
Site hosted on is doing negative SEO. Abuse department unresponsive!

Posted by aritrim, 05-02-2017, 09:17 AM
So the scenario is like this, I find 6000 backlinks from a viagra domain in my Search Console. Try to figure out the host and find it's using Cloudflare nameservers. So I send an email to Cloudflare abuse who were kind enough to provide me the actual webhost. How is this domain actually sending the backlinks? They have copied a 'Designed by....' code from one of our websites and have pasted them inside their page. It can be read from 'View Source'. Now this page is replicated by 1000s of their affiliates. So I open a ticket with and tell them about the incident. Their 1st response: Hello. This site resolves to CloudFlare. We need a real address to deal with. Please provide it and we'll keep working. Their second response: We could help you only if you'd provide a real address. Hidden code... unfortunately gives nothing. Their third response: resolves to ip address . This is not our IP address. We also do not control domain names. So we cannot block a domain by name. We can block a server by IP address. Please read CloudFlare response once again. The CloudFlare only can provide you with real IP or you can try to block a domain name. Try to contact the proper name registrator. Can someone tell me how do I deal with these idiots?

Posted by mjfleming, 05-02-2017, 09:55 AM

Posted by aritrim, 05-02-2017, 10:06 AM
It's all fake. The phone number is of a hospital and there is not even a dog named Richard Lando there. The HR department confirmed it.

Posted by mjfleming, 05-02-2017, 10:30 AM
Did you try the registrar dispute address?

Posted by ForgottenTech, 05-02-2017, 10:32 AM
Report it to ICAAN for providing false Whois information. They can shut down the domain for that. Sent from my iPhone 7 Plus using Tapatalk

Posted by SenseiSteve, 05-02-2017, 10:40 AM
Agreed as this is probably the most effective way to combat this issue.

Posted by aritrim, 05-02-2017, 10:44 AM
I have already done that. But wondering if that even works? Interestingly this morning, Cloudflare is completely denying to give out any information regarding the webhost. Although their abuse page states: Cloudflare will forward all abuse reports that appear to be legitimate to the responsible hosting provider and to the website owner. In response to a legitimate abuse report Cloudflare will provide the complainant with the contact information for the responsible hosting provider so they can be contacted directly.

Posted by Host4Geeks-Kushal, 05-02-2017, 10:54 AM
You can use Google's disavow tool to mitigate this attack to a certain extent. Although, are you sure that this is indeed having a negative impact on your site? Matt Cutts has emphasized on a number of articles that another website harming your search engine rankings is not impossible but very difficult.

Posted by ForgottenTech, 05-02-2017, 11:00 AM
Also I'd like to note it's not illegal to give bad SEO. So maybe the Abuse department didn't find any cause to intervene. You can always block the domain/IP in your control panel. Sent from my iPhone 7 Plus using Tapatalk Last edited by ForgottenTech; 05-02-2017 at 11:06 AM.

Posted by aritrim, 05-02-2017, 11:05 AM
I just did! Thanks for the tip.

Posted by aritrim, 05-02-2017, 11:12 AM
Thanks. I updated the disvow file immediately yesterday when I noticed. The disvow tool however, will take around a few weeks to update. The negative impact is sure because I am already down to #9 from #3. Unfortunately Matt's videos and dialogues and the reality are like apple, orange and banana.

Posted by lehoa, 05-02-2017, 03:35 PM
Backlinks and SEO things are the terms created and used by search engines. They have nothing to do with ICANN or hosting provider. If the website has content that impersonates other individuals then ICANN can jump in to shut down the domain, or hosting provider can deny the service. But in this case, the site just display content that doesn't violate any legislation law. I agree it contains backlinks to your site, but you should resolve the problem with relevant parties, in this case they are search engines. Denying those backlink through disavow tools should be the right thing to do, and you should just wait. The ranking drop from #3 to #9 may not be the consequence of these backlinks, but maybe due to algorithm changes of google, position dancing, or other factors that you haven't known.

Posted by KMyers, 05-02-2017, 03:57 PM
Exactly - There several things that a web host should not get involved with that do not necessarily fall under "abuse".

Posted by aritrim, 05-02-2017, 09:26 PM
They have copied the entire code of one of our domains as-is into their home page. I believe that's an abuse.

Posted by lehoa, 05-03-2017, 01:23 AM
In that case, if you can show that the code is yours (by by showing them your copyright document), and not that you copy from them or other people, it is obvious they are violating the law. I know you are in a tricky position, but really there is no good solution. I have seen abuse departments take action in server resources, or use server to carry out botnet or attack other server, but I have never heard /seen any provider shutdown the hosting account because of content that is the same with other uncopyrighted content. If I were you, I simply wait for the disavow tools to have effect, or complaint to googleproduct forums about the negative SEO of that site.

Posted by aritrim, 05-03-2017, 05:17 AM
That is so true. See, all we want is to remove the Web Design by Us link from the source of the page. Because we have no connection with this website. We do not even know this fictitious company. The problem right now is 3 fold. Cloudflare is not being clear about reporting it to the actual webhost. The webhost name they have given us is denying the fact that the site is hosted on their server. They are asking for the original IP address. Cloudflare is denying to give the original IP address. Cloudflare is saying they have reported it to the webhost. But which webhost? The one that is denying about hosting the website. The ICANN information is fake too. A complaint has been lodged with ICANN. A complaint has been lodged with the domain name registrar. But 48 hours have passed and it seems nothing has changed. I don't know if anyone from Cloudflare actually frequents this forum but talking about double standards, they will surely get the oscar. This is what their abuse page states: Cloudflare will provide the complainant with the contact information for the responsible hosting provider so they can be contacted directly. But inspite of showing all proofs, their abuse representative simply said NO when asked for the IP address. It seems they are untouchable even by the court of law when there is a financial loss involved. I hope someone from the webhost, ICANN, domain registrar comes forward to look into the matter and do something about it. We have just too much proof of the abuse that's happened and that's happening.

Posted by lehoa, 05-03-2017, 08:22 AM
I suspect Cloudflare will not reveal that information unless you bring the case to court. This is their business and they must protect their user's privacy. Otherwise there is no point for them to exist. About the hosting company, from what I see you even haven't known which company this the hosting provider. After all everything you are trying to do with cloudflare and hosting company are the thing that is irrelevant to your problem. Their business will be affected if they get involve in this problem. Unless you can correctly determining the hosting company, you also need to show the proof, in terms of copyright documentation, that you are the creator of that theme, I think there is no reason why cloudflare / hosting company should resolve the problem for you.

Posted by aritrim, 05-03-2017, 08:57 AM
Ofcourse we are the creator of the theme and the issue is not about the theme being used. It has not been used. The theme code has been used sneakily to bombard bad backlinks to our website. We would not have cared if someone stole the design. But bombarding with bad backlinks is webspam and that is our issue here. Albeit both Cloudflare and the web host is at fault here because either they need to reveal the culprit or have him stop it? They do know who the culprit is. Imagine your website being spammed with backlinks from explicit websites and that too using your html code as the backlink anchor. So whatever I am trying to do is definitely relevant to my problem. I am trying to figure out the owner of the website and have him remove the backlink to stop the webspam. What's so wrong about it?

Posted by lehoa, 05-03-2017, 09:14 AM
AFAIK, webspam is not something that violates the law. Webspam is only something that violate the rules set out by search engines. what search engines say we cannot do, then we still can do, but we do with the risk of being penalized by the search engines. At least until now I haven't seen anyone open a court case about SEO. In the future maybe yes, but now still not. There are so many things that we can do to harm other people but these things are not unlawful. For example, a company has an ads campaign that says bad about the competitors and good for them. By doing so they are doing harm to the competitors, but they in no way can be sued to court for that reason. Do you get my point?

Posted by aritrim, 05-03-2017, 11:08 AM
Got your point.

Posted by aritrim, 05-03-2017, 12:36 PM
Okay finally has been suspended by the domain registrar based on our complaint. Thank you for reporting Rogue Pharmacy activity on: Following your report the domain has been suspended. Well that should be it, I guess.

Posted by SenseiSteve, 05-03-2017, 01:55 PM
So now it's time to do the happy dance. Hopefully, that should take care of it and your ranking will go back up.

Posted by aritrim, 05-03-2017, 02:49 PM

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