
Old Version of Websites Showing at New Home With New IP Address

Posted by macbiz, 05-04-2017, 10:31 AM
Hello Everyone! This is an odd situation that nobody that I've talked to can seem to figure out. I'll lay out the facts with the hope that someone will have an idea of the source of the problem. I have 10 websites hosted on the same reseller host. 5 of them are being affected at the new IP. I'll focus on one of the sites for simplicity. To sum up the issue, a Wordpress website that I updated last year (8/11/16) looks fine, meaning the correct updated version at my office (Location A). When I go to my new home (Location B) I see the old not updated version. This happens on Chrome & FireFox. I have 2 laptops (Windows 7 & Windows 10) at Location B which show the old version. When I bring the 2 laptops to Location A the laptops show the new correct updated version of the website. Working with my hosting company, I have run a trace route (which showed that it was going to the correct server), flushed the DNS, power cycled the modem & router, restarted computer, and cleared the cache several times. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! macbiz

Posted by victor_y, 05-04-2017, 10:47 AM
It could be a DNS cache from your ISP. Try setting Google's DNS servers next time when you are at home and see if the results are the same.

Posted by vurvotex, 05-04-2017, 11:12 AM
Did you check "TTL" of the "A" record? Good idea is to check your website IP resolve at some sites like whatsmydns.

Posted by MechanicWeb-shoss, 05-04-2017, 11:26 AM
Browse your website using a web proxy (e.g. and see what happens. If you see the new version, it could be an issue with your ISP.

Posted by macbiz, 05-04-2017, 11:55 AM
Thanks for your suggestions! Using a proxy does show the new version of the website. It does appear to be an issue with the ISP which is Xfinity (Comcast) as they were the only option where we moved. This is just one of the many problems with them... My bigger concern is that this is a client site and how many other people are being affected (seeing the old outdated version of the website) simply because they are using Xfinity as their ISP?

Posted by neXeonSean, 05-04-2017, 12:05 PM
If you're using Windows, you could try flushing your DNS cache via command prompt as well as clearing any caches in your browser(s). A general test I use is to connect my phone or tablet to the same internet connection I'm seeing the issue on and load up the page on those devices to see if they yield the same results or not.

Posted by macbiz, 05-04-2017, 04:54 PM
I have 10 websites total on one hosting account. I updated all 10 websites last year (2016). Why are only 5 websites of the 10 showing an old version of the site when at the new IP address? It does seem that there is a problem with the ISP, but why is it selective with certain websites from the same hosting account? Shouldn't they all be affected? Thanks to everyone for your input.

Posted by MechanicWeb-shoss, 05-04-2017, 06:56 PM
Errors do not maintain any rule. They have issues with their cache.

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