
Anyone else on Reyox down?

Posted by exclaim, 09-18-2005, 02:24 PM
A site I manage on Reyox has been down for almost 90 minutes.

Posted by Synwave, 09-18-2005, 04:46 PM
They've been down for over 10 hours and counting.....

Posted by exclaim, 09-18-2005, 06:09 PM
Ya, still down here... I've called them 3 times and they never answer... does anyone know if they have techs in house on weekends?

Posted by Synwave, 09-18-2005, 07:46 PM
I spoke to Asher earlier on IM and he said there was a problem with a nic card and he was waiting for the data centre to respond. Now (12 hours later ) the problem is not resolved and he is "away" on IM. The phones go straight to voicemail and there is nothing on their forums. It seems that when the going gets tuff, the staff get going!

Posted by Synwave, 09-19-2005, 09:57 AM
28 hours of downtime and still counting..... I spoke to their tech guy this morning on the phone and he was unaware of any problems!! I then asked asher on IM why he disapeared last night while the problem was still unresolved and he told me that his IM is for personal use and he doesnt have to give support to clients over it!! I predict that in true reyox fashion, when the server comes back online they will send out an email to the clients with some bull$hit excuse about how the Data Centre screwed up. I also predict that the email will inform us of how fast reyox has grown over the last few months and how there are "New and Exciting things to come in the future". Personally, I would be happy if they could just stick to the basics! I have known James and Asher for many years and it is clearly obvious that they are neither competent or responsible enough to run a web hosting business. Needless to say, I'll be moving my sites away from them as soon as they come back online.

Posted by exclaim, 09-19-2005, 01:21 PM
Well, the server's back, but the websites are gone! I checked in thru Reyox's "support manager" and they claim they're restoring the sites, but there's no ETA on that.

Posted by exclaim, 09-20-2005, 02:42 PM
Now the site is finally restored (18 hours AFTER the request had to be made... was it really necessary for me to have to tell them to restore the site???), but now I CAN'T FTP. All the file permissions are screwed up, so I can't use the scripts on the server to update content.

Posted by Synwave, 09-20-2005, 08:00 PM
3 days later and my sites are still down! Have you recieved any kind of explanation as to what exectly happened? Aparently they sent out an email but i didn't receive it.

Posted by exclaim, 09-20-2005, 08:17 PM
I have to access Reyox's "Support Manager" since I'm only the webmaster and not the direct owner of the account... but according to their mail log, this was sent out on Saturday... then 6 hours later... So it seems to me they're renegging on the cause of the problem (first it's a kernel error then it's "compromise"... which was never explained). An entire 28 hours later (after we've started posting here) Reyox claimed that they're repairing the problem by replacing a hard drive. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but neither a kernel error nor a "compromise" would lead to a full-out hard drive replacement. Reformatting, yes. But not the physical replacement of the drive; to me, replacing the drive means hardware failure. So here I am now, it's 5:15pm Tuesday... 11 hours ago my site has been restored around 40 hours after it went down, I finally managed to FTP about 3.5 hours ago into the site after I made 3 requests that they fix FTP privileges and 1 extra one that they fix chown issues... and a mere hour or so later, I can no longer FTP again. I'm still waiting on a response. BTW, Synwave, Reyox let everyone know that if they want their sites restored, that you have to submit a ticket request stating you want them to restore it. Can you believe that?? You have to TELL them to restore your site after an outage! Last edited by exclaim; 09-20-2005 at 08:21 PM.

Posted by Synwave, 09-21-2005, 06:24 AM
3 days later and my sites are still down! Have you recieved any kind of explanation as to what exectly happened? Aparently they sent out an email but i didn't receive it.

Posted by Synwave, 09-21-2005, 01:10 PM
Yeh, Honesty isnt exactly their forte! I spoke to James Shanks briefly today and he told me he knew nothing of any server issues as he had been offline dealing with personal problems. James always seems to have personal problems any time the $hit hits the fan @ Reyox. When I get my sites back online and moved, I'll write up a full review of my time with Reyox, including how they still had my old Visa information even after I had removed it from their billing system! Asher, James: Do the internet a favour and get out of the hosting business!!

Posted by Joshua, 09-23-2005, 05:03 PM
Funny... This thread brings back memories of Asher & James' experience at @WebHost which they drove into the ground.

Posted by Synwave, 09-24-2005, 09:22 AM
In a few hours it will be exactly 1 week and my sites are still not restored. Check out the server status of the new server we have been migrated to.

Posted by exclaim, 09-24-2005, 07:16 PM
OUCH. Thankfully I got my client moved to a new host on Thursday. Synwave, I'm surprised they still haven't restored your account, though. Last email I got from them said that the system-wide restore was done. I'd check for you but I can no longer access their support manager since my client terminated their service with Reyox.

Posted by Synwave, 09-26-2005, 04:58 AM
My sites were restored on friday, although some of them were in the wrong place! I had an enginering company displaying the web site content for a graphic design company. Needless to say, my customers were not impressed! Im still waiting for my main site to be restored properly. Its has database errors all over it! This is week 2 btw!!

Posted by exclaim, 09-26-2005, 11:27 AM
I don't understand, how are the sites in the wrong place?

Posted by Synwave, 09-26-2005, 02:46 PM
Im not sure how they managed to do it but if you typed in it would show the content for Anyway.....all my sites are back and im gonna start moving my data to a new provider!

Posted by airjrdn, 09-28-2005, 12:02 PM
I've transferred my sites to a new host and so far so good. Unfortunately, I can't cancel my account with Reyox because & are both down and have been for about a day now. I emailed Asher who replied saying what the problem was, but there's no sense in posting it here.

Posted by exclaim, 09-28-2005, 01:09 PM
WOW ... I just checked their site... it's up, but it's asking for username and password like with password-protected directories. Boy, I'm glad I got going when the going was good

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