
So tell me why use a web hosting company and not go to AWS or Azure / Office 365?

Posted by OnlineRack, 04-25-2017, 11:47 PM
This is a common question that many people are starting to ask... they think the right choice out of the box is to go Azure or AWS. There are certainly good reason to go with them but there are several convincing others that can tell you why you should not. Please list give us reasons when you should go with AWS/Azure/O365 and Other Hosting Providers? I think Other Hosting provider for starters can be: 1) Fixed billing. 2) Can be cheaper if you are looking for "shared hosting" and do not want to spend more. (LAMP is cheap with shared hosting). 3) Looking for managed hosting. What else?

Posted by Chaddy, 04-26-2017, 12:56 AM
AWS and Azure are really only good if you, 1 know what your doing with both configuring web servers and know all about security hardening and managing either Windows or Linux servers, but you also need to know how to work with load balanced environments and multiple servers, as well as DNS. Single instances don't run or perform particularly well on those platforms, AWS in particular fails to handle simple brownouts unless you know how to configure your service to use high availability and multiple zones. The other option is to go with a partner and pay for a managed service but that is expensive. It all comes down to what you are trying to achieve with your web application.

Posted by Hosting4Real, 04-26-2017, 04:49 AM
I think it differs so much from customer to customer - and the reason behind it differs a lot as well. When it comes to email hosting, I think it's really just a preference for the individual customer whether they use email provided by shared hosting providers, Google Apps for Business, Office365 or other ESP's. I personally use Office 365 for email because I love Exchange - as much anti-windows I am, yet I love exchange, because it's email that actually works really great (in my opinion) - I do however deploy my own spam filtering in front. The reason why I also moved some email to Office 365 is first of all, because I used to run it on my own infrastructure, this works great until your whole infrastructure is down. Now, I could just put another machine in another datacenter, with another provider, connected to a completely separate network - but the time and money spend on that - I rather just pay a few euros a month to get exchange which works perfectly for me. Same goes for a lot of customers I believe, a lot like to keep their email separate - or they like Exchange - so I think you can choose that option or Google Apps for Business even if you use shared hosting. Now the AWS / Azure vs Shared hosting or other providers - there's so many reasons to choose one or another: If you're one of those customers requiring things you can't get from shared hosting - then sure, Azure and AWS are nice because they give you a whole lot of tooling to scale out your infrastructure quickly - but you also pay the price for those tools in the end - both Amazon and Azure are super expensive for the amount of resources you get - but since you can automate scaling up and down, it might be very cost-effective, and it gives you a lot of flexibility. In case of Amazon, they have so many tools available, like email sending, queuing systems, databases etc. - AWS might be an amazing provider. However, a lot of people can live with shared hosting, VMs or dedicated servers - and do not need all the fancy things that those scalable cloud providers bring. I guess that's also why the hosting market looks like it does today. If "cloud" were the most amazing thing in the world - then there would be not much business for the other things, but we all have different requirements, needs and budgets - and that's the beauty of it in my opinion. I honestly couldn't even see the point in hosting a small blog on AWS or Azure - it's just overkill.

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