
Anyone else having problems with DV2?

Posted by Rich Z, 01-08-2005, 02:00 AM
My servers have been flopping off and on nearly all day. I keep thinking my main server is down, but then I can't get to my other server at all either. Then I try to go to Coast Inc (who are managing my servers for me, and I can't get to their server either. But then when I just got into my one server, I see that it was rebooted 35 minutes ago. So now I'm not sure what the heck is going on. Anyone got any solid info?

Posted by Andrew, 01-08-2005, 03:06 AM
There's a thread on it a couple below this one. DV2 is called GNAX now. And stop using CoastINC. Those guys got half the damn network listed in SPEWS.

Posted by Selpaw, 01-08-2005, 03:37 AM
When did DV2 change names? Wonder how I missed that?

Posted by Rich Z, 01-08-2005, 03:39 AM
Really? Without dragging this thread off topic, can you point me to an ongoing thread where this is documented? Actually except for some rough spots, they have been pretty good to me. Thanks!

Posted by Andrew, 01-08-2005, 04:02 AM
Sure I'm pissed at these guys big time. They've been a real pain in our butt.

Posted by Jim_UK, 01-08-2005, 04:43 AM
I hear you Andrew.... we've had to change IP's on some servers at Gnax because of those CoastInc.... (I'll stop there to prevent the * filter kicking in )

Posted by Rich Z, 01-08-2005, 05:18 AM
Aw damn..... I REALLY hate to move to new servers......

Posted by sailor, 01-08-2005, 10:31 AM
half the network is not listed in spews - its a few class c's we have 3 /19's so this is very minor and the fact is that all those issues were cleaned up long ago - however spews does nothing to clean their databases which is why most knowlegeable admins dont use them due to the fact that they are not good and dont keep track in my opinion. spamhaus and several others are excellent though.

Posted by Andrew, 01-08-2005, 03:55 PM
Yes, I didn't mean to say that half the network is listed in SPEWS. It was an exaggeration brought on by the frustration of having servers in the blocked netblocks that these guys screwed up. Hell, I blame SPEWS just as much for not removing the blocks in a timely fashion. (hello, all you spamnazi sympathizers I know you're ready to chime in with something like 'they would remove it if blah blah blah', but we've heard all that crappola before, so stuff a preemptive sock in it.) Last edited by Andrew; 01-08-2005 at 04:02 PM.

Posted by jsw6, 01-08-2005, 05:09 PM
spamhaus is far from excellent. They do operate in a more responsible manner than SPEWS, but every interaction I've had with spamhaus has been nothing but a waste of time. They want to list your address space, but don't want to give you copies of AUP-infringing email so you can terminate a customer they say is spamming. They want to claim to help the ISP community deal with spamming customers, but they refuse to understand that you can't just turn down customers without evidence, or if you do so, you expose yourself to legal liability. If anyone has any doubt about this, I have a lovely email exchange between myself and some spamhaus supporter; and I'd be happy to share it after editing the messages a bit to conceal the identity of my client.

Posted by rusko, 01-08-2005, 10:19 PM
jeff (the non-maritime kind), i've had one exchange with a spamhaus employee/operator/wossit and although he had started off being rather rude, a copy of the infringing e-mail was provided and he came around to being perfectly polite once i'd explained that the offender had been terminated the same day the abuse occurred but we had only found out about the spamhaus listing a week later, hence the delay in requesting delisting. i admit this may not represent a statistically valid sample, but as long as we're sharing experiences... spamcop, to me, seems to be the most reasonable dnsbl around, primarily because it removes people (invariably spam nazis) from the loop. except when cluless admins have overlong caching periods for lookups against it or insist on running several weeks out of date local mirrors. granted, i don't have too much experience with most dnsbls because we do very aggressive vetting before we offer service to anyone and our clients tend to be low risk, but hey - some things you just don't want to have extensive experience with. -p

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