Knowledgebase down

Posted by mnu, 06-01-2004, 10:59 PM
Their network was down for about 40 minutes (just came back up) - server rebooted, of course, because they have no UPS and they lose power VERY OFTEN. Will they EVER fix this problem? Its so aggrivating.

Posted by ethar1, 07-29-2004, 09:24 PM
hi, I have a dedicated server with this company, they are really a bad company very bad company. once They format my computer and say "we are sorry" Always down , always have problems. I advice any one not to get involved with this company.

Posted by mnu, 07-30-2004, 12:44 AM
They're not *that* bad IMO. Its true their cogent line goes down a LOT and they always blame it on cogent instead of taking the blame themselves. Their support is usually good although it took them 3days to replace a nic card after it died...which is pretty damn bad.

Posted by ethar1, 07-30-2004, 01:44 AM
They charge me $30 for restarting my server , which is goes down after them network shortage. I want to sue this company. they are really bad.

Posted by pmcdonnell, 07-30-2004, 02:01 AM
If they are so bad why doesn't everyone just move somewhere else? I keep seeing these posts and you would think if service is that bad everyone would just move. There are plenty of good places available. Regards, Phil

Posted by ethar1, 07-30-2004, 02:49 AM
Every minute I am thinking seriously to move out from this company, but I am afraid from new company. Interland one of the candidates. I purchase 1 month for testing. They was great except one thing "I have post a ticket that .ASP files doesn't run on my server" they reply after 7 days. I will be appreciated if you can mention specific hosting company - dedicated windows hosting.

Posted by mnu, 07-30-2004, 04:21 AM
interland's support can be frustrating too, I'd say go with Support is usually pretty fast and they're cheap.

Posted by ethar1, 07-30-2004, 04:31 AM
Great, What is the Uplink Port Speed ? and how can know about it in 800hosting?

Posted by pvanmeter, 07-31-2004, 11:18 AM
Are you sure they dont have a UPS or generator? That seems odd that they would skip something so basic.

Posted by HostUser, 08-06-2004, 08:51 PM
Wow, other people who are having problems with! Guess we will join the crowd. We've had many serious problems with, and in recent months, it's gotten really bad. Our dedicated server site would go offline for hours, and even once for a few days. I think they may have lost their talent, because they seem to have no idea how to run a hosting service anymore. They even took their online web feedback system offline (down in Feb 2004)! So... we just cancelled two dedicated hosts there and are looking forward to greater reliability at our new provider. Our recommendation: avoid 800hosting as a provider. There are many providers out there that offer better services, features, and uptime.

Posted by Nessun, 08-07-2004, 11:07 PM
Apparently the new director is going to try and straighten things up at 800hosting and I hope he does as 800 used to be a VERY good company.

Posted by B0bb, 08-09-2004, 04:36 PM
I certainly hope so, but to be honest it's also a question of infrastructure. Complete lack of UPS power, underpowered linux boxes with cheap 10/100 NICs handling 100mb pipes each, only 2 100mb connections for the entire datacenter, etc. When an attack takes place, it brings the routers to their knees as they can't handle the I/O and spend all their cpu just dealing with requests and not routing packets (as I said, low spec linux boxes). An upgrade in infrastructure and increased employee compensation so they can retain quality people would go a long way into making the company great. I know the owner really wants the company to do very well, it's just a question of making it happen.

Posted by ethar1, 11-03-2004, 03:32 AM
Read about my nightmare

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