
Do NOT trust Imagine Networks

Posted by rejuvinet, 03-15-2005, 07:54 PM
I've had it with these people. There comes a time when - no matter how patient you try to be - you just have to stand back and kick yourself in the hind-quarters. For months I have had nothing but problems with Imagine Networks (nameservers use Every time I try to contact their so-called "support", I get more excuses than a pathological liar at a con convention. Fifteen times - count them - FIFTEEN times in the past 4 months alone my sites have been down for hours, even days, at a time. And never ONCE, despite my asking, then demanding, an explaination have I ever received a straight answer on why the incompetants they call "techs" keep screwing up the servers. As I write this, my domains are down - for the FOURTH time today. I have lost ANOTHER contract because of these fools - and they don't think I am a valuable enough customer to give me an explaination. Not bad for a $200 a month plan - I'm lucky if I get 10 consecutive days of uptime. Urgent support tickets go unanswered. The "support line" goes unanswered. I can just imagine how they treat a $30/$40 a month plan user. For the third time in four months their so-called "support department" is under new management - this time by Hostria. They continue the grand tradition of sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to customer support - though I can think of another place they can stick their heads, and everything else about them. Thinking of trusting Imagine Networks? Hostria? Hosting Coalition? My advice is DON'T - unless you have money to burn.

Posted by Stan Marsh, 03-15-2005, 08:22 PM
What's so exceptional in this USD 200 plan it's worth such money? Perhaps you can buy this kind of features from reliable host with proven track of records for USD 30-40? Shorter: if your story is correct (there's always other side of it, you know), it's the highest time to pack your luggage and get away from there. Good luck in finding a new reputable host! P.S. I'll tell you a big secret: some of them even post in these forums... P.P.S. Your site is down, indeed... Last edited by Stan Marsh; 03-15-2005 at 08:25 PM.

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