
Check this

Posted by Immortalone, 05-01-2005, 08:13 AM
Want to see a web host move a negitive comment about sites being down on there servers without address the situation . & one in the same Can someone verify this post is there now. Even paste it below for those that miss it. Ta

Posted by JenniH, 05-01-2005, 04:17 PM
The link above is invalid. I do have to say though that we have had an account at OpenHosting for many years... and thus far we have had no serious problems at all. This is actually remarkable, as in the meantime, we have changed most of our other hosts. If you have a problem do feel free to let me know, and I will chase it. OH do seem to be a good bunch though.

Posted by Immortalone, 05-01-2005, 07:44 PM
Yes delete they do not like negative things on there fourm . If the help desk is not working and the phones or emails are not answered there is not much else you can do . If my challanges are not resolved tonight. I will give you a complete rundown of my experience and at 20 out boards as well, to help the wary consumer . On Jonathan Buckle, Director, OpenHosting Internet Solutions and Jamie Lewis, Managing Director and formally

Posted by Immortalone, 05-03-2005, 08:39 AM
They picked their game up last night we go 80% of things sorted. Still a few outstanding things.

Posted by PacNWSupra, 05-05-2005, 01:30 AM
I've got several domains at (formerly and am having problems as well. It all started a month or so ago when all of my users stopped receiving email on their webmail client (domain/mewebmail). It wasn't until a trouble ticket was entered that I found out that the entire webmail interface had been changed. OK... several calls later and I got my users straightened out - thank goodness that I don't have thousands of users. Then this past week I tried to add a new email user. The new user was not able to log into webmail - first test. Then I find that any emails addressed to that user go directly to the catchall - bypassing the user that is set up and verified in the admin panel. Now... I can't even FTP into my own site. The website ( is unsuable at best. I have sent off emails using the form on the site. I have also finally sent an email directly to one of the past people that helped on one of my earlier trouble tickets - back when their response time was much better. I paid the full year in advance back in February - after having a completely trouble-free year with them. The problem is I had similar problems a year ago. I was hosting with Endore and had just prepaid the full year when they closed up shop and that is when I found 4web-space. Keith

Posted by Immortalone, 05-05-2005, 09:00 PM
They have sorted out 97% of my challanges . A lot of hair pulling but we got there . I think they may be in the process of moving your sites to a new server . They seem pretty good at it once they get going .

Posted by PacNWSupra, 05-05-2005, 10:57 PM
Thanks for that reassurance. Will give it a little time to settle down. I might be a little gunshy due to the problems I had with Endore just going offline with no notice - after I had just paid for my 4th year with them in advance.

Posted by PacNWSupra, 05-31-2005, 05:43 PM
I wanted to follow up on this thread. It seems I never saw the big "you must do this" announcement that would have solved half of my problems. It still would have been a lot of work to get the sites happy again on the new server but it could have possibly been done without my sites going wacko - we're still working through all of the details (ie my DB works for the main domain but not for the sub-domains like it used to). Keith

Posted by Immortalone, 05-31-2005, 05:51 PM
My sites have settled finally . But yes it could have gone smoother.

Posted by neilrbowen, 07-04-2005, 04:14 AM
Glad its all sorted out now, i dont think there should be any more problems for you all

Posted by Immortalone, 07-11-2005, 12:10 AM
HI Neil To be honest I have accounts with 5 hosts and 4webspace is with out a doubt the most unreliable and the slowest to respond to tickets. There are services that just stop working on a consistent basis . It seems just when the working day starts in New Zealand . It is just finishing in the UK, so problems like FTP failing (Which is down at present and prompted this post) or the mail server stopping or ASP pages failign . They are down for a Whole day . With the 9am - 5pm service that you offer . It maybe ok for UK clients, But certainly not people in another time zone. So I am not a the happiest customer of Open Hosting or Last edited by Immortalone; 07-11-2005 at 12:14 AM.

Posted by patriotwatch, 02-08-2006, 01:37 PM
Old news update Just when you think you've rid yourself of crooks: Submit a Ticket Your ticket has been submitted to our department successfully, One of our support technicians will get back to you with more information shortly. Ticket InformationTicket ID: 8702 Department: fourwebspace Sales Full Name: David M. Jenest Email: Priority: High QuestionsWhere did you hear about us?: Former customer FraudYou continue to send demands and messages about upgrading your servers to my webmaster e-mail addresses. for several accounts I terminimated with your firm almost a year ago. I have the emails and records to prove that the only outstand balance was $46 for all our accounts and you were paid for months even when you could not resolve support issues. Your most recent demands are outright fraud! You want to play? Bring it on! Dave Jenest PS: Send me a cashier's check for US$75 to reimburse me for the long distance "support call" from California to the UK that resolved NOTHING! If you want some advice where to put your current demand for US$922.68 I would be more than happy to oblidge you. ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Cc: Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 1:00 AM Subject: Outstanding Account Balance Dear David This is a reminder that there is an oustanding balance of $922.68 on your 4web-space hosting account. Please login to the control panel at and settle the invoice(s) as soon as possible. If you're not sure what your login details are, you can request a reminder from If you believe the status of your account with us (as shown in Helm) is incorrect, please open a support ticket at, including as much information as possible and we'll straighten it out for you immediately. Please do not reply to this message as it has been sent from an un-monitored email address. Please raise a support ticket with any queries. Thanks for choosing! Regards Accounts Department

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