
VarHosting Down?

Posted by rod19425, 02-25-2005, 05:51 PM
I can not get to any varhosting site.... AAre they down? or am I having a problem. I can get most other places... Time is 4:50pm ET

Posted by foxmen, 02-25-2005, 06:12 PM show: Notice: Incorrect key file for table: 'mos_session'. Try to repair it in /home/hosting/public_html/includes/database.php on line 184 Notice: Duplicate entry '1-' for key 2 in /home/hosting/public_html/includes/database.php on line 184 mossession:tore failed DB function failed with error number 1062 Duplicate entry '1-' for key 2 SQL=INSERT INTO mos_session ( `session_id`,`time`,`username`,`gid`,`guest` ) VALUES ( '9134a8ea2ef6467338130f08b4f6a6f4','1109372767','','0','1' ) show: This domain name expired on 01/28/2005 and is pending renewal or deletion. by netsol.....

Posted by rod19425, 02-25-2005, 06:18 PM
Their external site is still having issues, but it looks like my stuff is back up and running...

Posted by jpetrov, 02-25-2005, 08:56 PM
.com is not their domain. and for the error you mention - since i run mambo i can tell you this is something to do with mambo and it's database. so you can not claim that varhosting is down !? (i am not with varhosting but recently i am really fed up with the lack of principles by some members on WHT).

Posted by rod19425, 02-25-2005, 10:57 PM
jpetrov... was down for some time. They are up now. On their way back up, you got the error that foxmen showed. just an fyi... so, before you attack prinples, make sure you understand the entire issue.... I was simply asking a question. I did not specify .net because I thought that part was a given to regular users. I should have... But, the site was down, if only for a few minutes. I could get to none of my sites. And I have emails that were bounced back from On a side note.... VarHosting.NET came up very quickly.... I am glad to see their responsiveness... I am with them for 48 hours now and quite impressed so far

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