
Ximagery down - new owner Cerebro

Posted by whiteash, 09-08-2004, 02:46 PM
Well my hosting company got bought out by Cerebro. My sites have been down for over 12 hours - no response from their support area - no response from emails - no phone number to call. I am finding support tickets from other people in my interface. So, it's not just me that is down. This is NOT acceptable.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-08-2004, 02:51 PM
Sounds like a bad sale, but if it's been only 12 hours just give them some more time. What about any other methods of contacting them like emails to other addresses?

Posted by whiteash, 09-08-2004, 03:00 PM
I've tried emails to every addy I could find - even to the new buyer Cerebro, with no response to any of them. It's sad because the old company was wonderful and had great support. You could contact them day or night, weekends, etc. The new place acts like they don't care. This is just not going to cut it.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-08-2004, 03:02 PM
Do you have a direct addy of the old owner? prehaps he can do something. Seems like the new owner in my honest opinion may have taken which clients they want away to their hosting (e.g. high paying ones) and ignoring the rest.

Posted by coight, 09-08-2004, 05:21 PM
Change hosts, then cancel your account. 12 hours without hearing something from your host is down right wrong.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-08-2004, 05:23 PM
Coight, why do you say that? Just because his host hasn't replied within 12 hours, doesn't mean he should change. Prehaps the host is having problems and thus why his site is offline? I'd leave it 24 hours before I canceled my account, after all you would lose any chance of a refund if you don't contact them first. Volma

Posted by coight, 09-08-2004, 05:32 PM
Obviously they have a lack of concern for their customers. Any good host places a backup server on an alternate network so that their customers can reach them or find out details affecting an outage.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-08-2004, 05:38 PM
Yes, this is true, but you say this. What if they do have a backup and they've not set it up well and are waiting for the DNS addresses to propergate? This can take up to 48 hours in some places. This is why you should never rush to cancel an order. After all if you posted an item and it didn't arrive on time via the post office (UK) then would you go and make a claim for insurance on the item straight away? Just give the host a little extra time. Also, as said in the first post it is a new company taking over and they might not have external e-mail addresses for all their customers. This happens more oftern than you may think as alot of customers change their details to their domain e-mails. This means once the domain goes down then it is impossible to reach the customer via e-mail. Who knows, they may be moving the servers e.t.c. and not informed their customers, or prehaps they wern't intending to have any problems or downtime. Give them the benefit of the doubt before you jump up and cancel.

Posted by coight, 09-08-2004, 06:05 PM
How about they notify the customer regarding it? That's like apples an oranges. But no as I would have done like this person has is chase it up if they didnt respond for 12 hours then I would be pissed off and demand my money back. Regardless any good host announces such big moves to a mailing list. It's a server things tend to go wrong when you least expect it. It would have taken them what 30 minutes to write an email and then mass send it.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-08-2004, 06:10 PM
Ok, well the apples and oranges part, You wouldn't demand your money back straight away as you'd give it extra time, do on the web as you would offline. Be patient. Yes I agree they could have sent an email out, but who's to say that everyone will have logged onto their domain email before they took the servers offline? 30 mins plus then waiting for everyone to download could be along time. How can they notify a customer if they have just taken over the company and no doubt half the whois documents or contact details are the domain emails. If the server fails, you can only send emails to the people who provide you with an outside e-mail like a home or hotmail one. This is why I keep non-domain e-mails on record for all my customers. It's a must but not all companys have reliased yet. Alot don;t until they find themself in this situation. Just be patient and lets see the outcome.

Posted by whiteash, 09-08-2004, 08:03 PM
Ok - it has now been 24 hours since I discovered my sites were down. Still no word from the company - Cerebro As far as the speculation as them taking the people paying more for their hosting - I have a reseller account with them that I use for my own sites. I pay well and on time. So, I don't think that is the problem. As far as them having contact information for me - yes, they do. I do not use my website email. They had my contact information when I got the letter 3 weeks ago saying they had bought the company. So, contacting me is not the problem. I have sent letters to the persons email who contacted me about the sale, every company email addy on their site, every email addy on my servers site, etc.. And trust me, if I could find their phone number in Australia, I would be calling, long distance or not. The bottom line is that this is totally irresponsible. And I am looking to move to a new host because this one doesnt have a clue on how to conduct themselves in a business like mannor. (IMHO) What's a girl gotta do to find a decent and honest host - lol

Posted by volmasoft, 09-09-2004, 02:05 AM
Whiteash do you have aim? I'd like to talk to you more if I could about this subject.

Posted by whiteash, 09-09-2004, 02:14 AM
I have AOL - just send an email and I will let you know it.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-09-2004, 02:18 AM
I can't send you an email so I sent you a pm instead is this alright?

Posted by [HC]Rick, 09-09-2004, 05:23 PM
Hi all, I have hosting with Ximagery too, and my sites are also down, it must have been at least 36 hours since i noticed now. I've spoken with other people hosted by ximagery and they are in the same situation as me. Before the takeover, everything was great, there were never any serious issues like this, and i've been hosted with them for what, 14 months? Personaly i'm furious, i host other clients on my reseller and their sites are also down. Whats worse is neither Cerebro support, nor ximagery support are answering. Their '24/7' live support is unavailable, and has been for a long time now. Quite frankly i want answers, or at least assurances it will be back up, i would hate to lose everything contained in my server space. Thanks

Posted by volmasoft, 09-09-2004, 05:25 PM
[HC]Rick I'd like to piece this all together, please aim me if you have it: Volmasoft.

Posted by Sconner, 09-09-2004, 05:35 PM
I also, am a customer of Ximagery, and yes, my hosting is down. I've been a proud re-seller of Ximagery for about 2 years now, but since the takeover service has been very poor, before Ximagery was baught out, you could get support whenever you needed it, weather it be the middle of the night or whenever. If you check their website now, live support is always unavailable, which is not very nice for customers who use this fucntion alot, like myself. I'm highly dissapointed with the service I'm getting, I've emailed a few times already and still no reply. With quite a few big sites hosted under my re-seller, things arent looking good! What do I tell my clients, who take in 1,000,000 hits per month? Advice to anyone considering hosting from Ximagery....DONT GO THERE

Posted by MediaBroker, 09-10-2004, 01:30 AM
My sites are also hosted with Ximagery. This is getting insane. The sites have been down now for close to 48h.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-10-2004, 11:06 AM
Scooner and mediabroker i'm sure that the others will recommend talking to me as i'm trying to piece it all together and take a strike at Ximagery and get them to get your sites online so you can pull your data. Aim:Volmasoft or pm me with other details. Thanks.

Posted by Sconner, 09-10-2004, 11:36 AM
I don't have aim, but I've got msn.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-10-2004, 12:20 PM
Whats your e-mail for msn?

Posted by Sconner, 09-10-2004, 12:46 PM

Posted by hasaki, 09-10-2004, 01:11 PM
XIMAGERY is utter dangly bits - I hope they rot in hell... Server has now been down since Monday night and still not such thing as a word from ximagery. Although I agree that you shouldn't pull out as soon as something goes wrong, I think 3-4 days is taking the biscuit. Personaly, I'm thinking about finding a UK based server and swapping.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-10-2004, 02:05 PM
Hasaki, what is your domain please or nameserver ip. Cheers.

Posted by MediaBroker, 09-11-2004, 12:20 AM
Server still down. I have signed up with someone else. I can't afford loosing anymore emails. My MSN is

Posted by MediaBroker, 09-11-2004, 12:24 AM
If they would at least send out updates every 12h about the process or maybe post in some forum. However nothing even close to that has been done. 3 to 4 days is more than enough to get a server back up...or at least inform the people that have their sites hosted on the server with what is happening.

Posted by [HC]Rick, 09-11-2004, 03:41 AM
Ok, so Ximagery appears to be back up for the meantime, but i doubt i'l stick with them. I understand hosts have downtime.. thats not what i'm angry at. I'm furious at his this was handled by the new owners, Cerebro. Just ingoring everyone, whether it was via email.. or msn.. just responded to nobody to re-assure everyone. Its cheap.. and i won't have it when i'm paying good money for a service.

Posted by volmasoft, 09-11-2004, 03:42 AM
Do you have proof cerebro took over because their site says nothing about it.

Posted by hasaki, 09-11-2004, 03:45 AM
thats very true... I have been onto cerebro website which details lots of takeovers but ximagery is not there. I wrote them an email detailing the problem. What time did the servers come back up?

Posted by volmasoft, 09-11-2004, 03:50 AM
Not long ago I don't think. Hasaki what is your domain?

Posted by hasaki, 09-11-2004, 03:52 AM

Posted by hasaki, 09-11-2004, 03:56 AM
So I guess now I have to revoke my complaint with PayPal. Or do you think we should stick it out. We still got crap service, they still haven't replied to any of my emails and I'm still not really that happy. How can we say that we provide 99% uptime when some person at the other end of the connection goes around switching servers off willy nilly.

Posted by [HC]Rick, 09-11-2004, 03:59 AM
They definately took over, its a fact.. we all recieved an email saying they had been taken over, heck knows why there is no information on either websites, maybe they are waiting to transfer people over to their servers before announcing.. who knows. Personaly i revoked my claim. Long as i can get my files of that server i'm to some extent, content with the situation; considering i was afraid i'd lost everything.

Posted by hasaki, 09-11-2004, 05:18 AM
yeah well, here is my update from PayPal complaints...

Posted by hasaki, 09-11-2004, 05:20 AM
Transaction ID: #80E3031157915653C Seller Name: Cerebro Enterprises Seller Email: Transaction Amount: -$44.95 USD Transaction Date: 9 Sep. 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PayPal Case ID: PP-048-066-498 Reason for Dispute: Non-Receipt Buyer's Comments: I buy a reseller account from ximagery which has recently been taken over by Cerebro. The deal is you pay the money and server is kept up and running. I paid my money, as did lots of people, and we expected to be able to keep hosting on the server. On Monday 6th at about 9:00 I was told that the websites were down so I tried to log inot my hosting panel. I then found that my server was down so I couldn't do anything. Next thing I know, a friend who also has an account with these people is saying that they ahve taken his server down too. Anyway, it turns out that everyone who has a hosting account with them has been switched off. This looks bad for me because I host the websites. I have written 3 emails to the company asking what is going on. Tonight I have called America, at my own expense, and found that the number on the site is disused and noone is picking up. I ahven't tried faxing them yet. Everyone I have spoken to who hosts with them has said that we would expect some down time but we've been left in the dark about this downtime and it's carried on for nearly 5 days now. This, to us, is beyond a joke. I personally would like my money back and to cancel my account with them. is their website. is the link to the chat room where everyone is talking about the down time. I would appreciate it if you could help get my money back. Many thanks Alastair Graham Date of Complaint: 10 Sep. 2004 Status: Reviewing Seller's Response Status Details: The seller has responded to our initial enquiry about this transaction. In response to your claim, the seller has provided the following information indicating that the item was shipped. Tracking Number: 1111111 Tracking Company: We don't refund the money!!!! We have also forwarded this information to you in an email.

Posted by Bokevoll, 09-11-2004, 06:11 AM
Wonder how he is able to ship a service ? Just a warning to everybody that deals with Cerebro or a company they have taken over. If You decide to leave them, make sure they do not continue charging You after You leave. This is just a friendly advice due to past experience.

Posted by MediaBroker, 09-11-2004, 06:51 AM
Terrible service. I emailed them a few times as well, never heard back anything. I am gone.

Posted by [HC]Rick, 09-11-2004, 09:53 AM
Hi, There is something else i think i should raise concerning 'Cerebro'. On their website, AND the Ximagery website where my service is 'managed' from, they advertise the Fantastico script library. Just last week i got a complaint from one of my clients that the Fantastico service was not functioning. I confirmed this, and took it to Cerebro. He seemed alright about it, said to put it in an email and he would sort it. Then the servers went down and other things took priority in my view. Just today, after the servers come back up, i get another complaint regarding Fantastico. I check it out, and what a surprise, problem still there. So what is 'Cerebro' doing to solve this issue? I'm refusing to have any patience for these people now, after the way myself and everyone else who was effected by the mess up this week were treated. Thanks

Posted by cerebro, 09-14-2004, 09:46 PM
Hi, Well, the problem with the server wasn't us! The previous owner switched it off! We managed to get it online again. As for fantastico, it's only with one site that it isn't working. So we think it's the way your client is using the scripts, not the scripts themselves. We are looking at the problem, however we want to make sure the servers are up and stable.

Posted by whiteash, 09-14-2004, 11:05 PM
That does not excuse the fact that you failed to let anyone know for days what was going on. You have conducted yourself in an unprofessional manor from the very first letter that you had bought the company out to this latest fiasco. There is NO excuse for YOUR actions!

Posted by [HC]Rick, 09-15-2004, 03:06 AM
Hi, The problem isn't just with the account that i told you about, i tried accessing the script from my cpanel and through my other accounts cpanel, i just got the error whenever i tried to access the library. So it can't be how we are using the scripts.

Posted by Sconner, 09-15-2004, 12:00 PM
First of all, LIES! My fantastico is also down, so it's not on one site, it's on all my re-sellers. Also, the previous owner did not turn it off, I talked with him and he said he was disgraced you had tarnished his good name like that. He said he would contact you to get it online. Also, your support it terrible, no replys what so ever have been sent to be regarding this issue, also, I tried your msn counless times, to which you never replied once. I'm changing hosts regardless of what you say

Posted by RyanD, 09-15-2004, 12:17 PM
For all you having problems with fantastico is it refrencing the source guardian message about a mising ixed file for php version 4.x.x? This is a common problem with cpanel/fantastico when you upgrade php and it is easily fixed. If the host can't do this I would recomend moving elsewhere since this is an indication of their server managment skills. If they can't fix a simple problem they certainly can't maintain a secure server with good uptime.

Posted by MediaBroker, 03-09-2005, 02:35 PM
Here we go again... My site has been down for over 17 days now. Good thing the site is in the development stages not a lot of promotion has been done, ergo traffic is low, I am looking for a new host. I miss the days when we could go their website and get Live Chat support, it didn't matter if it was 3PM or 3AM they would always help you out.

Posted by hasaki, 03-09-2005, 03:26 PM
Hi Guys (again) It would seem my web hosting is down (again) and even though I and some of my customers have complained and wrote to them, they have not replied. Is anyone else having the same problem? I'm sick to death, as well as my customers, of this happening. I posted my grievances on their forum AND two days later, they had deleted the post aswell as some others that were there. Is anyone else sick of this? Anyone else having any problems?

Posted by MediaBroker, 03-09-2005, 03:36 PM
Hi hasaki Are you hosted with ximagery as well?

Posted by hasaki, 03-09-2005, 03:41 PM
yup - good aren't they hahahahahahahahahaha - sorry lost my train of thought there... and you?

Posted by MediaBroker, 03-09-2005, 04:04 PM
I am hosted with them as well. They never send you updates or anything. I have moved my company site a long time ago. There was this one time where my company website was down for 3 days. I couldn't send or receive any emails from the company domain. It would really hurt to send out an email to your customers on a status update every day. Even if there is no news, it still comforting to receive en email because it shows that the problem seems to be looked into at least. I understand that servers will experience downtime. However, how these downtimes are dealt with is a big factor on how a web host is rated. I have Fadi on my MSN, last night I asked him when he plans to have the server back response. I spoke with him a bit over a week ago and he says it's been up for the whole, and it obviously wasn't. How long has your site been down Hasaki?

Posted by hasaki, 03-09-2005, 04:08 PM
It's been down for close to 2-3 weeks now. I have sent them emails and all sorts. I have got my customers to send complaint emails too and still no response. I can only guess that Fadi does not care that people are complaining. I am really sick of this now. I have started anotehr server with another company and I have not had a problem in the 8 months I have been wih them. I really need to get backups of the sites that were on that server so my people can get on with their businesses etc.

Posted by MediaBroker, 03-09-2005, 04:30 PM
Just amazing how some owners treat their customers.

Posted by hasaki, 03-09-2005, 05:00 PM
isn't it just. I really need those backups... I can't stress how important to me this is... It makes me look stupid and it mkaes my customers think I'm no good when in fact it's the company who has the server thats no good.

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