
Zoneserv Down Again?

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 01:55 AM
Any one knows whats going on with Zoneserv? I hosting few sites with them and its again down...... about 10-12 days after the servers were hacked.

Posted by AFMichael, 12-30-2004, 02:01 AM
I'm unable to reach their website either. Though, I am able to ping their their IP address.

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 02:47 AM
Anyone knows what's going on?

Posted by joshuayip, 12-30-2004, 03:04 AM
I think recently there has been quite a number of cpanel problem. And I am not sure why it is happening at the same time. One of my website at was done. Same day, Hostdime was patching the cpanel, site was down for 30 mins, and Gazzin was also done the day before because of cpanel.... Anyone having this prb as well? Joshua

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 03:06 AM
Hope I don't loose my data this time!

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 03:08 AM
Gil! Where are you? No way to contact you - your site is down - your IM status is 'Not at my Desk' ?????

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 05:23 AM
I think everyone has left zoneserv already coz i see no replies here. Last time I remember, there were lots of replies and many people telling their stories. I think even i'll have to shift to a new host.

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 05:25 AM
I dont think its cpanel problem. is down, im able to ping the ip address but nothing else. Can it be DNS?

Posted by NeoGen, 12-30-2004, 05:37 AM
After these downtimes, I would suggest, instead of just waiting for Zoneserv to come back, you should also start working on your alternatives as well.

Posted by rightinpoint, 12-30-2004, 05:46 AM
Have got the same problem... I HATE THEM. THEY HAVE RUINED MY BUSINESS - all my customers has left me (((

Posted by joshuayip, 12-30-2004, 06:06 AM
How long has Zoneserv been around ?? Joshua

Posted by rightinpoint, 12-30-2004, 06:10 AM
Don't know. But they are down second time during last 2 weeks. I am going to request money compensation from them and move to the another server. THEY ARE SUX.

Posted by Elven-Ranger, 12-30-2004, 06:27 AM
lol, Yep im @ Host1 Server and it's down again... But this time i have the backup.. Gil Said something with upgrading to the newest php version

Posted by rightinpoint, 12-30-2004, 06:29 AM
......I DONT HAVE BACKUP............. I WILL F@CK THEM if they lost all my data again. They are sux. Hate them.

Posted by Elven-Ranger, 12-30-2004, 06:31 AM
Well im 75% sure this ISn't another data loss. Gil said he was working on the servers very hard.

Posted by AFMichael, 12-30-2004, 06:42 AM
I tried monitoring the services via and it times out everytime.

Posted by rightinpoint, 12-30-2004, 06:44 AM
I would love if you are right that it's not data lost.... By the way, how you are going to explain to your customers why your hosting is going down second time per last 2 weeks? If it will be second data lost I am sure I lost all my customers. But the main problem that customers who have gone from me will say about this **** to everybody.... I had up to 50 potential customers and now nobody of them will want to move to my hosting just becouse some stupid admin can't make server secure.... Maybe I don't understand somethink but if server was hacked, why Gil don't make himself best to fix any possible security issue during last 2 weeks from previous hack? If he don't understand anythink in it why he is starting such busines? I hope Gil will answer that questions.

Posted by BRMatt, 12-30-2004, 07:18 AM
rightinpoint I hope for your sake and every customer with zoneserver's sake that it's not a loss again. But the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Sometimes the cheapest host is not always the smartest to go with. when reading the above posts and others about zoneserver, It seems to me that Gil or any other person that works with Gil, has a lack of communication with their resellers. You can't always depend on coming to these forums and looking for answers, and you shouldn't have to. The company you go with needs to have a backup email system such as a hotmail or yahoo address to relay information to you when the time is needed. Every minute your company is down, Your loosing money and customers and some companies don't realize that fact. If the company your business is with is lacking communication with it's resellers, I would move. Why wouldn't you? Communication is one of the main keys in any reseller business because YOU rely on US to let you know ASAP what the problem is and what WE are doing about it and an approximate time to be fixed so YOU can relay that message to YOUR customers. Now that the server is down, you may have a number of your clients asking "why is your server down" and you have no answer for them and therefor you have to make up some story or tell them "we are looking into the issue and it should be fixed any minute now". But in the back of your mind, you have no clue as to whats going on. Your host has left you in the cold with no jacket. Just my 2 cents.. Good luck with you and your business.

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 12-30-2004, 07:19 AM
Say what? If they are busy correcting errors, you really want that they should keep your site offline even longer to come to WHT to search for threads about them? Have patience please.

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 08:16 AM
Upgrading to newest php version - that does not mean that you shut your site and thousands of site of your reseller's customers. Its something serious and Gil is not around. No email address for support, not on his IM - Where are you Gil?????

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 08:19 AM
Well atleast he can drop a line to all the resellers or post a note here so that atleast his customers should not panic and they know what is the problem and how much time will it take? That won't take a lot of time anon-e-mouse

Posted by BRMatt, 12-30-2004, 08:29 AM
This forum should not be his means of a backup plan to let his customers know what the problem is. He should already have a backup plan in place other then to post what the problem is here. Leaving your clients stranded without an answer is hard to swallow for me. You run a business and you have no backup plan other then these forums? Communication is a KEY! without that..... Good luck!

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 08:43 AM
Well im able to ping to and but not to HAPPY NEW YEAR GIL

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 08:45 AM
I think i should not wait anymore.... seems to be good and in my budget... more options welcome...

Posted by BRMatt, 12-30-2004, 08:48 AM
If you care about your business and your customers, there is no thinking about it.

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 08:53 AM
yes or no for

Posted by BRMatt, 12-30-2004, 09:01 AM
Thats for you to decide not others. Do your research and ask the host questions regarding thier services. Test thier support speed and knowledge. Just because 1 person says "resellerzoom is the BEST" that doesn't mean they will be the best for you. Do your research my friend. It will help you in the long run. Good Luck!

Posted by balagoonda, 12-30-2004, 09:19 AM
I can not believe this is happening again!!!!

Posted by insitesolutions, 12-30-2004, 09:28 AM
Sites are working now but the services are down again - Thank God ! its not data loss again! apache (1.3.33 (Unix)) failed bind (9.2.4rc6) up cppop failed cpsrvd failed exim (exim-4.43-40_cpanel_smtpctl_av_rewrite_mm2_mmmtrap_exiscan_md5pass) up eximstats up ftpd failed imap up mysql (4.0.23-standard) up spamd up syslogd up Server Load 3.40 (1 cpu) Memory Used 20.3 % Swap 1 % Disk hda2 (/) 69 % Disk hda1 (/boot) 22 %

Posted by Elven-Ranger, 12-30-2004, 09:30 AM
it's Working!

Posted by, 12-30-2004, 09:37 AM
We had a massive flood going on, had to call the dc to fix the issue. We are currently working with the DC on the logs, we will catch the guys and report about them. About the backup system (email), thank you - all clients will be emailed with a gmail address that will be online and available in every time of the day no matter what. Sorry for the inconvnience, Gil -

Posted by Elven-Ranger, 01-01-2005, 01:29 PM
they are down... again...

Posted by insitesolutions, 01-02-2005, 02:40 AM
No, all my sites are working on host1

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-02-2005, 03:34 AM
My sites are working fine too. Maybe host2 are down now ?

Posted by, 01-02-2005, 11:47 AM
Unfortunately, we have not "host2" only 'Shmust2" and he is up and running smooth as usuall. Regards, Gil -

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-02-2005, 03:24 PM
That's all you can say about 2 downtimes during last 2 weeks?(with 1 datalost) - I havent got even simple "Sorry" from you for the downtime. About "host2". I am sure you do understand what I mean. I have talked about your second server (which I called "host2" just becouse I don't know how you call your servers)

Posted by, 01-02-2005, 05:45 PM
This is all I say about the downtimes, I am sorry for your data loss - and we explained many times about the datalost. There is nothing to discuss here, we will not send every time there is a 30 minutes downtime a sorry email to all clients. Have a nice day, Gil -

Posted by BRMatt, 01-02-2005, 06:11 PM
Why not Gil? Don't you think they need to know whats going on? Just to tell them you "wont" send out an Email everytime there is downtime, Is like Who cares about them, they will still be here regardless. It's called "having respect for your clients" again like I said in another post "Leaving them in the dark" Good luck! Not meaning to flame another host but I must disagree with this and say something. To hard to hold back.

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-02-2005, 06:17 PM
Maybe you will put it at the home page of the your site? Maybe a bit more clear phrase, somethink like "If someday you will see your site down - it's ok. 30 minutes downtime - isn't called downtime for our servers. Stop annoying us becouse you are looser if you can't afford better hosting." The main problem is that you don't count your clients. Yes, I am paying small amounts of the money for the your hosting. BUT. I don't need fast support. I don't need fast services. (Just becouse I can't afford expensive hosting). I JUST DO need server which works properly! Without ANY downtimes. Even 30 minutes. (And by the way, don't lie your server was down MUCH more that 30 minutes).

Posted by, 01-02-2005, 06:50 PM
30 minutes of downtime is ok according to our TOS. I do not lie, if you do not enjoy our services simply leave - simple logic. Gil.

Posted by, 01-02-2005, 06:54 PM
We are not leaving our customers in the dark, I suggest you drop it. We will not send out a sorry email for every 30 minutes downtime, if it is not accepted by you - please don't buy our packages, as we will not fit your needs! Thank you, Gil -

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-02-2005, 08:08 PM
I have checked your TOS at the Where you have said that 30 minutes downtime are normall situation for the your servers? You DO LIE. Check when first post was posted at this thread. It's 5.55am local time - at that time server was down. My post at this thread was at the 10:29 AM - I can give you 100% guarantee that your server was still down - I have checked it each 5-10 minutes. So your server was down AT LEAST 4 hours. You will still talking about 30 minutes downtime????!! Don't worry I am going to do it at the nearest time. (As soon as I will be possible to do it) Another issue that becouse of you I have lost my clients and now I have bad reputation. So do not say stupid messages like "Don't like - go away". I will do it, but I will not be able to change my current reputation.

Posted by, 01-03-2005, 01:41 AM
This is useless, and does not worth a "defence" post. You may want to think more about what you say, I really encourge you to leave with this kind of attitude. Good day, Gil -

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-03-2005, 02:19 AM
I see. You just can't explain why you have lied about TOS/30 minutes downtime and don't want to continue this thread. I don't want to talk anymore too. I agree it's useless to talk now. My clients will not come back. My reputation will not be restored at the nearest time. I just hope that somebody who will want to setup your hosting will read this topic. And maybe he will be more smart as me and will not start work with you.

Posted by, 01-03-2005, 07:35 AM
Did I lie about the uptime/tos? no I did not. Where do you see in our TOS any "ZoneServ guarantee that no 30 minutes of downtime will ever occur"? What you can see, is in our website - simply says: 99% uptime guarantee - you can see for yourself that 1% per month is much more then 30 minutes. Also, you are most welcome to visit the forums and see our uptime statistics monitored by SiteUpTime (5 minute check), do they also lie? Just for your information, ZoneServ has planty of happy customers, if you had any problems with our service I would say your side was the problem and not ours. Regards, Gil -

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-04-2005, 10:03 AM
Hey man, you know that you have lied. I know it too. You have putted domain for the monitoring. And domain was down 30 minutes. BUT. All my domains which I host with you was down 4+ hours. And as you see in this thread many other domains was down too. Where you have seen at the your TOS 99% uptime warning? Maybe you will put at the TOS message like "Becouse of the cheap price we are overselling. That's why our servers going down periodically. At the December we was down 2 times. And we think that it's normal situation so be ready to it." LOL. Maybe you need to say "ZoneServ had planty of happy customers before December"? Or you think so becouse you got mails like "My previous host was going down each 2-3 days. And you have gone only 2 times per month!!! I am very happy with your services. Thank you so much for so reliable services!!! I love you, your servers, datalosts and downtimes.". LOL. Gil, some your messages like this one and "30 minutes downtime isn't downtime" are so funny! I think after reading such messages from you only crazy will signup at the your hosting. And yes, I agree. Downtime of the my domains which I host at the your server - it's my problems. Becouse you don't care about problems of the your customers. Even if this problems are becouse of you.

Posted by, 01-04-2005, 03:20 PM
Come on, I did not lie - Please stop sharing your life problems and blaming them on me - It will not help you. The domain monitored is no other then the server hostname (in this case I am guessing like your sites he is hosted on the same server with the same HTTP and the same MySQL and the same IP address, so there is no way 1 domain was down for 30 minutes and the other one for 4 hours! And that's a fact Mister. 99% uptime warning? our website clearly says: 99% uptime guarantee (that means 1% downtime is allowed on our serves). If you did not like the idea, you did not have to signup (maybe look for a 100% uptime guarantee service or 99.9%). (If you do not believe, I can even post a screen shot (Or maybe you can simply go through our website and see for yourself)). No, I mean currently; we have planty of happy customers! And I am proud to say it . Well, I guess the best thing to say is that after your type of offensive messages any one will buy or use your services. Hope you got your mind clear now, Good day, Gil -

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-05-2005, 02:29 AM
1. My domains which I host with you was down 4+ hours. Maybe you will stop lie about 30 minutes downtime?(It was downtime for the your site ( OR for the but not for the sites which hosted with you) 2. At the your TOS page ( there are no 99% uptime warning. Why don't you put it? Put there your message "30 minutes downtime are normall for our servers" and I will stop talking about it. OR don't lie about "It's ok according to our TOS".

Posted by, 01-05-2005, 08:07 AM
This is getting rediculous. Let me repeat what I said again; there is no possibility that your domains were down for 'X' hours, and other domains (on the same server) were down for only 'Y' hours. I do not have to do anything to you, It is ok according to our website, and our TOS (as there is not section which says 30 minutes of downtime are normal). Our website clearly says we guarantee 99% of uptime (no more then 1% downtime) and we stand by it. Regards, Gil -

Posted by rightinpoint, 01-05-2005, 10:46 AM
You have lied again. It's absolutely possible. I am your customer. I have payed you. And you DO need to provide me quality services. If you can't provide quality you MUST explain why you can't do it. Becouse I have payed for it. During december my site was down 24hours+ during datalost and 4+ hours during second downtime. It's more that 3%. You have lied again.

Posted by, 01-05-2005, 11:33 AM
I encourge you to leave, I will not be willing to give you any service next month with this type of gartitude. I retire from this topic, talking to you is like talking to a brick. Have a nice dat, Gil -

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