Knowledgebase Temporary Down Because of ThePlanet Fault

Posted by dolay, 02-24-2005, 11:05 AM
I do not know if any web hosting provider is as brave as to declare their down by theirself here but i rather to do it before any customer complain here. For the last 24hours one of our filled Dual Xeon cPanel server started to live Kernel Panic because of ThePlanet Supporters fault and ThePlanet decide to chasis swap but at this time server start to goes Power Offline often. This was a filled server which was also hosting our main page There isn't any risk of loosing data or e-mails at this temporary shutdown. we are deeply sorry for the inconvenience Currently our hands are tight to do sth for this trouble except waiting to ThePlanet fix what The Hardware problem that they have caused. We believe it would be fixed at the possible soonest time however we believe and highly notice that ThePlanet profesionallity goes worser and worser day by day. I think we have to think to move our server to another reliable, fast dedicated server provider as Ev1 if they can not prevent their often hardware faults.

Posted by dolay, 02-25-2005, 07:24 AM
This problem was solved within the yesterday but i was so sick to confirm it.

Posted by WebsiteNames, 02-26-2005, 05:08 PM
DOLAY, This issue is not fixed as you state, Please address these problems as I continue to become a dissatified customer.

Posted by dolay, 02-27-2005, 12:06 PM
Yes still some other workings are going on this server for additional stabilty but As you understand from the bandwidth usage graph. this server start to work operational at 02/24 20.00 (server crash was fixed within the day as it stated above posts) The More real time server status could be seen at . Everything is transparent at us.

Posted by WebsiteNames, 02-27-2005, 04:23 PM
Dolay These issues have been ongoing for the past 10 days, when customers online businesses are offline for exteneded periods of time 8-12 hours in a day, Its cause for concern I employ 4 people and rely on newista hosting to employ these people, and I have had to pay them for hours when they could not do business with customers. I used to have 100% faith in newista as a host but this has caused me to rethink my hosting options. As I write this my sites have again been down for the last 30 minutes and your data center shows as if everything is fine and honky dory. And as I have just finished this note to you the site is now back up. Another 30 minute outage. And last wednesday after much talked about publicity about one of my sites I had a short interview on the Howard Stern show about my site, and where was my site.....OFFLINE from 6am est until after 1 pm est (and we even purchased extra bandwidth from you in anticipation of increased traffic) due to hosting failure... This equated to lost revenue lost visitors ect when people have online sites and get free publicity like this it is absolutely unacceptable when the host is down for lengthy periods of time.

Posted by WebsiteNames, 02-27-2005, 09:44 PM
if your keeping score, sites down again and looking at your data center info its just a pic that shows everything normal. will post again when they come back on

Posted by dolay, 02-27-2005, 10:06 PM
I am sorry but you have to check your own connection settings i think. It is not just a pic ! It is what exactly shows the server status in real time

Posted by WebsiteNames, 02-27-2005, 10:22 PM
How can we check our own , everything is down except of course the newista site, thats still up while us customers are left to only wonder when and if we will have service for our customers to access our business websites. score they are still down at this time

Posted by WebsiteNames, 02-28-2005, 12:27 AM
After corresponding with Dolay I have decided to take this converstaion to PM

Posted by Nathan Malone, 03-03-2005, 12:47 PM
I too have experienced terrible downtimes for the past week or so. I have had other people also try to access it and it was down for them so this is not just a problem with my connection.

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