
Lunarpages over 5 hours down time & still counting

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 09:15 PM
I am hosting with lunarpages over 6 months now. They are consider a good hosting company with quick support and stuff. But at times they do have certain problems such as cache on server is fulled and no sql queries is able to made or some small down time. But after 6 months, it even got worst. My siteuptime tracked that their server has been going online and offline alternatively. My hosting is on their abell server. Anyone encounter the same problem also? My domain name is could u guys try and see whether u can access it? Last edited by spikeyspy; 09-04-2004 at 09:19 PM.

Posted by RWH, 09-04-2004, 09:18 PM
Have you contacted them to find out what the issue is?

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 09:19 PM
i have mailed them, but no reply yet. their main site is still up only my site is down and i still can access it from my country. Even siteuptime says it's down too.

Posted by VN-Ken, 09-04-2004, 09:22 PM
You call them?

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 09:24 PM
their r not located in the same country as i am. It's not so convenient to do so. btw, just asking for comments, do u guys think that by having a dedicated server you will have lesser downtime?

Posted by Reseller-Center, 09-04-2004, 09:27 PM
Looks more to me like you have some incorrect entries for your dns..

Posted by coight, 09-04-2004, 09:28 PM
Down from Australia

Posted by coight, 09-04-2004, 09:30 PM
Actually the domain will work regardless of that error. Hence it's pulling up the a record.

Posted by snickn, 09-04-2004, 09:31 PM
Looks like a DoS

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 09:32 PM
are you joking me mate? i have been using the same dns for over 6 months and it has been working well. Do you mean that lunarpages has changed it's DNS and they didn't inform me? no news on their site neither their forum too. I notice the downtime from my stats tracker because my site has over 15k hits per day and it suddenly drop to 2 digits figure then i check with siteuptime and it's down.

Posted by snickn, 09-04-2004, 09:35 PM
Check that appears they've changed the IP of the server.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 09:40 PM
does that means i have to wait for 24-48 hours for the whole world to update their ip?

Posted by ldcdc, 09-04-2004, 09:51 PM
I believe that the answer is posted in that thread. Seems that they're still working on the issue. Such an unfortunate situation for everyone involved. I hope things will be back to normal soon. Last edited by ldcdc; 09-04-2004 at 09:55 PM.

Posted by colorteck, 09-04-2004, 10:02 PM
You can expect downtime from any host. Stuff happens and you can not prevent it. You can try as much as you want but sooner or later the baby will go down. Why do people think that hosting companies are some kind of GOD and can predict things before they happen? people these are computers not people and they will go down. But you should know what the problem is as they should have contacted you already. Your server will be back up but I would call them to see what the problem is. Plus if they changed the Ip's to the server you should of already been aware of this if you had your email up to date. If you did not then maybe you should update your email or have an off network email for this reason.

Posted by sirius, 09-04-2004, 10:06 PM
Not to flame you, but too bad. When you pick a host, you had better pick a host that you can pick up the phone and talk to. I am tired of seeing people say, "Oh no, I havent called them because it's long distance". That's your choice and it's a choice you made when you signed up for the account. This is not a support forum. Hopefully, you are able to get your site back up soon. Sirius

Posted by colorteck, 09-04-2004, 10:16 PM
I would have to say no to this because Apache could crash and your system goes down. You will need to wait for the datacenter to reboot it if you have a rented server. You could get hacked and the datacenter can pull the plug on the server. Your chances of getting hacked are very real and will happen to you sooner or later. All kinds of things could happen with a dedicated server. Yes you will have control over it but if you do not know what you are doing then you can as well bring the server down.

Posted by FNAHOST, 09-04-2004, 10:32 PM
Well said.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 10:58 PM
Nobody think that hosting companies are some kind of GOD but we paid them to provide a hosting services. We choose them because we like the terms & packages they have. I still think that it's their duty to solved the problem quickly and try to have as lesser downtime as possible. I still did not received any mail from them yet (but according to them they said they have mailed). btw, i am using so it is offnetwork e-mail. btw, if the DoS IP was blocked does that mean the DoS attacked is not successful?

Posted by ldcdc, 09-04-2004, 11:00 PM
On their forum Lunarpages states that the customers were annouced of the IP change and of the whole situation via email. EDIT: Oops... spikeyspy beat me to it.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 11:03 PM
Actually there are many reasons why i choose a server located ni US. Furthermore, not all countries have super high-end lines which could support large b/w like US do. Do you mean that it's my choice to choose LP and if it's down I must not blame anyone but myself? Actually you shouldn't say that because as a hosting company they should service according to their terms. The terms should be applied to all and even foreign clients too. Anyway, i get what u mean but i am really disappointed to say that hosting companies in our country isn't fast enough. (Note: They r having 12MB/s for their entire data center).

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 11:06 PM
Thanks for the info. but btw, when i rent a server does that mean i ahve to configure it fully? Or issit alraedy configured and ready to go?

Posted by sirius, 09-04-2004, 11:07 PM
Nah; I think you missed my point. What I was saying is, you take a great risk by selecting a host outside of an area you will call for support. If you choose a host that you wont call, then that's your decision and sometimes, downtime will result in that. I've seen hosts that fix issues much faster when you give them a call, versus trading e-mails and tickets with them. Sirius

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-04-2004, 11:09 PM
i am still waiting for their e-mail. Still hoping for it to be back up.

Posted by Disgruntled, 09-05-2004, 12:57 AM
I was unable to connect to from my AT&T access in U.S.A. A sometimes helpful tool for checking is I got unable-to-connect messages from all Alertra sites. Message from one is as follows: TIMEOUT 30 DNS 0.149085044861 ERR Unable to connect RUNLIMIT = 240 LAST_EXEC_TIME = 30.0045678616 LAST_MSG = Unable to connect LAST_TIMESTAMP = 1094358949.86 LAST_PROTO_CODE = ERR LAST_IP = LAST_COMMAND = TCP LAST_PROTO_MSG = timed out LAST_HOST = TOTAL_RUNTIME = 30.1695129871 LAST_CODE = 3 Opus1 traceroute tool was able to trace to DNS which is registered to Lunarpages. So your account is there, but your webpage remains inaccessible. Have you received any virus email to your address listed in the whois? The reason I ask is that my domain that was hosted with Registerfly started not connecting begnning Aug 20. After a week and a half of assurances that it would be working soon I transferred to Godaddy. Anyway, Registerfly was never clear about the nature of the problem, but I began receiving incoming virus spam with NetskyP virus attached. Since the email address was a Yahoo account their anti-virus identified it and prevented download. One of the forged addresses in the virus spam was flysupport. It could be coincidence, but it makes me suspect that a virus in their equipment, besides causing the prolonged outage, may have harvested my address from them. Registerfly would not respond when I asked them about that by email.

Posted by digitalinet, 09-05-2004, 01:36 AM is down for me also. Good Luck getting backup :-)

Posted by jayzee, 09-05-2004, 01:41 AM
DOS is always the devil of all downtime!!! You are unlucky to be hosted on that server.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 03:02 AM
yeah i knew about the risk what what choice do i have, furthermore my visitors are mostly from US & european countries. but normally for such a big company i believe they have 24 hours technical/monitoring team. So if it's down they will work on it immediately compared to other small hosting company. So, even if i call or anything it still won't speed up the process since they are still working on it and according to them their r still waiting to see whether the server is stable enough to be back online. It is almost 24 hours now. I have mailed them even talk to them, but all they can say is they r still monitoring it.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 03:18 AM
yeah definitely unlucky. they have so many servers but mine was the victim. I guess i have to shift to dedicated server soon .

Posted by Maximiliam, 09-05-2004, 04:22 AM
We are experiencing a large DDOS attack on one of our servers, that is correct yes. Even though changing the ip did not help as the new ip is attacked as well. We are working hard to resolve the situation. We also believe we found the target for the large DDOS attack, and have moved that website away from the Abell server. Unfortunately it is very hard to filter the type of attack we are recieving.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 04:29 AM
Oh it's nice to see u here. I mailed support of lunarpages asking about roughly when will it be back up since it is already over 24 hours. But what i get was a replied copied from the announcement in the So, when will be server be back up? i guess alot of client in the server is desperate in getting to know the answer.

Posted by Pisces, 09-05-2004, 09:14 AM
I believe DoS attack is a troublesome problem to solve. But since it already happened, no matter what the host have to try their best to solve it ASAP. When we search for a hosting, we would always asks for reliability, support and etc. Lunarpages is considered a popular and a big company but for this case, how would everyone rate them in terms of:- a) reliability b) availability The ability of them to recover from the attack is too poor. They took too long a time to recover. I hope Lunarpages could gave a detailed report to every customers after they manage to get a full recovery. The report should include what happened and what action are done for every hour. Yes, and I mean every single hour from the time the server is down until it is up. A report such as "we encountered a DoS attack and have been working days and nights to solve it" is definitely not what the customers would like to hear.

Posted by ldcdc, 09-05-2004, 09:48 AM
Yes, it's been a long time since the problem started and most people on that server must be at the limit of their patience, but one thing has to be noted, that this was not an "average" attack: Considering their size and the time they've been around I'm sure Lunarpages had its fair share of attacks, so this one must be something really special. As I said before, it's a very unfortunate situation. Things would be so much nicer in the hosting world if such downtimes woudn't be provoked by "bad guys". Good luck to everyone involved!

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 09:57 AM
i agree with what idcdc said. But there are many reasons why a problem can't be solved any sooner. Firstly, it might be the reason that they do not have enough highly experienced staff that have encounted varies kinds of large DoS or perhaps DDoS. Secondly, perhaps they have went home after office hour and leave it for tomorrow's job. Actually it's no offence to any parties, but what if a large business sites that genarates few hundreds to thousands of dollars per day was in that server? Who is the one should bear the losses and who is responsible for it? So, lessen the recovery time is still forgivable.

Posted by Mark_YH, 09-05-2004, 10:02 AM
Then they are beyond foolish for choosing a shared environment with Lunarpages. No offense to Lunarpages, but when you are talking about significant amounts of online revenue then you go to a top shelf DC and spend plenty of money on the best hardware, best DDOS protections and the most experienced Engineers to make sure your sites are always online. You don't risk significant amounts of incoming revenue because you only want to spend the cost of a Happy Meal each month for your hosting solution...

Posted by bilalk, 09-05-2004, 10:03 AM
The "large business sites" IT director would be at fault for only spending $23/month (LunarPages' largest plan) on their web hosting when thousands of dollars per day were at stake. You can't expect much for that cost. LunarPages is not geared towards enterprise solutions... why not choose a host that is? I'm sure that would make both you *and* LunarPages much happier.

Posted by WebMate, 09-05-2004, 10:19 AM
Spikeyspy, Encountering DoS attacks like this one is not as easy as it seems and it's often very time consuming. These sort of attacks are usually launched from hundreds of different ip's, so no matter how experienced you are or how many people you put on the job it does take time!. In such situations most hosts focus on resolving the problem rather than emailing their customers every minutes to keep them updated ( or quiet?). What you must remember is that Lunarpages are not responsible for the attack, and I'm pretty sure they are having a hard time right now trying to recover the server. Why not give your host a chance and understand this is not an easy situation!

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 10:21 AM
lol, Mark_TVI only super large companies will spend on high end hardwares and best products. Even talking about small scale, even earn hundred of dollars a day or anything which u think isn't a big amount but u should know there is still losses that a party have to bear because of the down time. Also to bilalk my point is that even a $5 dollar hosting you have to take it with full responsibility. Don't tell me you are gonna reply them saying "You can't expect much for that cost.". You accept a customer you must serve them well or else why having them? Furthermore, the customer isn't asking much but just a better response by their support and shorter recovery time. Instead of over 1 day. I personally feel that no matter how much is the hosting is or whether it's a shared or dedicated it should works the same. Anyway, not flaming anyone nor offend anyone just an opinion from me.

Posted by WebMate, 09-05-2004, 10:25 AM
Even enterprise providers are subject to such attacks. If you've been around the Internet long enough, I'm sure your remember a few of those targets : Microsoft, Google, etc. Even if you pay $4000 per month, you won't be guaranteed that your server will never be attacked. All you get is a promise that there will be professionals working on your server (perhaps even dedicated to you) in such situations, and that's what Lunarpages are doing anyway.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 10:28 AM
I apologize if i have offended anyone. I know it's kind hard to tackle the problem. But i think they r a big company and they should have technical staff and operators don't they? Anyway, i was just wondering what do u mean by they r not responsible for the attack?

Posted by Mark_YH, 09-05-2004, 10:30 AM
That's not even close spikeyspy. You don't need to be a huge company to spend money on top quality hardware. Even a few hundred dollars per day is $70,000.00 per year. Spending just 10% of your gross revenue in this case would buy you a pretty nice dedicated server with solid management for a year. You cannot expect a company that charges you $5 per month to compensate you above the $5 per month that you pay for any downtime you experience. 10% of gross revenue spent on your hosting solution is a reasonable ( but probably low) amount of money to spend on your hosting solution...

Posted by bilalk, 09-05-2004, 10:32 AM
I'm not telling anyone to "not expect much" from LunarPages. The point here is the exponential cost increase as you get to faster response and resolution times for DoS attacks like this. At $23/month, one day of downtime is acceptable for such a large attack. At $230/month (shared hosting), one hour of downtime is acceptable. At $2300/month, one minute of downtime is acceptable for such an attack. (The above don't necessarily reflect my *exact* beliefs, but it gives a good idea of the exponential cost increase as you get closer and closer to that mythical 100% uptime).

Posted by jayzee, 09-05-2004, 10:32 AM
Maybe a dedicated server will be much better since you are the only admin and running one site on the server. However, do take note you are not spare from DOS if anyone wanted to attack you.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 10:37 AM
i know i will still hit by DoS even if i am using a dedicated. 1 thing i am unclear is if i am in a dedicated and i am hit by DoS who will handle the server? What can i do remotely? does blocking ip addresses works?

Posted by WebMate, 09-05-2004, 10:43 AM
They do have technical staff, admins and operators, and I have no doubt they're doing everything they can to resolve this issue. I can give you a list of what they might be going through to give a rough picture: Exactly what site is being targetted? Is that the only site? What shall we do with it? Move it to another server? Would that guarantee the site will not be attacked again? Can we get hold of the site owner? Phone him. Is he available? no. Keep trying... (this is probably what operators are doing) Oh, can someone answer those emails? (hundreds and all saying the same thing : WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO MY SITE?!) Oh, damn! someone is gone public on WHM. Can someone take care of him? -------- Priorities ----------------- Let's start analysing the logs. Are there any patterns to the ip's? How often are those ip's changing? lots more.... ...... What I meant by they were not responsible for the attack is that it didn't not happen due to their lack of expertise or competence. Can you now imagine how much resources it takes to deal with this sort of problems? I hope this will help you understand what's like to be host ;-)

Posted by snickn, 09-05-2004, 10:44 AM
Lunarpages wasn't just hit with any attack I'm sure, otherwise they'd just block the IPs...I'm sure it was big enough of a DoS where blocking IPs would have been useless (think DDoS..thousands of IPs) One advantage you would have on a dedicated server (or even lunarpages "enterprise plan") would be that there's fewer sites on a server, which means few sites to attack DoS. You have 500..600...however many websites on a server, the chances of just one being DoS'd are much greater than if you have 10 or 100... On this same token though, I can say from experience that your BitTorrent site is much more of an attraction to be DoS'd then probably 90% of most sites hosted. Most of the time whoever you have your server with would block the attack, but if the attack was of the same calibur this one was (assuming it was large, I don't actually know this for a fact) than they probably wouldn't do any better than Lunarpages, and might even just pull your machine since it's hurting the network. Budget server providers are known to do this.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 11:10 AM
i am indeed a bittorrent site but i am not a download site instead just a directory listing. It shouldn't be a problem.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 11:23 AM
WebMate, i definitely get what u mean but what i request is just the progress of it posted somewhere where their customers could view easily and it's a 1 time job compared to sending each client a mail.

Posted by I, Brian, 09-05-2004, 11:32 AM
Is the affected server back up yet?

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 11:40 AM
no, still waiting for it.

Posted by Kathleen|LP, 09-05-2004, 01:46 PM
The server is up and has been for some time, however there was an error on your individual site that has been corrected. Your site should resolve shortly. Unfortunately, this was a really bad attack. We had our admins working around the clock on this as well as working with our upstream provider. If you have any additional problems on your account, please feel free to contact our support lines. All services should be fully restored now.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-05-2004, 08:27 PM
Thanks for restoring the server but i am still unable to access my site. Also, i was wondering when will you fully allow all ips to be accessible to the site? Even if you whitelist my ip only there are many other ips still blocked and it defeats the purpose of having awebsites.

Posted by Maximiliam, 09-05-2004, 11:46 PM
spikeyspy, Please PM your ip to me and i will make sure it gets inserted. Also, we are about to slowly whitelist most banned ips on the server.

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-06-2004, 08:10 AM
i have pm-ed u...

Posted by nutritious, 09-07-2004, 06:11 AM
max, since friday afternoon, i can neither reach my website nutritiousblog-com nor lunarpages-com. my email-account is dead, too. when WILL your services be online again? however reasonable/cheap your fees are, this is not what i've paid for. chris

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-07-2004, 06:16 AM
nutritious, abell server is back up to normal. All sites should be able to access as usual. Try clear your cache or something. Your website redirects me to am i right? if that's correct then it's alraedy working fine.

Posted by nutritious, 09-07-2004, 06:32 AM
spikeyspy, thanks for your msg-- nice to know that others can view my site. yes, the re-direct is correct. unfortunately, my broser(s) (firefox, iex, etc) fail to resolve these hosts: nutritiousblog-con AND lunarpages-com... any ideas? is my ip address being blocked??

Posted by nutritious, 09-07-2004, 06:48 AM
PS: my cache is clear :-), all other sites are loading like a breeze and my gmx-net based pop mail is working like a charm...

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-07-2004, 09:23 AM
hi nutritious, this might help there is someone in the forum having the same problem as yours. try refer to it. Also try to browse few pages before it and few pages after it. Hope it helps.

Posted by nutritious, 09-07-2004, 11:03 AM
hi spikeyspy-- i would if i could! guess what happens: "www-lunmarpages-com could not be found..." PS: I'm using dashes because I may not post URLs before having posted five times *argh*

Posted by nutritious, 09-07-2004, 11:05 AM
oh, and same goes for litezome-com (your website): xxx not found. :-(

Posted by Maximiliam, 09-07-2004, 12:03 PM
I think you shold take another look at your spelling!

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-07-2004, 12:16 PM
nutritious, try instead of also, try accessing my site with or if u used because this u should try with www. 1st, check the spelling "" & "" 2nd, try both with and without the "www".

Posted by nutritious, 09-07-2004, 02:37 PM
max: thanks for your hint, but i'm not stupid. i wouldn't post here if i wasn't absolutely sure and had not double-checked. i typed quickly here, thus the typo. please take my post seriously. spikey: with or without the www prefix-- neither site is accessible to me. both cases, firefox tries to resolve the host for a few seconds and then exits with error "xxx not found" (as i wrote before). just to be sure: iex returns the same error and any other web address will open just fine.

Posted by nutritious, 09-07-2004, 02:41 PM
PS: my pop mail account with lunarpages remains unaccessible, too. btw: absolutely no chance of a typo here...

Posted by Maximiliam, 09-07-2004, 07:42 PM
I suggest you contact or call 1-877-LUNARPAGES WHT is unfortunately not a support forum for Lunarpages

Posted by spikeyspy, 09-09-2004, 06:56 AM
i guess your case might be extraordinary so i guess you have to contact the support like what max said. Sorry that i couldn't help much on that.

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