA compensation if we can't keep our network up when we're not doing maintenance. The number of maintenance windows lately is much higher than normal due to the datacenter move. Once we're fully settled with our new infrastructure, I don't see any reason why our network should be down with any unreasonable frequency or for any unreasonable length of time, and we should be safely rid of the pesky internal congestion we had battled in our old network layout as well. You have to expect a little downtime every once in a while with any host. We can't make sure all our carriers always work, and every once in a while, something unexpected breaks. I'm sure you'll never find a host whose network never has a single outage of any kind, so you might be setting your sights a bit too high if you aim for that level of service. We can dream though. Last edited by KStange; 02-09-2006 at 07:32 AM.

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