
What is happening at HOSTMATIX??

Posted by Pet2001, 01-09-2005, 04:11 AM
Hi All, MORE THAN 36 HOURS HAVE BEEN ELAPSED AND STILL THESE HOSTMATIX PEOPLE ARE PROMISING EVERYONE THAT THEIR SERVER WILL BE UP SOON. FOLLOWING IS A CHRONOLOGY OF THEIR TAILORMADE REPLIES: BELOW IS THE FIRST REPLY WE RECEIVED ON 7TH: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted on 07 Jan 2005 03:00 PM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, A server admin is currently working to get your server back online as soon as possible. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Regards, Jeff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANOTHER REPLY: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted on 08 Jan 2005 12:13 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill, This server is currently down for technical reasons. I will forward this to an Administrator to answer once this is back online. Thank you for your patience while waiting for their reply. Regards, Ryan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YET ANOTHER REPLY WHICH PROVED TO BE A FAKE ONE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted on 08 Jan 2005 04:22 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings, The server is restored after hardware replacement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONE MORE THING WE HAVE NOTICED IS THAT THEY HAVE PROVIDED FAKE INFORMATION IN THEIR WHOIS REPORT. ALMOST EVERYTHING IS FAKE. THEREFORE THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN APPROACH THEIR MANAGEMENT AND TALK. WE ARE GETTING ALMOST KILLED BY THE FLOOD OF CLIENTS' QUERRIES AND HAVE RUN SHORT OF ANSWERS TO THEM. CAN ANYONE HELP US PROVIDING HOSTMATIX'S REAL PHONE NUMBERS?? SO THAT WE CAN AT LEAST TALK WITH THEM?? Peter T.

Posted by amps, 01-09-2005, 04:42 AM
Start with turning off caps-lock!

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