Knowledgebase Down?

Posted by gillweb, 11-07-2004, 10:15 PM
I know most wouldn't use a cheaper web hosting company like and I know I "get what I pay for" but does anyone know any information about and why they are down? I haven't been able to access any sites on thier server for over 48 hours now? Just wondering if there is any inforamtion I should now before going to get a new host since I'm assuming the company is no longer. Sorta sucks since all my code was on thier servers and now gone if they are!

Posted by Shaw Networks, 11-07-2004, 11:00 PM
Try posting this in the downtime forum section:

Posted by NexDog, 11-07-2004, 11:36 PM I guess their server at ThePlanet tanked and they are getting a new one.

Posted by gillweb, 11-07-2004, 11:40 PM
Yeah they just put that up like 20 minutes ago..of course after I post. Does a server change noramlly take over 48 hours?

Posted by NexDog, 11-07-2004, 11:45 PM
Depends on the experience.

Posted by gillweb, 11-07-2004, 11:49 PM
ahh gotcha...thanks guys

Posted by ihawkins, 11-08-2004, 12:55 AM
Hi, is NOT a cheap host but we don't baby you with support that most will never need. We do offer premium support for those whom desire it. However.. Since we are closing our data center in Fayetteville, AR until we get enough volume to compete with the likes of theplanet and ev1, we have to colocate. We expected 0% downtime from this transition, however, some bright individuals mistakenly used the wrong IPs when they upgraded our nameservers.. So, here I am with hundreds of customers that cannot access their websites (probably half of the customers--DNS takes a while to propogate) with their sites down. The good news is that we cut costs by more than 50% and we will be able to offer better service with this. But yes, is down and no we aren't a cheap host and If you monitor the site and the uptime you will relize this in the upcoming months ahead (if you exclude today!) We are extremely experienced individuals but people make mistakes, the biggest mistakes are the completely simple ones that cause huge problems like we've seen. Luckily i caught the error and fixed it. Your sites will become available once it propogates to your ISP. I'm sorry we were unable to notify you better Gill.. You have been a great customer to us and one of the first ones. We will always value you as our customer no matter how large of an account you get. Since the DNS has not propogated to all ISPs fully yet, many of our customers are still able to view their sites. This has been reflected as we have only received 7 messages on our telephone system. We have the issue on our telephone system in which you can hear when you call our emergency support line (yes, opposed to alot of companies there will always be ways to know that there are network issues and always a way to contact us) Our contracts end at 11/7/04 at 11:59PM. Thanks, Tim Hawkins (Majority Owner) Last edited by ihawkins; 11-08-2004 at 01:06 AM.

Posted by gillweb, 11-08-2004, 09:53 AM
Thanks for the update Tim and I didn't mean you were a cheap hosting company, I just meant cheap prices. The notification is the problem Tim. In case of any errors an email to all your customers should be sent out at least 24 hours prior to any transition so I (or anyone else on your servers) may notify OUR clients also. Remember not only does downtime make rack64 look bad but me and other of your customers also look bad when we have OUR clients contacting us and we have no answer but "Sorry, server problems". This thread wasn't meant to flame but I really thought you guys were officially gone! I actually recommended you on a thread here somewhere but the notification has to get better. Thanks...

Posted by ihawkins, 11-15-2004, 03:55 AM
I totally agree with you gill and I'll be moving our sites onto it's own seperate server and will be using the helpdesk to send our the e-mails to customers. The purpose of the helpdesk we created was so customers could handle all the billing, sales and support they needed. We so far haven't had that many customers sign up for the helpdesk as we try to migrate to it. New customers will all be given helpdesk logins. We simply have not gotten enough people to sign up on the helpdesk since it was launched (we don't get many tickets anyway). I do agree with the notification issue and we will take steps to satisfy you. We will never go out of business!

Posted by brianoz, 11-18-2004, 06:24 AM
DNS takes only a few minutes to propagate these days, now that the TLD servers have immediate propagation. The problem can be if you set the TTLs too high before the move (or, perhaps in your case, get saddled with ridiculous 2-day TTLS from the TLD nameservers). Always handle this stuff yourself and never let the local klutz get it wrong

Posted by ihawkins, 11-29-2004, 04:26 AM
Depends on the ISP regarding DNS propogation.. Some a few minutes some a few hours.. some a couple of days.. I'll be doing all of this stuff personally from now on ;-)

Posted by brianoz, 11-30-2004, 12:46 PM
Most large ISPs actually submit immediately now, so the change takes place in around 60 seconds or so. It's only those with really bad systems that take longer. Things have changed a lot since the introduction of rapid whatsit a few months back (dammit can't remember it's name!!! ) For instance, I changed a nameserver before. I could see the change had taken effect at the top level servers for the domain in question in around 90 seconds after the change. This is now common, big change from what it used to be. But if your TTLs are high in your DNS data, then the toplevel delegation changes will be generally ignored until the TTL expires next.

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