
Excel Web Hosting is down

Posted by roybman, 08-28-2004, 11:22 PM
Excel Web Hosting has been down all day. My website is unavailable, I can't get e-mail, and the Excel site itself is unavailable. Does anyone know what's going on?

Posted by CretaForce, 08-29-2004, 04:07 AM
Do you have a telephone number or a way to contact them?

Posted by Steven, 08-29-2004, 04:32 AM
could be related to angelnetworkz?

Posted by Malenga, 08-30-2004, 07:14 AM
Does anyone know definitively if this is related to Angelnetworkz? It's been over 48 hours now...

Posted by roybman, 08-30-2004, 08:55 PM
The servers seem to be up, since I can access my web site and am getting e-mail. However, the control panel is inaccessible, the log-in at the Excel web site does not work, and I am not getting any responses to my e-mails from Excel. I suspect I may not be up for long.

Posted by CretaForce, 08-31-2004, 05:10 AM
Do backups using ftp in case you need them to move to another webhost. Also try to do a database backup using mysqldump (maybe from inside a php script).

Posted by Malenga, 08-31-2004, 06:14 AM
Try going to (if that's not what you're already doing). I got into my control panel that way, as my previous bookmark didn't work.

Posted by TheOneVader, 08-31-2004, 02:40 PM
I'm with Excell, too, and my site's down... Been down for a long time... :-/

Posted by sandanista, 08-31-2004, 04:07 PM
I had 2 ded servers with them + I'm guessing they must have used angelnetworkz as the downtime started exactly when angelnetworks started - if this is the case, there's serious problems and I don't see any of the data coming back, I've already purchased servers from liquidweb

Posted by roybman, 08-31-2004, 06:36 PM
I finally received a response from Excel. They are stating that they had a hard drive failure on Friday and had to update the DNS for the new server. My files are there, though the control panel is only semi-functional. I'm glad they're up, but, that no attempt was made to advise clients of what was happening and the delay in responding to inquiries is certainly troubling. fyi, I usually access the control panel via, as suggested by Malenga, but the script was missing.

Posted by egomzez, 08-31-2004, 08:33 PM
Over 24 hours of being down with no word from host regarding matter is cause for concern. Chaud could at least come and comment here about what is going on. Should I start looking for a new host?

Posted by sandanista, 09-04-2004, 06:54 AM
Well apparently their paypal account has been blocked now which is delaying them paying to get the servers back online

Posted by Semaj, 09-05-2004, 11:55 PM
sandanista" Well apparently their paypal account has been blocked now which is delaying them paying to get the servers back online"..........................Not sure where your getting your info but our Paypal account is not blocked & we do not use for any services.. We did have a HD failure on friday during our DNS propagation to the new server causing our site to be offline for 48 hours. Our email was down during this period. The downtime for others was due to IP migration at our datacenter when all the new IP's failed causing a short downtime while new IP's were assigned.. All is back to normal on new servers.

Posted by sandanista, 09-06-2004, 06:01 AM
Sorry, I thought this thread was about + I think egomez thought it was about that company as well.

Posted by egomzez, 09-06-2004, 10:26 AM
After a week I decided that no matter what the problem is they still have made no attempt to let me know about it. I consider them a fraud and have stopped my subscription and any payments. Since no one has bothered to communicate with me what else should I do. All my clients were in a state of extreme agitation and all I could say was .. " I don't know what is going on." That is frustrating to say the least. I am talking about or at least whatever was that company since they disappeared. I noticed that right after then went offline someone went in and removed all their contact info from their registrar. I speculate that they were over selling. I noticed in my cpanel that I was getting an overselling statement for the last month. I divided up my reseller package so that I wouldn't oversell so I know I wasn't overselling on my end. When I asked about it no one gave me a straight answer from excell. Nor did anyone point out if I were making an error. I opted for who had an awesome offer. They have been leasing servers for around 6 months. I think I will actually get to hosts so I have someone to jump to incase of another crash like this. I wonder how many people got stiffed by excell, thankfully I was on a monthly pay option so I wasn't out any money, just a lot of time and hassle.

Posted by chaud, 10-26-2004, 10:08 PM
Hooo boy do I have some 'splain to do. Some servers were at AN, and some were in a Flordia somewhere. (Not sure, I didn't admin them nor pay those bills) It appears they all went down within a few days. As for the overselling, the server you were on was not even half full, the WHM message comes up when YOU are overselling. We gave full refunds to those who asked, and if we had an email address on record you were emailed. I am not sure on the specifics on your case. However, the refunds took a while, as a large amount of claims forze our account. So far we have given out around $635 in refunds. We are back and hopefully will avoid any problems like this in the future. The clients that stuck with us were placed on a backup account. The new servers will be in the savis datacenters. As I clearly told you, we are a budget host, and if the site is mission critical you would best look elsewehre.

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